-°~Chapter 11~°-

558 18 2

Word Count: 1,080

Uhm, Hi🧍‍♂️
No One's POV:

Once Izuku got to his and Hando's home he immediately woke Hando up and gave her some pain killers, she was grumpy from being woken up but she went right back to sleep afterwards anyway so.

He was sitting by her bed as he looked at the energy drink Shinso got him, it was watermelon flavored, the can was red with green accents, monster cans always looked gorgeous if he was being honest, he hadn't opened it yet, he was just... looking at it.

While Shinso didn't always show it, he really did care a whole lot.. Izuku knew first hand how much Shinso cared, he would always chew him a new one if he broke a bone or over used his quirk, a few times he's pretty sure Shinso actually wanted to strangle him, but this time.. It wasn't a broken bone that'd heal, it was him being a fucking fudgetive, well more like a vigilante but still.. He worried, Shinso was a worrier, and just like any normal person he'd probably never want to see him again if he ran away without even a goodbye..

Izuku felt bad, Shinso was one of his best friends and he just.. Left, he was guilty but it's not like he could do much..

Once again Izuku sighed, he was starting to feel more and more like Aizawa as time went on with how much he sighs, Izuku thought for a long minute as he wondered about what to do, he didn't have a phone.. it wasn't night so he couldn't go on patrol.. and he also had to take care of Hando so that took out any type of leaving the building..

He huffed as he put the energy down and decided to walk away in a huff, he was angry and upset and he hated it! Shinso was there from day one and even now as a fucking fugitive Shinso was willing to help him without any questions! God he was the worst fucking friend ever..

Izuku began to walk to the living room and quickly began to pace all around the living room, muttering up a storm as he walked around and contemplated on what the hell he was meant to do here- Hando is out of commission and he was stuck here in the abandoned warehouse with only so much food for him and Hando..

"Maybe I could figure out a way to get money? No I'm a fugitive.. Drugs? No I'm to clumsy I wouldn't be able to hold any without accidentally over dosing.. I can't steal.." Izuku continued to mutter possibilities but every time he thought of something he quickly came up with a very reasonable counter for why he would utterly fail, wow he sucks at this whole fugitive.. villain thing, he will never understand how they thought he could be the traitor.

"This is impossible!" Izuku groaned out as he stopped pacing, he stood in front of the slowly emptying kitchen, used to have plenty of food for him and Hando to snack and eat on, now it was becoming more and more bare with every waking day that Hando was unable to get out of bed.. And there would be many more days to come.

What is he meant to do? With so little time before they were out of food and Hando would be stuck in bed for weeks.. months even... He needed to get food for them, Hando has bent over backwards for him and he's sitting here contemplating what to do? He knows what to do, Hando has been doing it for him- there is no reason he shouldn't be able to do it himself.

If for nothing else.. He had to do this for Hando.

His fists clenched as he furrowed his brows, feeling his own anxiety begin to rise, he needs to steal.. for Hando and her well being.

But he couldn't even steal fuckibg pain killers for her! Pain killers! He sighed as he moved himself to sit back down on the couch with a thud, this is ridiculous.. He knew Hando and him needed food, resources, anything.. He couldn't contact Shinso, Shinso is with a surprisingly wealthy family so I'm sure he wouldn't mind but.. Izuku didn't want to use Shinso for his money- even if he is in dire need of it.. His mom would be ashamed of him.

Oh.. His mom, right.

Izuku kind of abandoned her after the whole incident.. He didn't even give her a second thought did he? Izuku couldn't help but ponder about what was happening with Inko as he stared up at the ceiling, he's been so busy with Hando and the whole being a fugitive and maybe becoming a vigilante thing that he didn't even have time to think about what was happening with his mom- was she worried? Were the heros watching her? Was she taking care of herself? Oh she was probably making a feast all for herself in her worry.. Hopefully Kacchan was checking in on her, or Mistuki was.. Izuku sighed loudly at his own thoughts.

Shooting back up from the couch he stood up and started to walk around again- pacing and still muttering like a mad man about what he could do..

At some point during his muttering Hando had slowly began to wake up, she laid in her bed half awake as she stayed cuddled against a pillow- she couldn't hear what Izuku was saying but she could hear his muttering and pacing faintly..

She felt bad, she wasn't stupid- she knew the situation would change when she was put out of commission, the food was probably running low and God forbid they run out of pain killers.. Hando hated that she had to lean on someone-a fucking kid no less-to get her threw the night so she doesn't scream in pure pain or go into shock from the pain, it was stupid- but she hardly had a choice.. She was stuck being a useless lump until her back was healed enough for her to walk around without screaming in agony.

Hando closed her eyes as she sighed, she felt so tired and drained.. Soon enough she slipped back into a void of sleep, hoping the days would pass faster so she could take away this burden from Izuku, all while Izuku continued his muttering spree in the living room..

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