-°~Chapter 3~°-

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Word Count: 1,269

I've got that urge to throw myself out a window once again.
No One's POV:

Izuku had run, he didn't stop running for awhile actually, when he finally stopped running he was out of breath and in an ally, far away from them.

He knew if he stopped now he'd probably fall asleep, he knew that was a bad ides sense he had 0 idea where he was, but he was so tired, so so tired, so he fell to he's knees leaning down to the ground, with a final breath of air he fell asleep in that dark ally.


When Izuku came to again he was expecting to be met with a cold concrete floor but instead he was met with a warm bed.

Snapping he's eyes opened he looked around, he was in a fairly plain room, the walls were a plain faded light blue with black trim, the door was also black, by the bed was a black night stand, the bed sheets and everything was also black, even though it's kinda plain he liked the color schema.

Once again he snapped he's attention to the door once he heard the door nob turn, when the door opened he saw a a fairly buff women (or what he thinks is a women) that looked around 5'8, she had white wavy hair that was brought into a small high ponytail, she had white lashes and bright yellow eyes, she was wearing sleeveless skin tight black turtle neck, black leggings, and she had black fingerless gloves along with black combat boots, in one of her hands she held a first aid kit making him aware of the bandages around he's forearm.

"Oh your awake, just came to check on you" The stranger stated with a kind smile.

Izuku didn't know why but she just seemed to scream safety, even tho she looks pretty badass she still gave him a sense of safety, not only that but he's tummy wasn't going bonkers or anything tho besides he's hunger he just felt safe, he's not sure how long it's been sense he's just felt safe without any lingering thoughts but he sure as hell was gunna milk this shit.

"U-Uhm were am I? Actually who are you?" Izuku questioned, he didn't feel nervous he just has a stuttering problem (Much like muah💅✨)

"Ah yes I suppose I should introduce myself, but how about we do that while I fix up your wounds?" She asked as she made her way to the bed.

When she got over there she silently asked if she could sit near him, Izuku nodded letting her know it was alright to which she sat down beside him, she held out her hands awaiting for Izuku's arm to be put there, and without complaint he did so, when she started to get to work on unwrapping it he decided now would be a good time to start talking.

"Uh miss?" Izuku called for her attention.

"Please none of this miss stuff, just call me Amber" the now named Amber requested.

"Right! Uh Amber, is that your last or first name?" Izuku wondered out loud.

"Amber is my maiden name yes, I don't mean to seem rude but I've only just met you and I don't need my identity being known" Amber stated, and Izuku couldn't be mad she had solid reasoning.

"Oh okay... So why can't your identity be known?" Izuku asked, as he watched Amber treat the scares from yesterday's training.

"Cuz I'm a infamous vigilante" she stated dismissively.

"What?! Really?! So your an illegal hero?!" Izuku asked excitedly, he'd never met a vigilante before!

"Mhm, you might have heard about me, I go by FuzzKill" Amber told him, not at all knowing the bomb she just dropped.

"FuzzKill?! As in the vigilante that gives kids stuffed animals to calm them down?! The vigilante that fights quirkless?! THAT FUZZKILL?!" Izuku asked excitedly, ever sense she'd saved Eri during an attack at the mall he'd been determined to know more about her, ever sense then he'd keep up on it and to say the least he loved her work and admired her.

"Jeez I'll never get used to having fans... But yes that's me! How'd you know about all that? Have I saved you before?" Amber asked finally finishing cleaning the wound.

"Yes! Well actually no you saved someone close to me and ever sense then I've just been a big fan!" Izuku stated piratically vibrating from happiness.

Amber snorted at the kids reaction, she doesn't ever think She'll get used to people knowing her and liking her but it's always nice knowing people out there liked her, maybe admired her, sometimes she hears kids say they wanna be like her, god she hoped they didn't end up like her, because that would be a lot of damage.

"I see, a fanboy? You must know about a lot of vigilantes and gray characters hm?" Amber questioned as she started to wrap up he's forearm.

"Oh uh... No not really... Your kinda the only vigilante I know of" Izuku stated embarrassed.

"Damn didn't know I was that bad at keeping myself hidden" Amber stated half joking.

"Huh? What no! Your not bad at hiding your identity I'm just good at finding people! Oh no that sounds bad what I mean is I just have a keen eye- your really good at hiding your identity imsosorryifioffednedyoupleaseforgivemeididntmeantotbemean-" Izuku was cut off from he's nervous break down when he heard Amber laughing, he first thought she was laughing at him but that didn't seem to be the case.

"Jeez kid breath! It's alright, I'm not to focused on staying hidden from the police anyway, I'm just here to help people, now how about you put that rambling to use and tell me about yourself hm?" Amber questioned with a chuckle at the end, she was amused by it really.

"Ah! Okay! How about 20 questions?" Izuku suggested, he figured it'd be the best way to go.

Amber nodded in conformation and sat herself criss cross applesauce in front of Izuku, from there there game of 20 questions started.


It had been awhile sense they started there game of 20 questions and they'd learned a lot about each other, Amber was 32 and she's been a vigilante for 12 years, her quirk was called "stuffed animal" which is really the whole thing, she can make any type of stuffed animal no matter the size, color, complex, she can make them all, though it took nutrients and such out of her body so she had a lot of pockets in her costume to hold snacks, she's originally from America and her favorite color is yellow.

Izuku had told her about about everything that'd happened to him, how he was quirkless, hell he even told her about the secret of OFA, he didn't give a single shit anymore and it's not like he really wanted it anymore, all might must have forgot he couldn't just take OFA because he still very much has it, but anyway, she knows of what happened and everything, but now they were on the final questions and Izuku needed to ask he's question.

"Hm, so what's your favorite animal?" Amber asked, she didn't have any important questions so she settled for normal things such as that.

"Oh I love tigers!" Izuku stated happily, Amber chuckled at he's excitement.

"Alright, well ask your final question kid, make it count" Amber stated a small smile still adoring her face.

"Can I live with you?"

Amber choked.

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