Part 27

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🅰🆁🅸🅴🆂 and Estella left Rue and Katniss the moment the sun started peeping at them horizontally. Estella transmits behind the bow and arrow for Katniss and some survival kit things for Rue.

"You heard about the new things arriving at Cornucopia?" They both have been traveling for the past 2 days by foot, mostly because Aries hates the tree since with his big build it was almost impossible for him to climb high. Estella has an ear leaning against a tree trunk while softly tapping it for a hollow watery sound inside, glancing at Aries for his question.

With a glance at his stupid grin, Estella knew what he was planning. "I'm not going anywhere near that stupid zone. You should know too that Cato and his companions would be guarding it." Aries shrugs his shoulder, "True." But that didn't stop his mind from going wild with how he could get that new stuff. He was extremely pleased when the image of Cato being tortured before death with his own hands.

"I don't like that creepy look. Lose it."

Aries chuckles and they soon reach an open meadow. It wasn't a good idea to be out in the open but both really needed something open and breezy than the bothersome trees, boughs, and branches every moment they shift their head.

Estella is the first to collapse herself considerably powerfully on the smooth grass. She spread her arms and legs like a starfish which Aries observed to be extremely adorable. Taking a seat beside her, their legs opened before he pulled them up to rest his arm over his knees. Estella took a deep breath through her nose before realizing it out from her mouth, no longer smelling the musk of pines and woods but instead fresh air with a cold tinge to it.

"So... the Cornucopia?" Estella whimpered like a child, banging her legs up and down against the grasses as Aries's booming laughter filled their ears. He wasn't going to give up on the intention of getting new things, although, he doesn't want to bequeath Estella unknown of his whereabouts. "You're not going to shut up about this Cornucopia, are you?"

"No, love. And you know it." Estella softly sighs. She isn't one to chain people from doing want they want or believe is good for them, she is a truly open-minded person. Conceiving carefully concerning the pros and cons of this, but when she glimpses at Aries.

Seeing him gazing off into nowhere, with an almost broken look at whatever going through his mind before staring back into her innocent eyes. She licked her lips before watching off into the feathery clouds. "I don't want to go..."

The silence blankets them with compassion, Aries declaimed nothing to protest at Estella while Estella herself retained her eyes off into the north. "... You'll be back... right?"

He smirked, and let out a puff of air with his chuckle. Persisting up carefully with his sword along his right arm. Leaving behind everything else in Estella's possession. With his free hand, he bends down to ruffle her hair, turning it into a mess while she curses at him.

"I would never leave you behind... I did once, and I regret everything." Estella raised a brow at Aries, not understanding the last part of his sentences but questioning nothing off it. They maintain eyes as if this might be the last, they see each other, taking in the smallest detail they have on each other.

"I'll be back before you can say my name." With that Aries left the girl. Estella although didn't speak of a goodbye nor persisted in apprehension from her position. She gripped her heart on Aries' footsteps until it became deaf to her ears. "... Aries... Aries White."

She let out an exhalation knowing the male didn't hear her murmurs of a desperate tone for his return, but it didn't hinder her from hoping he did.

➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶ ➴ ➵ ➶

Aries emerges from behind the brush, scouting, listening for unseen threats, with his sword ready in hand. Luckily the Cornucopia wasn't far from the meadow Estella was seated anticipating him. As Estella assured him, there his target is: Careers, camped 100 yards from the Cornucopia.

Cato, Clove, Marvel. Surly and covered in welts, along with a boy Aries didn't recognize nor took much acknowledgment to. He took a mark on how Peeta wasn't seen anywhere with the group.

The supplies are stacked in a pyramid: crates, plastic bins, and a burlap sack, all covered by mesh netting. As Aries scan the surrounding carefully, his eyes fall on Katniss, lurking too. He frowns, attempting to get a more immeasurable peek at District 12's girl.

Rue doesn't seem to be anywhere. He starts wondering what is she planning. He got his explanation when Cato started shouting to get his group's attention. There the azure was a trail of smoke rising from a distance.

The Career started gearing up, leaving the boy to be in charge of their material which Aries find completely ridiculous. Aries took action, not bothering about Katniss, desiring to get what he needed and back into Estella's warm arms. But then he stops, he heard something: a rustling as another Tribute emerges from nowhere, approaching the pyramid. It's Foxface, the Girl from 6.

Foxface nears the Pyramid, doing an odd little hop from one spot to the next as if avoiding something. Aries clicked his tongue, annoyed that things weren't going to be as peaceful as he thought. His eyes follow as the girl swipes some crackers from a crate at the Pyramid's base, and apples from the burlap sack stuffed into her backpack.

Then she hops away like a sprite, just as daintily as before, avoiding certain spots, the place it mined, and Aries is quick to understand, memorizes the step the scanty girl took. Foxface easily got away from the boy on guard, Aries ticked mumbling the word useless under his breath.

Getting out of his hiding, instantly Katniss's perception is on him in shock at his sudden appearance. "Hey, kid! I'm bored! Let's play!" Aries snicker like a maniac while the boy was individually shaking like a puppy while holding onto his spear as if his life depends on it. Which, it does.

 Which, it does

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