Part 28

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🅽🅾🆃  wasting any more time, Aries onslaught with the speed at him. Steadily catching the vulnerable throw of a spear aimed at him which made him roll his eyes. "How did you even survive?" Aries mocks, scanning the spear in his hold before the boy. Getting bored easily, the boy is almost wetting his pants.

Aries stops in front of the stacked pyramid, disregarding the male now, knowing he couldn't even harm him if tried. Looking at the ground carefully, Aries follows the same steps he mesmorise by the Foxface girl. Efficiently obtaining, a filled backpack, fruits, and a whip that cause him to smirk. "Stellie is going to love me."

Once he got out and was safe from the planted bombs, he glanced at the boy. Throwing back the spear it landed directly between his twig legs causing him to drop back at the abrupt action that frightens him. "Damn, missed," Aries smirks in comparison to the male sobbing eloquence.

"You got 10 seconds to get out. I like to play with my food." Aries licking his lips teasingly, if possible, his eyes went narrow scarily. Belting off to his feet, plunging the spear off the ground before dashing off to where the Careers went off.

Aries remained for a second, not moving an inch. Casually he turns his head, eyes falling undeviatingly on Katniss and it would be a lie that those motionless eyes didn't terrify her. You can never know what's going on in his head. "Normally, I would kill and you are no exception, Ms. Everdeen." Aries playfully waltzes with his sword, swinging it around in his hand while Katniss shakes and promptly prepares her arrow and aims at him.

"But for some reason. Stellie got some... liking? Towards you." Katniss doesn't know where this conversation is going but she keeps her guard up. Aries is the type of person you need to, friends or not, the guy is unpredictable. "And that Peeta. She's starting to grow a soft spot for him and I hate it. Rue is fine. She's cute, I get to play family around her-."

"W-What's the point here!"

Aries growl, Katniss stops his imagination from fantasizing about life, and his family with Rue and Estella. Commonly he would let his anger take control of someone who lacks manners when he is conversing however his mind nagged him about Estella who is waiting for him.

"... I'm sparing you here. Just this one time. Go ahead and destroy this. That's your plan, isn't it?" Aries smirk, he ultimately uncovers Katniss's intention again, from the very beginning and it starts to bother her. Mocking a salute, Aries rushes off into the woods with a huge smile to get back into Estella's arms.

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The sound of a cannon blast broke Estella's slumber. Frantically looking around the meadow, she spots Aries back and sharpening his sword. New belongs now surrounding them. But that was not bothering her. Her heart was telling her something was wrong, something terrible.

"You awake? I'm kinda of disappointed. I expected a 'welcome home, honey'. Not you snoring your ass off.

 Estella slowly stood up, Aries took notice of how her eyes were in a frenzy. something wasn't standing right with her. "You okay, love?" / "Just feels weird." She walks up to Aries, lying beside him now. Her mind was bugging her and, to get her conscious of this feeling, she commenced plucking grass and tiny flowers and began her braiding.

Aries peeps at her, disheveling her hair in comforting fashions before he continues his blade sharpening. "Did you have fun?" Estella opens a topic to talk about. He smirks remembering the huge fire Katniss concluded, he can conceive Cato's hysteric anger appearance. "I would have more if you came along."

Estella giggled, her heart coming at ease gradually. The sun was almost setting, the sky was becoming more orange. "Right, got you something! I'm sure your affection for me will grow!" Estella watched as he stood up, ransacking through the new things he brought back. "That's really big words you sprouting" She found it amusing, wondering what would make her so happy.

"GOT IT!" Aries's voice booms through the forest, their camp would have been discovered if he had been any more emphatic. Scooting to assemble closer to her, he sprang out a black whip. It did genuinely surprise her, a smile developed that made Aries's pride grow too.

"Ok, you have now permanently owned a spot in my heart." Aries frowned at her words, "Are you saying I wasn't before." Estella disregards him, about to reach out for her favorite weapon until Aries moves it behind him. "Where exactly was my place before this thing came in?"

"Can I touch it, come on?!" Estella whines more when every time she reaches out to gain the whip, Aries seems to make it further with his long arms. Aries insists on an explanation with stern eyes. "Fine... Fine... You can't blame me. I just met you on the reaping day."

"That's not true! We met way-" Aries immediately sealed his mouth. Estella frowns seeing those shattered eyes yet again on her. Estella is an observant person, she would notice how sometimes those eyes would reappear, what disturbed her was it would frequently be when he looked at her. "We met way, what?"

Aries let out a cough, moving his eyes around the now-darkening meadow. Licking his lips while he took a big gulp. "A-At... the forest," Estella took a second before she remembered, it was him who had taken those poisonous herbs if she hadn't warned him. "That's right. You would've died," She giggled causing her body to lean close to his face, her eyes trying to read his hesitating state.

Aries wasn't bothered by the close distance they were in, letting a slightly broken smile before replacing it with his smirking attitude. "Are you leading me on here, Stellie? My exes say I'm a magnificent kisser. Wanna try?"

Estella scoffs, rotating her eyes while she slaps his chest. Getting the whip from Aries. While she scans the weapon in her hands now in delight. Aries stares at her with those mournful eyes. He takes a deep breath, looking up into the sky as if he were trying to hold something in, "We met way before that." He whispers, oblivious to Estella's ears.

" He whispers, oblivious to Estella's ears

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