Part 30

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🅴🆂🆃🅴🅻🅻🅰 took a repeated breath; her eyes were befalling teardrops even if she tried to hold a front. Aries took intimation of this, observing Cato and Clover still getting themselves together, he struggles Estella away from them, causing her to be confused.

"Go! Go! I'll take care of them!" Aries notices Cato running to them, taking the hit and holding him back by pushing his weight on the ground. Grunting, before punching him by his side, earning pains in Cato's ribs. Aries pushes Estella once more into the forest, "Go see her! You haven't said your goodbyes!"

She finally gets it, her mind pondering on bequeathing Aries or running to morn for Rue.

Aries swiftly caught Clover's knife, cutting his palm but it didn't seem to bother him as he threw it right back at her, clasping her clothes to the tree. "N-No. I-I c-can't-" Aries punches Cato right on his nose, which should give him a few seconds to talk. Rushing to Estella, Aries holds her shoulder gingerly. "Listen to me. I'll find you. I'll never leave you. I promise and you know I never break my promises. Go."

Estella took a deep breath; her eyes were red from countless tears. Hesitantly nodding her head while maintaining eye contact, "Promise?" Aries smirks, showing his playful side before he pushes her last time into the forest. This time the girl listens and runs the fastest she has, "Tell her my goodbye too!"

Aries watches as Estella's figure becomes a dot before turning his attention to Cota and Clover. When he did that a knife was aimed at his right eye which he dodged but it issued a big cut on his eyeball causing him to bleed a waterfall and groan while clasping his eye. "FUCK!"

Cato and Clover smirk as he curses, trying to blink the pain away but a feeling told him that he might be just half-blind now and that didn't sit well with him. Slowly raising his head at the two, glaring fiercely at them, ignoring his aching pain and the blood covering half his face. His bloodlust coming out. "I'll say it again. You both have a death wish!"

Aries picks up the closet weapon in his reach which is a sword. "You better start running, 'cause I'm going to start killing." Sensing the danger, they were in, Cato and Clover began doing so, running. While Aries pursued after them cursing vehemently while laughing like a maniac. His voice filled the whole forest, scaring even the animals.

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Estella wasn't in the appropriate state for survival. Her mind is in a frenzy, running from every spot she would think Katniss or Rue would be. From where she first met Rue in the arena to the spot, she and Aries left her with Katniss.

With every step, her cries follow her along with her tears, praying in her mind that this was all a technical mistake and Rue is alive. That didn't seem to be the case. By now the sun is almost rising, being a beautiful dawn that Estella would gawk at its beauty. If it wasn't what was in front of her.

Estella felt like a rope was tied to her neck, her sobs were almost choking her at the sight.

Rue's body lay with flowers, one stem at a time decorating around her smaller frame. Covering Rue's wound, wreathing her head, weaving petals through Rue's hair. It was like a sad, loving farewell.

Carefully, Estella marched toward her friend's dead body. Falling to her knees right beside her, her sobs become noiseless as if not trying to wake up Rue's peaceful sleep. Estella notices the Mockingjay pin on Rue's clothes. Told her Katniss was the one to give Rue a stunning departure.

She hesitantly raised her hand, her fingers quivering uncontrollably as they gazed tenderly through Rue's hair. Her cold dead skin felt so clear against Estella's warm touch, and it broke her more.

She sat into a ball, attempting to settle her tears as her mind gave her a memory lane of all the time she had spent with Rue before and during the Hunger Games. Estella slowly stood on her knees, clasping her hands together as she closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, she prays for her friend for the last time.

Once she was done, her tears stopped but her heart still ached. She gazes her finger on Rue's cheek, remembering the softness and how she would whine, making her chuckle at the memory. "In my district, we would sing a happy song on this occasion..." Estella took a deep breath, looking at the sky to blink away the upcoming tears. "We don't mourn as we believe that they would want us to live happily... I'm sorry."

Estella sniffled and let out a breath. "I'm sorry I can't sing to you. My heart hurts to-... much." Bringing her hand back on her lap, she fiddles with her finger and looks around at the hidden camera, knowing the game makers are watching her. "... I can the most give you a smile. A goodbye, Aries too pass his."

She kept her eyes on nowhere. Gathering herself, Estella put on the brightest and most genuine smile she could uphold. Even letting a fragile chuckle so it would be more believable, unlike her broken eyes.

"We'll meet one day. And on that day, I promise to sing thousands of songs for you... Wait for me." Estella stood up the sounds of the helicopter coming to get Rue's body filled her ears in the distance. She knew what was going to happen soon, and she would rather not see it.

Taking the Mockingjay pin from Rue and apologizing softly for doing so, "I have to bring back something for Thresh." Lingering a soft kiss on Rue's forehead. Estella slowly walked away, her feet felt like stones even her heart. But she kept her eyes straight ahead, ignoring the loud sounds and winds coming behind her.

Slowly she looks up and spots one of the hidden cameras. It caught the last tear to shed for Rue in the corner of Estella's eyes before it turned wicked with anger and warning. The most penetrating look that anyone has seen put upon the girl.

 The most penetrating look that anyone has seen put upon the girl

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