Me? Mad at you? Never.

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~Y/n's pov~ 

Ok fine, I do have a crush on five hargreeves even though he hates me. I mean who wouldn't have a crush on him?! That guy is another definition of HOT! Me and five always hated each other ever since we were little. Our siblings always shipped us and shit but like, it doesn't look like five likes me so I just play along. 

He would always start a fight with me and I always let him win. I don't even know why I let him win but I just do. Yeah we argue but something just feels off. Whenever I do something or like break something that belongs to him, his eyes just soften at me. Why? Fuck do I know. 

Am I just paranoid? Nope. Even klaus, ben and vanya has noticed his actions too. Kinda weird for a boy fighting with me ever since we were born, like come on. I was getting concern at his actions. 

Let me show you an example of what I mean


I walked in five's room to borrow his glue gun for my little art and craft that I was making. I didn't see him inside his room and I'm sure he wouldn't mind me just borrowing his glue gun for a while. Annoying how he freaking locked his door this time though. Like, he never does this before and now he's just going to do it out of nowhere? 

I used my hair clip to unlock it until I hear the sound of the 'click' of the door unlocking. I opened the door and walked over to his desk to grab the glue gun. His room was fairly more clean than the other rooms to be honest. Like there wasn't even a single lump on his bed. The sheets were perfectly flattened and even the pillows. The room was completely SPOTLESS and I just can't believe a room could be this clean. Talk about levi ackerman. 

I scanned the room and everything was still in the same place the last time I saw it. I was about to exit the door but a picture frame caught my eyes. It was standing on the night stand beside five's bed. To my surprise it was a picture of the both of us together. I knew it was just a recent picture that was taken on christmas day by klaus. And gosh do we look awkward. We were just standing beside eachother with awkward smiles on our faces. No movement whatsoever or like a pose or something.

I quickly jumped at the sudden 'boom' that I was sure came from downstairs. Oh fuck klaus is doing experiments again. My heart dropped when the picture frame that I was holding dropped to the ground and the glass shattering into a million pieces. 

"Y/n?" My eyes widen. Shit, that's five. I shot my head up to see five standing right in front of me. Looks like he just came in. 

"F-Five I-I d-d-didn't m-mean t-to-" Before I could continue, He went over to me, placing both of his hands on my shoulder, He then placed one hand on my cheek and rubbing it softly with his thumb "Are you ok?" My hand was on his wrist as I nodded "But the picture frame isn't." I told him in a low voice. I let my head down to where the broken picture frame was and I heard five sigh "it's ok. I'll just have mom make a new one." I made my lips thinner and didn't bother asking why he had a picture of us in his room.


Yeah. It's like he completely changed his attitude or something. But whatever. 
Me and my siblings were on a mission to capture this crazy scientist who was making dangerous potions or whatever. Me and five were on the most important mission to capture him while my siblings defeat the guards. 

The scientist were throwing potions at us and I was just running at lightning speed at the tables, trying to avoid all the broken glasses and potions that were spilt. I felt a cold liquid on my back and I soon realized that the scientist hit me with one of his potions. 

My stomach started to feel like I was about to throw up and I completely lost balance that I didn't realized I fell on the floor on my knees. I felt action going on behind me and I just knew that five was trying to kill that damn scientist. 

I grabbed a gun that was beside me and pointed it at them. The scientist was laying dead on the ground while five froze at his spot when he saw me pointing the gun at him. He raised both of his hands up and was definitely confused at what was going on. 

"y-y/n, what are you doing?" I didn't know what I was doing. It felt like I couldn't control my body. I didn't know why I wanted to shoot five, I really didn't. I bet it's the fucking potion. 

"Y-Y/n, drop that." I couldn't drop it. I didn't know how. It felt like my body was taking control of me and I don't know how to control it myself.

~No one's pov~ 

Klaus defeated the last guard and met up with his siblings, they all looked at each other and noticed five and y/n still weren't there "We have to go there now. What if something happened?" Diego says, running inside the lab only for his siblings to follow him. 

All of their hearts dropped when they heard a sudden loud bang coming from inside the laboratory, Luther burst through the doors and saw a bleeding five that was about to collapsed on the ground and y/n holding the gun.

Luther, diego, allison came to five while klaus and ben tried to calm y/n down "Y/n?! Can you remember us? It's me, ben!" Y/n started to shake when her vision started to get blurry. 

"The potion that was threw to her was a potion where she can't control her body properly and she might've mistaken five for the scientist." Allison told them once she saw the potion bottle that was threw to y/n. 

Five was quickly rushed into the infirmary room where he was treated by grace and y/n's potion started to wear out. She couldn't believe what just happened, and fuck she was so stupid when she found out she fucking shot five hargreeves in the side of his stomach. 

All the siblings were sitting outside the infirmary, waiting for grace to exit. Soon enough grace came in with her max and gloves on "Number five will be alright. You can go visit him but only one at a time." Y/n didn't think twice before running inside the room. 

She saw five laying on the infirmary bed, just looking up the ceiling, he noticed her presence and quickly sat up from his bed, y/n ran to him before engulfing him into a hug making five groan at the pain of the bullet wound that still wasn't fully healed. 

Five hugged her back, putting his chin on top of her head "I'm sorry." she whispers, but loud enough for five to hear. 

A little smile appear on five's face, this was the first time that he ever heard her apologize to him and it's clearly obvious he was happy about it. Five laid his head on top of hers and giving it a gentle featherly kiss. 

Y/n looked up to him at surprise from his action but before she could say something, five placed his finger on her lips, keeping her from saying anything. 

"Shh, just let me love you." Y/n tried to keep the redness that was devouring her face from putting her face into five's chest, making the boy place his head back on top of hers and a little chuckle appearing from his lips.

"I thought you were going to be mad at me." Five furrowed his eyebrows, he cupped y/n's chin making her look up at him. 

"Me? Mad at you? Never."

Aidan Gallagher//Five Hargreeves ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now