(request) Oceans 8 characters reacting to a panic attack

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hey! so before i start, i just want to say, the description of anxiety attacks in this head canon book is based off of my personal experience!

i am only doing debbie, lou, tammy and rose for this headcanons chapter because i don't know how the others would react. i'm sorry if you are disappointed

once again, please leave any requests that you may have and i'll try my best to write them asap! 💗💗


• debbie would hold you in her arms and make sure you felt as safe as possible
• she would let you rest your head on her heart and tell you to listen to it and mimic her breathing
• "i've got you honey, you're safe, nothing can hurt you" is what she would whisper to you
• she would get to the bottom of why you were panicking so that it wouldn't happen again
• threatening to kill whatever made you anxious
• "do you want to watch a movie?" she would ask gently
• you'd nod, not able to talk so she would put on your favorite movie for you
• forehead kisses
• she would make you feel really safe in her arms and eventually you'd calm down


• lou would be really concerned and worried for you
• she would have you on her lap and run her hands through your hair
• "i-i cant breathe" you would whisper in a panicked breath
• "copy my breathing baby. in for five, one, two, three four, five." you would follow her instructions. "good girl, now out for seven. one, two, three, four, five, six, seven." you would do that too
• "good girl." she would comment and kiss your cheeks
• you'd lay your head on her lap and she would play with your hair
• once your breathing was normal you'd whisper a gentle "i love you"
• "i love you too, try and get some sleep, i'm right here." she would say with a kiss to your forehead


• tammy would be THE BEST at comforting you
• she would definitely know when a panic attack was on its way, she would know all your nervous ticks and would sense immediately whenever an attack was coming
• "tam?" you'd pull on her sleeve a little, the overwhelming feeling would creep up into your stomach
• the group of women would intimidate you, causing you to often be overwhelmed by everyone talking at the same time
• tammy would know immediately what was wrong and excuse you both
• she would take you to a quiet room and hold you
• "you're okay sweetie, i've got you" she would say, holding you close in her lap
• you would rest your head on her chest and listen to her heartbeat, this would slow your own right down
• she would whisper in your ear "good girl, i'm so proud of you, you can do this, keep breathing"
• tammy would make you feel so safe just by her presence
• she would hold you close until you'd calm down and then take you in her arms back to where the other women were sat
• "i love you, you can stay right here on my lap."
• you'd rest your head in the crook of her neck, feeling comforted and protected


• rose would be happy to comfort you
• she would tell you to breathe in and out slowly
• breathing exercises
• "good job honey" she would whisper in your ear making you smile
• she would tell jokes to make you laugh
• she would make sure you felt safe and play with your hair a lot
• you would be allowed to play with her fingers because that would comfort you
• she would run her hand up and down your back "you're doing so well at breathing, well done sweet" she would comment every so often
• once you were breathing correctly, she would sit you on her lap and you would cuddle for the rest of the night

word count: 648

sorry this is so short! i didn't know what to write, also, my cousin mallory did most of the work on this one, so credit to her. hope you enjoyed!
feel free to leave any requests! 💗💗💗

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