(request) Sarah Paulson characters reacting to a panic attack

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hey! so before i start, i just want to say, the description of anxiety attacks in this head canon book is based off of my personal experience.
also, i am aware that this is not all of sarah's characters (these are american horror story only), i don't know how to write for some of them because i find it too hard, i'm sorry
please enjoy and leave any requests that you may have!
-evie ✨


american horror story:-

billie dean howard - murder house / hotel / apocalypse.

• billie would know exactly how to comfort you
• she would understand when you were about to have an anxiety attack because she knows you so well
• she would pull you into her lap and use her acrylics to soothe you and when your breathing would pick up because you'd start to panic she would sit you on a chair and hold both of your hands in hers
• "look at me darling." she would say and make sure you were focusing on her face
• she would take your hand and put it on her chest
• "breathe with me, okay?"
• her heartbeat would soothe you and then you'd get back into her lap and she would wrap her arms around you and hold you close
• "i love you my darling." is what she would whisper to you
• "you're safe, i've got you." she would say just to make sure you knew that she would always keep you safe

lana winters - asylum / roanoke

• lana would understand the anxiety and the feeling of being overwhelmed all too well
• she would soothe you as soon as you felt yourself start to panic
• lana never wanted to see you in pain, or worried about anything so she would try and protect you from everything
• your breathing would start to pick up and you'd look at lana and she would take your hand "look at me baby." she would say and you would, feeling yourself getting lost in her eyes
• she would find ways to ground you, "what colour are my eyes y/n" she would ask gently
"b-brown" you'd stutter
• "good girl, and what colour am i wearing?" she would ask again gently "blue" you would reply, your voice becoming stronger with every answer
• she would stroke your hair once you'd calmed down
• laying your head on her lap while she reads to you

cordelia goode - coven / apocalypse

• cordelia would be around you 24/7 so she would sense when you felt anxious
• "delia?" you'd whisper whenever you'd start to feel overwhelmed and you'd take her hand and start playing with her rings, a clear sign you felt anxious
• "are you anxious my sweetheart?" she would ask gently
• you'd just nod and she would take your hand and stroke her thumb over your palm
• she would pull you into her lap and whisper "i've got you sweetie, you're safe now." and hold you until you calm down
• she would tell you that she loves you and kiss you all over your face
• when you'd start to feel better, she would run her hands through your hair and play with it for a while
• "thanks delia" you'd say quietly, "you're welcome darling"
• she would tell you how much she loves you again and again, and make you feel so safe
• "i will always keep you safe angel" she would promise
• you would just smile, knowing her words were true

sally mckenna - hotel

• sally would be upset that you felt anxious and would try her best to console you
• "come here love" she would say and tap her lap, you'd walk over and sit down in her lap
• she would cradle you and whisper to you
• "you got this honey, breathe for me, that's it good girl" she would say, reminding you constantly to breathe
• once your breathing would get better, she would wrap you up in her arms "i'm proud of you sweetheart, well done" she'd say, rubbing your back with her hand
"feeling better?" she would ask gently, "mhm" would be all you'd get out and she would be satisfied with that
• you would take a nap together afterwards
• she would post a photo of you sleeping on her, onto her twitter account and would say "look at my sweet girl 🥰"
• everyone would comment how cute you are

ally mayfair-richards - cult

• ally would know EXACTLY how to deal with your panic attack because she is so used to having them herself
• "look at me sweetheart" she'd say gently, putting her hands on both of your cheeks
• "good girl, now breathe with me" she would say, gently persuading you to copy the same breathing as her
• she would move one of your hands to her chest, "feel my heartbeat?" you would nod in response "good girl, let's try and get your breathing normal then we will talk" she would say
• lots of "sweethearts"
• "you're doing such a good job sweetie, good girl" she would smile at you
• once you stopped panicking, she would lift you into her lap and sit down with her arms around you
• once you were nice and cuddled to her she would ask gently "what happened darling? why did you panic?"
• you would tell her, if there was a reason
• "i love you sweet girl" she would say, and give you a kiss on the forehead
• she would cradle you in her arms and you'd end up falling asleep from all the panic and the crying

wilhemina venable - apocalypse

• soft mina would come out when you would have a panic attack and she would make you feel so cared for
• wilhemina venable was a hard, stern person but would drop everything in a heartbeat for her little one
• you'd feel bad bothering her
• "my precious girl, come here" she would say, placing her cane on the side of the sofa and pulling you down next to her
• she would do breathing exercises with you to make sure you were breathing properly
• she would stroke your hair and give you lots of kisses once your breathing got back to normal
• you'd lay your head on her lap "mina?" you'd whisper gently while she'd run her fingers through your hair
• "yes sweet girl?"
• "could you read to me?" you'd ask quietly
• she would nod her head, grab her book off the table and start reading quietly, making sure to keep playing with your hair
• the sound of her soft voice would send you slowly into a light sleep
• "love you mina" you'd mumble sleepily
• "i love you too little one" she would say, before continuing to read
• occasionally giving you kisses in between the reading

~word count: 1108~

hope you enjoyed this first chapter! i am sorry it isn't very long, as i said english is not my first language. i don't like making long chapters because my words can sometimes mess up. i hope you understand.
please leave requests if you have them! 🦋🦋✨

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