Sarah Pauslon characters and your period

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heyyy!! i've had this idea for a while!
tw for blood, pain and medication. otherwise, it's very fluffy!!! ENJOY!
(also this is just ahs characters)
please leave any requests you might have in the comments, or tweet me @ev1eblanchett <3
love you all 

billie dean howard - murder house / hotel / apocalypse

• billie would make sure you were comfortable ALWAYS
• if you were in pain, she would leave you in bed and go downstairs to get medication, food, and a hot water bottle
• once she had everything, she would go back to your shared bedroom
• "hey baby doll, i bought your medication, sit up for me." she would whisper
• you would sit up and she would hand you the bottle of water and the tablets
• once you'd taken the tablets she would whisper "good job baby, i'm so proud of you."
• she would get up to leave again but you would grab her wrist "stay please" you'd whisper in a timid voice
• she would nod and get into bed beside you, letting you cuddle into her chest
• "do you want to watch *your comfort film*?" she would ask, you'd nod and she would put it on for you.
• shortly after, she would start to run her acrylics down your back, causing you to become sleepy "sleep darling" she would say
• "love you" you'd mumble
• "i love you too baby doll" is the last thing you'd hear before falling asleep in your girlfriends arms

lana winters - asylum / roanoke

• lana would cuddle you the whole time, never leaving your side once
• "angel" she would say, while you were cuddled into her side, you'd answer with a hum
• "i have to go downstairs to get some things together for you, do you want to come with me or stay here?"
• you would go with her but instead of walking, she would carry you down the stairs and sit you on the kitchen counter
• you'd watch her make you a hot water bottle and get your favourite snacks, water and medication
• she would walk over to you while the kettle was warming up and kiss your forehead "i love you baby" she would smile and walk back to getting a tray with all your favorite things ready
• you would smile at the gesture "love you too banana" you'd giggle
• she would take the tray in one hand, and take your hand in the other, knowing you got clingy on your period
• "come on my angel, let's go back to bed" she would say, kissing the side of your head and walking with you upstairs
• you'd get in bed and she'd get in next to you, giving you your medication and then letting you curl up against her
• she would read to you while playing with your hair

cordelia goode - coven / apocalypse

• you'd start your period while cordelia was in her office
• being clingy, you would walk to her office and knock on the door quietly
• "come in" she would say and you'd open the door
• you would just stand there "hi sweetheart" she would say
• that would be all you'd need and you'd break down in tears
• delia would know straight away, having known you for so long "oh sweet girl, come here" she would say opening her arms
• you'd walk over and sit in her lap with your head resting in the crook of her neck
• she'd stroke her hands down your back
• "do you still have much work?" you'd ask her quietly
• she would nod "i do, sadly but you can stay right here with me and then we'll go to bed and cuddle."
• you'd hum contently, you loved being in delia's arms, it was your favourite place
• she would conjure a potion to make the pain go away with her powers and give it to you to make sure you weren't uncomfortable
• you would cuddle closer into delia once you'd drank your potion
• she would run her hands through your hair while writing things for classes and supreme duties with the other hand
• "i love your handwriting delia" you'd comment "thank you sweetheart" she would reply, kissing you on the head again
• you would fall asleep in her lap and when she would finish working, she would pick you up and take you into your shared bedroom
• "i'm just taking you to bed darling" she would say, to make sure you knew you were safe
• you would snuggle closer to her and then you'd feel the soft mattress underneath you
• "don't leave" you'd whisper to delia who was on the other side of the room
• "i'm not leaving sweetheart, i'm just changing into something more comfortable" she would smile
• you'd just nod, too tired to talk
• she would come back into bed and hold you in her arms
• she would put her warm hand on your stomach to get rid of any feelings that were making you uncomfortable
• "thank you for taking care of me delia" you'd smile and snuggle into her chest
• "i will always take care of you honey, i promise" she would promise with a kiss on your forehead
• she would put on your comfort film for you
• "delia?" you'd ask quietly
• she would know instantly what you were going to ask, so she used her powers to get you some cookies, you always craved them on your period
• the gesture would make you smile
• cordelia would feed the cookies to you because you'd feel too tired to eat them yourself and once you were done, she would put them on the cabinet beside the bed
• you'd start to get sleepy and delia would give you a kiss and start running her hands through your hair to soothe you
• "love you dee" you'd whisper before exhaustion took over
• "i love you more sweetheart, and i will always look after you" she would respond, even though you were asleep

sally mckenna - hotel
nsfw mention !

• sally being sally would try and have sex with you because she would find blood hot, she would say "if you cum, the pain will go away"
• putting her sexual desires aside, she would be so soft with you
• she would make sure that iris had snacks for you and get all of your comfort foods
• everyone in the hotel would be nice to you
• she would love it because you would be extra clingy around her on your period so she would soak up all the attention she was getting from you
• she would cuddle you a lot and play with your hair
• "i love you sally." you'd say and she would kiss you all over your face and tell you she loves you too
• you'd both cuddle in her room together until you fell asleep in her arms

ally mayfair-richards - cult

• ally would be amazing with you
• she would make sure you had everything you needed before babying you for the rest of the day
• "don't you dare leave the bed sweetie, you stay there and rest, i'll get you everything you need"
• cuddles! cuddles! and LOTS of cuddles!
• she would make sure you were happy, out of pain and comfortable
• you'd be cuddled into her chest for the whole day
• she would put your comfort movie on for you
• "do you want anything sweetheart?" she would ask gently
• you'd shake your head but she would go and get your comfort snacks anyway
• she would put her hand where the pain was and keep it there to soothe you
• she would make sure you get enough sleep because periods make you exhausted

wilhemina venable - apocalypse

• she would do anything for you, you're her little one and she would hate to see you in any kind of discomfort
• "come here, little one, let me take care of you." she would say, keeping you in her lap
• lots of kisses
• she would get your medication, and feed you comfort snacks
• she would baby you, you are her baby and she would take great care of you
• she would snuggle you up in blankets
• she would run you a bath and sit with you on a chair next to the bath and wash your hair
• when it was time for bed, she would tuck you in and get in next to you and read to you
• while reading, she would run her hands through your hair and occasionally place kisses on her head
• "thank you for taking care of me, mina. i love you." you'd whisper before falling asleep
• "i love you precious girl, and i'll always take care of you little one" she would reply with a kiss to your forehead before sleeping herself

~ word count 1440 ~

hey! so i hope you enjoyed this!
please make sure to leave any requests you have, either in the comments or in twitter (it's at the start)
mal wrote most of these, so all credit goes to them.
thank you for reading, voting and commenting!
lots of love and be safe 💗

-evie (and mallory) xx

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