Sarah Paulson characters in Disneyland!

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hey! it's mallory again :D i wanted to write this one so so badly, because i've been to disneyland once but i miss it so much, so i'm gonna write what it would be like to go with the ahs characters to disneyland (i'm including sally, pretend she isn't stuck at the hotel !!)
there will probably be mentions of stimming because as someone who stims when they're excited, i want to include it! <3
hope u all enjoy xo

billie dean howard - murder house / hotel / apocalypse
• she would hold your hand around the park
• she would LOVE how excited the park would make you and she would come with you to meet all your favourite characters and take selfies with you
• she would buy you an autograph book and a pen so you could get the characters autographs
• "this is so exciting!" you would jump up and down on the spot, your hands flapping like crazy
• "darling, calm down" she would laugh, but find you adorable, billie would love it when you did your excited stim and would smile while she watched the excitement bubble inside you
• she would pretend that she hated disneyland, when in reality she would love it
• "babydoll?" she would smirk
"what billie?" you'd smile
"can we get matching ears?"
• you would get matching ears, the rainbow ones if they had any, but if not, you'd get the pink glittery ones
• she would come on all the rides with you, and when you would get nervous, she would hold your hand tight
• when you would finally get to meet your favourite disney character, she would take your hand in hers and you'd both go up together
• your smile would be the biggest she has ever seen
• "i'm so excited billie, i love *character name* so much" you'd say clapping your hands
• "i know you do darling" she would smile, loving how excited you were
• you'd meet the character and someone would be there to take a photo of you, "billieeee come in the photo with me" you'd beg
• she would roll her eyes but get in the photo anyway
• when you'd get home, the photo would be framed and put on the wall because she'd love it so much
• "can i go on your back billie?" you'd ask with a giggle once your legs would start to tire
• "yes of course baby" she would say picking you up and putting you on her back
• you'd kiss her hair and whisper things in her ear the whole way back to the hotel
• you'd get back in the hotel and you'd be hungry
• "can we go somewhere to eat?" you'd ask and she would nod, taking you to the best disney restaurant in the park
• you would flap your hands and rub them together while you jumped up and down in delight
• "i love you baby doll" billie would smile
• you would smile back, "i love you too billie, thanks for bringing me"
• a kiss on your head and cuddles would end the night

lana winters - asylum / roanoke
• lana would love the fact that you were so excited about disneyland, but she would hate the rides
• "bananaaaa come onnnn" you'd say, begging her to go on a ride with you
• "i don't like rides angel" would be her response, but you'd drag her on the teacups anyway
• she would beg to go again and you'd spend all day going on the teacups and the "it's a small world" ride
• when she would suggest getting matching ears, you would light up and start jumping up and down
• "YES YES YES!" you'd shout, clapping your hands as you jumped
• "come on then" she would say, taking your hand and walking towards the gift shop
• you'd both buy blue ears because lana loves blue
• the bow would be sparkly and the ears would be blue
• you'd walk out of the shop hand in hand, lana would love showing you off because of how cute you were
• "look at me baby!" she would say, getting her phone out to take a photo of your ears
• you'd look at her and smile your biggest smile
• "you're adorable angel" she would say, kissing you on the end of your nose
• "you missed" you'd giggle
• she would kiss your lips and one of the disney staff would come over and offer to take a photo of the both of you in front of the castle
• "yes please" lana would smile politely
• there would be a photo of you kissing lana's cheek
• a photo of both of you kissing each other
• and a final photo of lana on your back
• you would post all three on instagram and lana would make the one of you kissing her lock screen
• you'd end the night back in your hotel room after going for a meal at your hotel "love you banana thank you for an amazing day" you'd mumble into her chest
• "i love you more baby"
• you'd both then fall asleep in each other's arms

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