Sarah Paulson characters at the zoo!

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hi!!! so i wanted to write this one because i LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEE the zoo!!! it makes me so excited :) so yeah!
enjoy and leave requests!

billie dean howard - murder house / hotel / apocalypse
• billie wouldn't like animals so she would force you to hold her hand the whole time
• she would be a bit of a scaredy cat, whereas you would love the zoo, you loved animals
• you would drag her around all the enclosures, info dumping her about each animal and she would listen
• she loves you so much that she would listen to every word you said
• you'd go to the enclosure that had the foxes in, which was your favourite animal
• "billie! look at them! they're so cute!" you'd smile, jumping up and down in excitement while clapping your hands
• "if you say so, baby doll" she would say, not letting on how scared she was of the ginger animals
• "billie! did you know that a group of foxes is called a skulk or a leash!" you'd say, a bit too loud
• "hm interesting darling. can we go? they smell." she would laugh, indicating that she was messing, but also serious at the same time
• you'd start playing with your lanyard, something you would do if you were trying to mask your stimming
• "hey, none of that." she would say grabbing both of your hands, "if you want to stim, do it baby doll. don't bottle up your excitement just because we're in public" billie would say, reassuring you
• you'd take her hand and move on to the next enclosure, another one of your favourite animals, spider monkey!
• billie would HATE them, she would move her hand to around your waist and hold you close "these are disgusting, darling, i hate monkeys" she would comment
• "bill, don't be so boring baby, they're so cute!" you'd giggle, getting excited
• a monkey would swing from one of the branches in the enclosure and that would make you stim, you'd jump up and down clapping and start making your excited squeaking noise
• billie would spend most of her time watching you, rather than watching the monkeys, she would find it endearing
• a little boy would notice you stimming and point, which would cause you to abruptly stop
• "hey excuse me little boy. it's rude to stare at someone." billie would yell across the path, where the boy was pointing at you
• the boy would begin to laugh, causing you to get upset
• "do not ever laugh at my girlfriend, don't even look at her anymore. leave. she's autistic" she would explain, getting angry that someone would act like that
• "baby it's okay" you'd smile, tugging her hand back slightly to get her to stop
• she would turn around, "i hate it when people do that little one, i hate it when they point at you" she would sigh
• "billie, it's fine honestly. come on let's go and have lunch." you'd smile, and walk with her, hand in hand to the cafe

lana winters - asylum / roanoke
• lana would hate the zoo, animals would scare her, she wouldn't like big animals, little ones she would be okay with
• "do we have to go and see the giraffes angel? you know i don't like the big animals?" she would say, grabbing your hand and holding it tight
• "banana, it'll be okay, i'll protect you, plus giraffes can't hurt you i promise" you'd smile, dragging her along to the enclosure that they were in
• once you'd arrive at the giraffe enclosure, lana would hide behind you because she'd be so scared
• "baby don't be scared, they won't hurt you"
• "i'm sorry angel, theyre terrifying, i can't even look at them" she would hide her eyes
• you'd think of a fact that would make her feel better
• "did you know, giraffes spend most of their lives standing up! they sleep and give birth standing up too!" you'd smile, clapping your hands in the process
• "i don't know if i should be even more scared, or amazed" lana would comment, which would make you laugh
• before you could reply, a baby giraffe would come towards you both and you'd flap your hands in excitement
• "somehow a baby giraffe is still taller than you" you'd joke, lana was tiny compared to you so you'd always make fun of how cute she was
• "shut up" she'd reply, playfully hitting your arm
• you'd leave the giraffes and spend the rest of the day walking around hand in hand looking at the smaller animals
• lana would love the meerkats, and would spend hours looking at them "can we take one home with us?"
• "no baby, we can't have a pet meerkat." you'd laugh
• "they're so cuteeee!" she would smile
• "come on meerkat, let's go eat lunch" you'd smile, taking her hand and dragging her away from the meerkats
• you'd then go for lunch, at a restaurant in the zoo
• "are you okay here on your own for a second? i need the toilet" you'd ask
• "of course angel" she'd smile
• you'd go to the gift shop and pick up a meerkat cuddly toy, putting it in your backpack so lana wouldn't be able to see what you'd bought
• you then went back to the table
• when you'd get home, you'd surprise lana
• "sit down a second cutie, i have something for you" you'd smile and once she sat down, you'd go and grab your backpack
• you pull the toy meerkat out of the bag and hand it to her
• her face lights up with joy
• "oh my- thank you baby, you really didn't have to"
• "you liked the meerkats and i wanted to give you something nice because you're always doing things for me"
• she would smile and pat her lap so you'd sit down
• you'd spend the rest of the night cuddled up together and then you would fall asleep in each other's arms

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