Road trip with Sarah Paulson Characters

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hey yall! it's mallory :D i'm on a roadtrip with my family to scotland right now and its 12 hours so i came up with this!
i'm gonna write it as if the characters are in the back seat while someone else drives and then they alternate or something i dunno :) hope u enjoy and feel free to leave requests <3

billie dean howard - murder house / hotel / apocalypse
• billie would help your family out by driving for part of the journey, otherwise she would sit in the back with you and your little cousin
• for the first part of the journey, she would be sat with you in the back because you were NOT a morning person so she wanted to comfort you so you could sleep
• you would have your comfort blanket in the back while you rested your head on billie's shoulder
• she would run her acrylics up and down your side to comfort you
• "y/n's going to sleep for a bit, i'll wake them in two hours or so and i'll take over and drive?" she would offer to your uncle, who was driving
• "thank you billie" he would respond
• you would fall asleep to the sound of billie and your aunt and uncle talking
• she would entertain your cousin while you were asleep but would continue running her acrylics down your side because she knew it soothed you
• billie knew how much you hated car journeys so she made sure to bring all of *your favourite singer*'s albums
• she would take her phone out to take a photo of you sleeping on her because she thought it was adorable
• you would have your head on her collarbone and your arm would be wrapped around her waist
• she would play with your hair for a while before stopping again, this would cause you to whine
• "i thought you were asleep darling" she would laugh
• "hm i was until you stopped" you'd reply in a raspy voice, having been asleep
• she would continue playing with your hair, which would send you straight back to sleep
• you'd cuddle more into billie's side
• "i love how well you look after y/n, thank you billie, it's what they deserve" your auntie says while you sleep
• billie kisses your head "it's a pleasure to have them in my life, i'm so lucky that they are my girlfriend"
• your family would just smile
• two hours later, you would wake up and it would be time for billie and your uncle to switch driving
• your auntie would move to the middle seat where billie was originally sat so that your uncle could go in the passenger seat
• you would be sulking, your attachment issues mixed with your autism made car journeys hard for you
• you would swap with your auntie so that you were in the middle so you could be closer to billie
• "miss you" you'd frown
• "i'm right here darling girl" she would reply
• then you'd start driving again, you'd be sulking because billie wasn't next to you anymore and you were tired
• two hours later, they would switch again so that billie would be next to you again
• she would put a movie on for you, having downloaded your favourite ones before you got in the car
• you'd smile and snuggle into her side once again
• "do you want to watch the movie with y/n?" she would ask your little cousin
• he would say yes so billie would hold the ipad in the middle of both of you and you would spend the rest of the car ride watching different movies that billie had downloaded

lana winters - asylum / roanoke
tw: sick (car sickness)
• lana would hate car journeys, like literally hate them
• she wouldn't hardly drive, but if she did take over from your family she would complain about the traffic
• "banana? are we there yet?" you'd ask for the thousandth time, to annoy her
• "no babe. stop asking, you asked ten minutes ago."
• your uncle would put the radio on and she would turn it off "no music, i cant concentrate" she would say which would make you laugh
• you would put a cd from *your favourite singer* on, and scream the words to annoy her "y/n be quiet"
• you loved to annoy lana when she was driving because it made the car journey more fun
• when she was sat in the back with you, she would be sick in a bag because she couldn't handle the car shaking on the road
• "i'm here angel, don't worry" you'd reassure her
• you would cuddle her after she had thrown up because you knew how much she hated it
• you'd share your comfort blanket with her while she slept on your shoulder
• "love you banana" you'd kiss her head and wrap your arms around her while she slept
• she would be so thankful when you'd finally arrive at your destination and would be the first one out of the car

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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