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Chapter 16

"What were you doing down there exactly?" One of the younger officers asks me. He has a brown beard and a shaved head. The rolled up sleeves of his camouflage uniform reveals the starts of a roman numeral tattoo on his right arm.

I stay silent. I take in deep breaths calming myself down before I snap and speak. I don't know what I should say and what I would possibly be able to utter. I might make things worse.

It's the second time I have found myself in an interrogation room in the past eight months roughly, though the road to this one wasn't as easy for me as the other one. I might have opened my eyes to see my best friend bleeding and the other arrested the last time, but I wasn't forced into a van with a black cover on my eyes like I was last afternoon. This time, it felt more like being kidnapped than being arrested by governement officials.

They did not give me the time to fight, to analyze the situation, to fear for myself, for Aaron or for Nathan. I wasn't given the time to think and that is not something I am okay with. Most importantly, I don't know where I am. We drove all night, but they drugged me. I don't have the simplest hint to my location.

They didn't give me time to myself, conscious that is, and that's what I am taking now in this silence.

"Oi, we don't have all day," another man says. His american accent catches me of guard since he used the slang 'Oi'.

At my silence, he walks up to the table in front of me and slams his hands on the top not even making me flinch. I knew he would snap at my lack of cooperation. I take advantage of it. I still stay without a word spoken.

The large grey door on our left clicks and it opens. A man with ruffled black hair and a suit walks in tossing his keys in the air.

"So, here is the infamous Sam Rose," he says throwing the keys on the table.

His choice of words spark an anger in me that I have spent the last ten minutes suppressing.

"Why 'infamous'? What do you think I have done wrong?"

"There she is. There is the temperless emotional wreck I know," the man says spreading his arms out to the front.

The man from the videos. The man from the White House.

"I almost didn't recognize you without your bitch Fiona hanging by your arm."

His smile suddenly falls and I know I have crossed a line, but for some reason I don't care. He put Nathan through so much and now is playing around with me. It's time for him to have at least the tiniest taste of his own medecine.

"By now, you have probably guessed that we aren't governement officials."

"Obviously," I mubble under my breath. I hate this guy so damn much.

"Oh, darn I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Darren."

He stretches an arm out for me to shake. I don't. He knew I wouldn't so he walks back again with a grin.

"What a little bitch." He sighs. "Get her ready, we're leaving in five."

I see him walk out right when the men behind me slip the cover on my head.


The car ride lasts an approximate amount of 15 minutes if my mental calculations are correct. Someone slides the van door open and pulls me out. By the lighting of the black cover, I can tell it's getting darker out and that the sun is setting on my left, but everything else is unidentifiable. I am dragged along a paving and then, a set of stairs. The pavement changes for a an old wood - I can tell by the sound - once we are inside.

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