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Chapter 14

Since I can remember, a road trip with my friends was a necessity to me. I knew I had to have one before senior year ate me alive or if I survived, I was shipped off to college.

I always imagined myself being the one to drive since I love the road and the control so much, but that is not going to happen if we're taking the road trip now since I don't have my license.

Since school is over and I finished with smashing grades, even with all the hell that has been going on, I was granted a road trip by my more than loved and still a little paranoid parents. It was also a part of my birthday gift. 

A few months might have passed since the library incident and from where our friendship with Jason had completely ended, but the wounds are still fresh and the quest for answers has not left our mind. 

I kept working on school adamantly and I kept training at KillZone. Oscar never came back to coach the wrestling team claiming that there was not enough funding. He later admitted that the only reason he had the job was to make sure I'd make it to KillZone in case Carl's work was not enough, and vice versa. The Parks have been living with us all this time as well which was great. Not only did we have three extra members to our family, we had three times the stories the tell and two extra incomes. 

I also made a lot of time to see my own extended family. Every time I see them, I know I look very different to their eyes. I am more fit and strong on the outside and the bags under my eyes keep growing. When they ask me what I do to keep growing muscles so fast, I just tell them Aaron, Ben, Vi and I all joined the gym together to spend our extra time away from the ability of thinking about Nathan. My whole family, my aunt especially, know pretty much everything that my parents do except for KillZone. I like it this way. They know I am going through a lot, but they do not know the details that could endanger us or them. 

Ben and Vi confronted Rosa and David over the information we had found regarding James Arthur. David admitted to have left Italy because of that, but said that he didn't kill him and that he was really a great friend of his. His wet and heart shattering breakdown was more than enough to make us all believe him.

I haven't seen or heard of Nathan since that night in March and Rodrigo's team has been completely silent. Jason had even cut Aaron and I off since the library incident. When we were questioned by the police, since the cameras across the street caught us running away, we told them that we were getting away from the danger, not inflicting it. Since, the library cameras itself were down, Rodrigo and Jason and his other men were not filmed and so our statements about them were completely irrelevant. For some reason also, our statements were not kept confidential and Jason found out that we told them about him. That made for many, many awkward encounters and death glares between him and Aaron especially. I just did my best to ignore the guy. 

We were all, also, very troubled when the searched off the computer just suddenly stopped. It could only mean that they were moving on to somewhere else or they knew they were tracked, whoever they is.

After we had first noticed the searches, Ben quickly got to hacking the airport systems to figure out when the Washington ticket we had discovered was scheduled for. The ticket bought in March was for tomorrow, June 29th. That made us think that they really did know they were being tracked and they bought tickets in advance to throw us off, but none of our theories have been confirmed yet. 

What was truly important was our road trip destination which happened to coincide with the ticket location and date: Washington D.C.

Aaron, Vi, Ben and I are in Aaron's car in the usual seating arrangements. Carl, Oscar and Terr are following behind us in Oscar's car.

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