♡ ✿ Chapter 6 Girls night ✿ ♡

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Toga was styling my hair while Big sis was doing her's. While I was waiting, I was finishing up the Rubik's cube. Toga and Big sis were talking about something but I didn't pay much attention.

We all were in our PJs waiting for dinner. I would help but Toga really wanted to do my hair. She said something about making a braid so I just let her play with my hair.

"And~ done! You look the cutest, baby Alien!" Toga cheered.

"Thanks..." I whispered.

Big sis gave Toga a small mirror before she turned it to me. It was really pretty. I stare at it in awe.

"What's wrong, pumpkin?" Big sis asked.

"Do... Do you not... like it?" Toga asked concerned.

I shook my head,"I've... N-never seen... My h-hair like t-th-this. It's very pretty..."

"Your dad has never done your hair?"

I shook my head again,"O-only... P-ponytails s-som-sometimes."

"Dinner is ready!" Spin-spin yelled.

I got to my feet and pulled at Toga,"Let's go!"

Big sis chuckled,"You're that hungry huh?" She picked me up and placed me onto her shoulders before we were walking towards the others.

"Hey! What about me?!" Toga yelled.


We were having pizza for dinner. I looked at it Strangely since I've never had pizza before. I touched it with one finger, making sure it's not dangerous in some way.

"What's up, sinnamon roll?" Dabi asked.

"I..." My stomach growled from hunger, I blushed and held my stomach. I had my head down to not show that I was blushing.

"Here." Dabi held a fork with a little piece of pizza on it.

I looked at Dabi before opening my mouth and taking a bite at it. I chewed before swolling it. My eyes widened and I felt a warm feeling spreading through my stomach.

I looked at Dabi,"It's del-... tasty..."

Dabi proceeded to help me eat while having conversation with the others. Their topic was about nothing in particular just how their lives were as children... like me.

"What about you Kurogiri?" Toga asked.

"... I've served Shigaraki since he was a child."

"That wasn't really the question/you fool! That's lame! Shigaraki must've been a pain in the as-"

Mr Compress quickly placed a hand over Twicey's mouth,"Language Twice."

Twice looked at me,"Sorry, pipsqueak!/I'm not sorry at all!"

"It's okay..." I whispered. I then yawned loudly, feeling my eyes fall down.

Kurogiri picked me up and I snuggled into his warmth. I heard them talk but I was so tired I didn't care to listen. I just let darkness consume me and fall into a dreamless sleep.

° No one's POV °

"In your room perhaps, Toga?"



"Oops sorry."

Kurogiri walked towards Toga's room along with Toga and Big sis following behind before he gently placing the sleeping child into Toga's bed. Big sis thanked Kurogiri before both she and Toga got into their sleeping bags.

"Don't stay up too late or make to much noise, alright? (Y/n)-chan is still asleep." Kurogiri whispered.

"Yep!" Toga whispered and Big sis nodded.

Kurogiri closed the door before cleaning up the dinner table. Shigaraki was in his room while Dabi, Twice and Spinner were having a drink before heading to bed.

Kurogiri's head was full of (Y/n) in it. He was honestly worried about the girl. Sure, she was definitely stronger and smarter than him or another else here but she was still a child.

He felt an overwhelming urge to protect her and teach her the ways of everything. He knew that she wasn't just a pawn to AFO and/or Shigaraki but if she were to fail... She'd rather be remade or experimented with to become better or... Be like him.

Just a younger, different gender Kurogiri in the making... That is if all else fails.

He didn't want that. He then took it upon himself to teach her everything he knows - even the physical combat training. With and without quirks. Yes, tomorrow her training starts so that she wouldn't end up like him. For now... She needs sleep and love from the L.O.V. since they're going to be like family to her from now on.

"Family? Huh... I guess we are like family in some way." Kurogiri thought,"That's nice..."

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