♡✿ Chapter 18 Plan One: Failure... ✿♡

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° Author's POV °

Hari had just finished making tea for Overhaul and was now on his way to retrieve (Y/n) from Eri's room. He thought back to the meeting with the League Of Villains and was worried they were betraying them somehow. He was worried Toga and Twice would accidentally find Eri and (Y/n) than steal them away Or worst, the little brats would run away and find the League or even much worst... heroes.

He couldn't have that.
Overhaul's plan must come to a success!

He twisted the nob of Eri's room and found the two little shits *cough* *cough* Children braiding their hair. The two looked over at Hari before (Y/n) stuck out her tongue at Hari. He obviously ignored her childish attitude before ordering her outside. (Y/n) stopped braiding Eri's hair before hugging her goodbye. Hari raised a brow at the hug but ignored it.

The little (C/h) haired girl skipped out of Eri's room while waving goodbye and saying in a song like tone,"Bye bye~ I hope we see again soon!~"

This little act reminded him of the Toga girl. It was like he saw a younger version of Toga Himiko... but he thought it was only a coincidence. He didn't think much of it and just returned (Y/n) to her room.

Once she was in, he locked the door behind her and retreated back to his room. He was so tired, he just needed sleep...

While Hari and the others slept throughout the night, (Y/n) was trying her luck with her teleportation quirk. She and Eri had planned to try escape together tonight or just at least find a door out of their shared hell.

So, (Y/n) tried and tried until it was pass midnight and lady luck came to her side and aided her and Eri. (Y/n) ran towards Eri's room quietly and unlocked the door before riunning in quietly and grabbed Eri. They ran around quietly through the halls until they came across a glass doorway and behind that glass door was darkness but...

"It must be a garden. If so then the sky will be right above us. I'll try to use a wings quirk or maybe something like a no gravity thingy." (Y/n) whispered.

Eri only nodded since she wanted to stay as quiet as possible but she was also very scared Overhaul would find them which resulted her in turning her head to watch her back a lot of times. (Y/n) noticed but didn't say anything.

The girls pushed the glass door as quietly as they possibly could but lady luck left them at that second and the door made the squeakiest and loudest sound ever. The girls backed away, wide eyed and looked around to make sure no one was coming after them but they saw nothing.

The girls went back to action and leaped through the door to make their escape but that room didn't hold what they wanted. That glass door lead to a very dark and empty room. The girls were very disappointed but left quickly regardless.

They searched and they searched but they didn't find an exit anywhere. It was starting to look very bad for them...

"W-wait... what about that?" Eri whispered.

(Y/n) glanced at where Eri was pointing and there after all the disappointed... was their lucky exit door. It literally said "Exit"! The girls were a 100% positive that's where they're supposed to go.

Eri took (Y/n)'s hand and started to cry happy tears. (Y/n) smiled before glancing one last time around for anyone before they could make their final escape but like I said... lady luck wasn't on their side anymore.

"You two... what Are you doing?"

The girls froze in fear but reluctantly glanced back at the man that found them. There, stood Hari along with another member watching the two shake in fear.

"We... we got lost... I uh... it's my fault-"

"No, mine. I... i-I wanted t-to... show (Y/n) where the g-g-gar-garden was but we got lost..." Eri explained.

"Why are you two lying... You both know what I have to do now..." Hari got down to their level and glared harshly at them.

"Since this is Eri's fault.... you'll need to be punished."

"No! Please, it's my fault. It's my fault!" (Y/n) protested.

Hari grabbed (Y/n) and Eri, taking them to the lab. Once there, he took (Y/n) and strapped her to the chair. He told the other member to hold Eri tightly and not let her go under any circumstances.

Hari grabbed a blade and sliced (Y/n)'s arms. She had already draw blood that day so cut on cut was very painful on her...


"No stop! Please! It's not (Y/n)-chan's fault! It's mine! Please! Leave her alone! Hurt me instead, PLEASE!" Eri didn't want (Y/n) hurt. She was like a sister to her that needed to be protect,"Please stop!"

Hari kept taken more and more blood which angered Eri so much,"STOP IT!"

Eri's horn glowed and the member that held her tightly disappeared into thin air. Hari stopped and glanced at the door to which there stood Overhaul. He looked very angry but at the same time pleased.

Eri dropped to the ground and burst out in tears. (Y/n) tried getting to Eri but the straps were forbidding her to even get close. Hari then release the straps to which (Y/n) quickly went to Eri's side. Overhaul bent to their level and said,"You see? This is what happens when you disobey me. Never again, Understood?"

The girl nodded while hugging her sister Eri who was still crying. Overhaul left the room with the blood samples while Hari escorted them back to their separate rooms but (Y/n) begged to stay with Eri. Hari wasn't sure at first but reluctantly let them be in the same room for the night.

(Y/n) smoothed Eri hair while whispering "everything's okay" and "I'm here" while Eri cried loudly.

"I promise, Eri... we'll make it out of here! I know we will!"

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