♡✿ Chapter 17 We're friends, right? ✿♡

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Me and Eri didn't say much but we did ask a few questions like how old are you. I found out that Eri is 6 so that makes her be like my big sister or something. I like Eri. She's Sweet and shy but very unhappy. I want to make her happy...

Oh! I know! I'll show her my illusion quirk and then we'll be in that same flower field I was in with Shigga-San! Then she'll be happy! Great plan!

I cupped my hands together before closing my eyes to focus and Imaging the flower field. I opened my eyes to see we were in the flower field. Eri gasped before asking where we were and how I did that.

"Don't tell anyone but I have multiple quirks and this is one of them." I explained.

She extended her hand to touch one of the pink flowers but unfortunately it was only an illusion so her hand had just waved into it.

"Do you want a real one?" I asked.

"I've never seen flowers like these before..." She whispered.

I balled up my hand and thought real hard on the flower she just touched. I opened my hand and a flower was there! It was a cherry blossom,"I'm still practicing, sorry. Cherry blossoms are the only ones I know how to create from my hands so far, Gomen'nasai..."

I gave it to her and I saw her eyes light up and look closely at the flower before saying,"Thank you, it's beautiful..."

I smiled,"Anything for my new Best Friend!"

She stared at my face before placing the flower on her bed. She took her point fingers and try to push her lips into a smile but she unfortunately failed,"H-how... how do you do that?"

I giggled, "I'm sure you'll figure it out. It's like a feeling that you'll feel and then you'll just smile. You can't force it. But if you want, I can try to teach you how?"

She nodded,"If you don't mind."

I smiled widely and felt some tears slipped pass me,"I'll gladly help you."

I felt more tears fall down my cheeks to which I tried to dry with my arms. "Why are you crying? Did I do something?" She asked panicked.

I slapped my cheeks and said,"No!" I shaked my head,"You did nothing wrong. I'm just crying because we're not alone anymore. We have each other to help get out of here."

"But we can't..." She whispered.

"No! I don't believe that! Every entrance as an exit. If we can't find a door, we look for a window. If we can't find that then I'll use my teleportation quirk. We'll get out of here, I believe that." I stood up and held my fist into the air.

She stared at me in awe before starting to cry. I got down and placed my hands on her shoulder,"Why are you crying?"

"I-it's... it's just that... I can't wait. I believe you. I want to help. If we can do it, I want to do it with you." She said while trying to dry her tears.

I smiled,"I look forward to it, Onee-san!"

She blushed,"Onee-San?"

"Yes! Big sister, is that okay?"

She nodded,"What should I call you?"

"Well my name's (Y/n) but...", I thought for a moment and glanced at the yellow plushie before saying,"Call me-"

"Saki-chan..." Eri said looking at the flower then back at me.

I smiled,"Saki meaning "blossom" and "hope" right?"

Eri nodded shyly while blushing lightly,"You gave me a Blossom and Hope. I believe in you... Saki-chan. I'll try my best to help."

I grabbed her and hugged her tightly, "I believe in you too Onee-san! We'll make it out of here, I promise!"

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