06. Birthday Wishes

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"Ha! You can't get away from me now, can ya, Curtis?"

Danny strolled into the house carelessly while his sister closed the door behind them. The gang was crowded around in the living room, plates and cutlery clinking together as Danny walked into the kitchen. "Jesus, you look exhausted."

"I am exhausted," Abigail groaned to Dallas as she pulled her hair out of its ponytail. Dark waves tumbled down over her shoulders as she dropped into the open seat beside Dallas. Danny reappeared from the kitchen, this time he had two plates with him. Darry chuckled in his armchair. "You're like a hyena, always eating my food."

"If you didn't want us eating your food, why'd Pony invite us over?"

Ponyboy sat at Dallas's feet, Johnny beside him. Two-Bit and Steve were crowded around the coffee table and were thumb-wrestling. A few empty beer bottles rolled around the floor, but the house was more or less clean. That was always one of Mrs. Curtis's pet peeves, a dirty house. Now, even nine months after her death, the boys tried to keep it as clean as possible.

"I just, well," Pony coughed from the floor, "hey Soda, we've got company!"

The boys snickered as a figure ran down the hall from the bathroom, fingers fumbling with his belt as he stumbled. His hair was still wet from the shower, droplets rolled down his face and over his shoulders before finally reaching his chest. In all the confusion, Sodapop had forgotten his shirt.

Maybe it was just being kind, or perhaps her own embarrassment, but Abigail quickly averted her eyes and stared down at the piece of chocolate cake in her lap. The gang laughed, mostly Ponyboy and Danny as Soda glanced around the room awkwardly. Then, his eyes landed on Abigail.

Dallas smirked at him as his arm wrapped around her shoulders. Her fingers pulled at her skirt, in this position, it barely reached the middle of her thighs. Her scuffed converse were crossed at the ankles as she slowly brushed a lock of hair behind her ear, Dallas whispered something to her. "God, you're absolutely disgusting, Dallas Winston."

Suddenly, her own blue eyes locked with Soda's. The slight blush in her cheeks stuck out against her tanned skin and the corners of her lips turned up in a friendly smile. The room had either gotten very warm, or an unmistakable blush had risen to his face as well. His heart beat against his chest, slowly gaining speed as she looked away, then around the room innocently.

"I forgot my shirt," he stated stupidly. Steve stood up quickly and slapped his friend on the shoulder. "Yes you did, my friend. You've forgotten your shirt and managed to flash the company, well done."

Steve only laughed as Soda threatened him before turning back down the hall. Two-Bit started to laugh once he was gone, which in turn got Pony to chuckle. Then, Steve narrowed his eyes at Abigail. "See what you've done? You're messing with his mind, Abigail Mason!"

She cocked an eyebrow and twisted her lips into a sly smirk. "Excuse me?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Abi, y'know what I'm talking about."

Danny was biting down on his lip when Abigail looked at him, his cheeks a bright red and shoulders bouncing with laughter. "Tell 'er Steve, it's been a long day," he snorted.

Steve squared his shoulders and rubbed his hands together as he spoke. "Now Abigail, there comes a time in every young greaser's life when his body starts to change-"

"Cut it out," she scolded quickly, "the last time I got the talk in this house was traumatizing enough."

Ponyboy nodded as she pushed away the memory, "yeah Steve, we only got so much time."

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