25. Getting Even

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|March 1966|

Whereas autumn was the season of change, spring was the season of rebirth and new beginnings.

March brought the end of winter which in turn, brought longer days, shorter nights, and brighter skies. March also meant Abigail could step inside the Curtis house without feeling like an intruder again. She got her apology from each member of the gang. Well, except for Dally because he insisted he did nothing wrong. An apology is all she wanted, yet she received much more than that.

"If we ever do something that stupid again, you have my full support in punching Two-Bit in the face," Steve promised after the apologies were over. Abigail accepted each apology and decided it would be best for everyone if they just pushed the past behind them. That was a relief for Sodapop, in particular. Even though they did decide it was best to stay friends, knowing Abigail didn't despise him was one of the biggest weights lifted off his shoulders.

It felt the same for Abigail. Losing her house and father was something she could put with, but losing the boys she'd grown up beside hurt her more than they would ever know. But now, she was able to push that behind her and prepare for her future. Most nights, Abigail spent at home. She hadn't seen much of Curly or Angela ever since her fight with Tim, and she couldn't care less. The only thing Abigail did know, was that Angela was just as pissed at her brother as she was.

It was early March when all the pieces seemed to be fitting into place. Neither the River Kings nor Brumly Boys had taken sides in the turf war, the only time Abigail ever stepped foot near Will's house was when she'd drop her rent in his mailbox. Danny still stopped by on occasion, usually when Eddy was at work or too drunk to notice his absence. And Darry, like always, promised her a seat at the table and a spot on the couch if she ever needed it.

After six months of struggle, it finally seemed like things were starting to work out.

"I'm coming!" Abigail shouted as she ran down the steps of her house. It was ten o'clock on Sunday morning after she, and the rest of the gang decided to accompany Steve and Sodapop to one of their drag races. The boys didn't win, but that was only because they played fair. All the greasers there, including the Shepards, were certain they saw a few socs laying broken glass on the road before the race started. Everyone in town knew it had been a while since the two sides had a good Rumble, now tension was growing as the feud between the Tigers and Shepards was slowly being forgotten.

Her fingers wrapped around the doorknob and twisted as Abigail carefully raked her fingers through her hair. When the door finally opened, she was met with the rays of the early morning sun, and a bottle of nail polish being pushed into her hand.

"Here's your nail polish," Tim said gruffly before turning around. Abigail knew immediately the nail polish didn't belong to her, but Tim had already stepped off her front steps and made his way back down the street.

"What is this?" Abigail called after him. He turned around and glared at her. "Fucking nail polish, Ang said she had to give it back to you!"

"Why couldn't she do it herself?"

"She's on the rag!" Tim yelled back at her, now four houses away. Abigail stood in her doorway and crossed her arms over her chest. Abigail had known Angela for the last ten years, which meant she knew when Angela was planning something. Abigail also knew that Angela could do anything she put her mind to, regardless of the time of the month.


"What do you fucking want, Abigail?"

"I don't wear nail polish. What did you do to piss her off this time?"

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