Memoreies of 1999

6 2 0

???, 1999



I'm crying.

Just crying.


I'm a mistake, that's why.

I'll always be a mistake.

I put my hand on the back of my neck, thinking how I'll always be a puppet. How I'll never escape the madness.

I hear a door open.

"—. Where are you" a woman said.

I look over at the woman. She's wearing a white lab coat. "Gloria?"

Gloria looks over at me and smiles with joy.

She walks over towards me. "There you are. I was worried about you, you know?"

Gloria sits next to me on the floor, wipe my tears with her index finger.

"Why would you worry about something like me?"

Gloria looks at me in shock. "Why would you ask me something like that. You know you're my favorite out of all of you."

I look at her in sadness.

"No" I yelled. "You're lying!"

I put my head in my crossed hands. I feel a hand on my back.

"Listen to me" Gloria said. "I will never leave you. I'll always be here, by your side. You mean more to me, just like how my daughter means a lot to me."

I look up at Gloria, and jump into her arms.

"You will never be alone. You will always have someone to rely and trust. Okay" Gloria said.

I feel myself being lifted off the ground. Gloria is standing with me still in her arms.

I look up at Gloria, and nod my head.

"Alright. Now how about we go meet your new brother. They say he's ready" Gloria said, putting me down.

Gloria grabs my little hand and we walk out of the room.

"I love you Gloria."

"I love you too J—"

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