Second Meeting

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It's been three months since Yugi completely stop talking to Ava and time from time she would cross his mind. Yugi was currently in the game shop sitting down and writing down autographs for his fans that were coming into the shop.

"Who do I make this out to?"

Yugi asked without looking up as he got his poster picture ready for his next fan.

"To Ava"

At the sound of the voice and name caused Yugi's eyes to flew open as he looked up to see Ava holding a tray of cookies.


Yugi said quietly. Ava let out a sigh as she set the tray down in front of him.

"I made you some homemade cookies as in my way of apologizing. Yugi, I don't know why your mad at me but one thing I do know is that I don't want you to be mad at me anymore. So again I'm sorry"

She said sadly as she bow her head. Yugi remained quiet not knowing what to say.

"I had time to think about what I did"

She said once she saw Yugi wasn't going to respond to her. Yugi shook his head as he wrote down her name on the poster before handing it to her.

"Here you go, thanks for coming"

He said as he avoided from looking at her knowing for a fact his feelings for her would return. Ava grabbed the picture sadly before looking towards Yugi.

"You're just going to ignore me?"

She asked sadly as she felt tears threaten to come out as she looked to her idol.

"Have a nice day"

Yugi said quietly as he tried to ignore the sound of hurt from her voice. Ava sadly looked to the picture before tearing it apart causing Yugi to look up at her at the sound of the tear before she threw it to the desk.

"Whatever. I tried"

She said with a scoff before walking out of the store. Yugi looked to see her standing outside the shop as he watched her break down before walking away wiping her tears.

'Its for the best'

Yugi thought to himself. Yugi felt his chest tighten as his thoughts told him otherwise but his heart told him different as he stood up and walked out the shop as he quickly went in search of Ava. He soon spotted her at the next block wiping her tears.


Yugi called out to her. Ava stopped as she turn around and was surprised to see Yugi had followed her.


Ava said breathlessly as she felt tears coming once again.

"Can we talk?"

He asked as he reached to her. Ava didn't trust her voice and simply nodded. Together they headed back to the game shop. Yugi told his Grandpa that was he was going to take his break as he sneak Ava into his home without his Grandpa noticing. They headed into Yugi's room as Yugi closed the door for some privacy.

"Ava I...."

Yugi trailed off as he immediately brought Ava into a hug catching her by surprise and soon return the hug. Once they pulled away, Yugi cleared up his throat.

"I'm the one that should be sorry Ava. I ran away from you because.... because I....I like you. I know you might not believe in love at first sight but I did after seeing you the first time but then I saw that you have a boyfriend and I knew I would never have a chance and so I decided to step away from you, hoping the feelings would go away but in reality they never left"

Yugi said with a bright blush across his face causing Ava to blush in return.

"Yugi....I don't know what to say"

She said in shock.

"I wasn't hoping for you to return my feelings but I thought you should know"

He said looking away from her. Ava was touch that her celebrity crush actually likes her in return. She cleared up her throat.

"If your being honest then I might as well come clean"

She said causing Yugi to look at her in surprise.

"I'm having problems with Matt, my feelings are no longer there for him"

"Then why are you still with him?"

"My friends convinced me that he's good for me"

"Your really sticking to your friends advice?"

"Don't you?"

She asked. Yugi slightly looked down knowing it was hypocritical for him to listen to his friends and not let Ava listen to her friends.

"Well yeah....I see your point"

A moment of silence past between them until Ava spoke.

"So where do we go from here? Your still planning on ignoring me?"

She asked sadly. Yugi couldn't help but smile as he shook his head.

"No, but I would like to know you more"

"Does that mean we can still hangout?"

She asked the excitement now showing in her voice. Yugi couldn't help but laugh.

"Of course but don't tell Matt anything about this"


"Just curious, when are you planning to leave Matt?"

"As soon as possible"

She said with a smile causing Yugi to smile in return.

"Oh but I do have a question"

"What is it?"

"Is there something going on between you and Tea?"

"No, she's just a good friend. You don't have to worry about her"

"Are you sure?"

"I swear on every star"

He said causing Ava to giggle with a light blush.

"Awww that's sweet"

"Is going to the movies tonight okay with you?"

Ava lowered her eyes a little as she leans closer to him.

"It's a date"

She whispered to his ear as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.


He said breathlessly. The sounds of Yugi's name being called downstairs startle Yugi out of his daze as he gasp.

"Oh no, Grandpa"

He said to himself as he grabbed Ava hands with his as they went out the room and headed to the stairs.

"Yugi I found these cookies on the....Oh we have a visitor"

Solomon said as he saw Yugi and a girl coming down the stairs.

"Um Grandpa, it's not what you think"

Yugi said nervously. Solomon couldn't help but chuckle at his grandson's nervous state.

"I was young once too, Yugi. Be please be sure to use protection"


Yugi yelled in embarrassment causing Ava to giggle.

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