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*5yrs Later*

"Wow, would you just look at this arena. It's a full house"

Ava commented as she looked towards the balcony to watch the dueling field in the center of crowded people.

"These are some really great seats"

Ava's Mom commented.

"Seats? This here is the lounge for important people"

Joey said as he made his way to the refreshment table.

"Thanks to Kaiba, he pulled a few strings to make sure we get the best seats if Yugi participated in this Dueling World Tournament"

Atemu said with a smile.

"Yeah, people from everywhere are coming here to take their shot to make it to the finals before challenging me for my title"

Yugi said.

"I also heard a raffle was going to be held at the end of the dueling to get the sign autograph and spend the whole day with the King of Games himself"

Ava said excitedly. Yugi smiled to his girlfriend.

"Did you sign up?"

He asked curiously.

"Of course I did, what kind of fan slash girlfriend what I be for to not participate in this kind of event"

She said proudly.

"I sure hope you win"

He said.

"Me too"

She said.

"I have no doubt"

Tea said happily for her friend. The friends all gathered around the refreshments before Yugi, Atemu, and Joey had to go down to the arena to start the tournament.

"I'm surprise Joey joined in"

Ava said.

"Are you kidding? Nothing stops that idiot but you got to admire his determination towards reaching to the top"

Tristan said proudly about his friend. Ava nodded before making her way to sit with her parents by the balcony.

"I'm honestly surprise you guys came. I know this is never your guys kind of thing"

Ava said to her parents.

"Oh sweetie, this is our thing we just don't have time because of work besides we wouldn't miss it for the world"

The mom said happily.

"It's a once in a lifetime opportunity"

The father said before the mom slightly nudge her husband on the ribs causing him to bend over in pain. Ava slightly frown but her attention soon went towards the dueling arena.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. Please welcome our Duelist from near and far to this turning event held by The President of KaibaCorp, Mr. Seto Kaiba. Don't leave just yet after the competition folks because after the tournament a raffle is being held for to spend the whole day with the King Of Games"

The announcer said causing an uproar of cheers and screams.

*2Hrs later*

"This is it"

Ava said happily to see her boyfriend to have kept his title. Although there was a few tight spots during the duel but Yugi still manage to be on top. Yugi stood in the side of  the arena next to a stand. The announcer soon came on and it Kaiba.

"I will be personally be doing the raffle myself. Now, before I randomly select take note that the winner will need to enter the arena to pick up the dueling card, let's just say it's fate"

Kaiba said as the spotlight began to move randomly around towards the cheering crowd.

"Welcome to the stand, Ava Bloom"

He said as the spotlight landed on Ava who gasp in surprise as everyone happily cheered for her winning selection. Ava excitedly made her way to the arena and saw her boyfriend smiling at her proudly.

'Why do I feel like this is a set up?'

She asked to herself making her way to the podium as she saw a dueling card faced down. Ava nervously smiled as she placed her hand on the card.

'Maybe this is the rarest duel monster card'

She thought before pulling it up to face her, her smile drop in shock as she read the card. It wasn't a duel monster card but a note on the card that read.

Will you marry me?

Ava frown in confusion before Turing around to see Yugi but quickly cover her mouth in shock as her eyes began to tear up. Yugi was standing a few feet away, down on one knee as he held a black box in his hand that was open revealing a diamond ring. Ava slowly made her way to Yugi as tears fell.

"Yugi...are you for real"

She said breathlessly. Yugi smiled as he nodded.

"Out of every fan that's out here today, you're my number one and so with that I would want to be your first priority. Will you marry me?"

The crowd became silent as they waited to listen to Ava's response to the question. Ava happily nodded.

"My answer is yes"

She said happily as Yugi slipped the ring on her hand as he stood up in time before Ava threw herself at him. Yugi kissed Ava passionately as the crowd happily cheered. Yugi and Ava soon pulled away breathless. The parents and the close friends soon made their way to the couple as they congratulated them.

"You actually set this whole thing up? And you all knew?"

Ava asked in surprise. Everyone smiled sheepishly but Yugi answered for everyone.

"You're a fan of the King of Games, I just wanted you to enjoy the match before asking you"

"So the raffle was fake?"

She asked.

"Pretty much"

"Then why would you make me pay $500 for a raffle ticket"

"It needed to seem legit"

Joey answered with a grin.

"I'm still getting my money back right?"

"I'll have my cousin send you a refund"

Atemu said. Ava nodded before looking to her now Fiancee.

"Thank you and I promise to make your life with nothing but smiles"

She said. Yugi chuckled slightly.

"You already do, that's why I put a ring on you"

He said causing Ava to smile wider. She then look to her parents with happiness.

"Thank you"

"For what dear?"

The mother asked in surprise.

"Well if it wasn't for you and Dad then I wouldn't have been into the duel monster game in the first place and then I wouldn't have never met Yugi"

Yugi looked to Ava's parents in surprise.

"They both are into dueling?"

He asked. The father chuckled.

"Of course, when we first adopted Ava it was hard for her to open up to us. Then I decided to play the game with her and ever since then she opened up more and became the fan that she is today"

He said. Yugi smiled at them.

"Overall, thanks"

He said before embracing his Fiancee happily.

A/N The end.

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