Search for Love

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Yugi happily ran down the street heading towards the mall to find a perfect apology gift. Not too long ago, Atemu had a discussion with Yugi about the conversation he had with Ava. Things were looking up for the Duelist as he made it to the mall. He stop as he happily panted trying to catch his breathe before stepping into the mall. As Yugi began to look around he immediately stopped as he saw Ava but with someone he would least expect, Matt.


Yugi said loud enough for to catch Ava's attention. Ava looked up and notice Yugi but immediately put her head down with a glare. Matt looked to see what caught Ava's attention and immediately growled.

"Not you again. What are you going to do break us up again?"

He said angrily as he stood up from his seat and was making his way to Yugi. Ava quickly stood up to block his way and tried stopping Matt from making a scene.

"Babe please, I'll get rid of him"

She whispered to his ear before kissing him on the cheek. Matt roughly grabbed Ava from her shoulders.

"You better"

He said threatening causing Ava to gulp as she immediately nodded. Yugi sadly looked to Ava.

"Why did you get back with him?"

He asked quietly for Matt won't hear. Ava avoid from looking at him as she spoke.

"What choice did I have? I was single and I wanted someone to want me, so Matt took me back"

"Ava please look at me"

He said grabbing her hand but Ava roughly pulled her hand away as he brushed her fresh bruise on her wrist.

"Don't touch me"

She said angrily. Yugi frown as he soon realized the reason why.

"He's hurting you again, is he?"

He asked.

"Talk! You said you wanted to talk! So talk!"

She shouted causing a few people to look but return to what they were doing.

"Okay okay.... let's just talk"

He said hesitantly. Ava looked down to the ground before looking at Yugi briefly.

"Is it true?"

"What's true? Talk to me"

He asked.

"That you were only with me because you felt sorry for me"

"Ava that is not true...whoever told you that was...."


She yelled cutting Yugi off causing more people to look before continuing off with their business.

"The lying has to stop. I can't take it anymore!"

"Ava, come on think straight here. I love you, your parents love you, that should be enough instead of going back to that guy"

"You don't understand. You never understood why I was always happy. Why I always faked a smile for the sake of my sanity"

Yugi frown as he took one step forward.

"Then help me understand"

He said causing Ava to take one step back.

"I'm all alone in this world"

"You have me, you have friends, family..."

Ava felt tears threatening to fall as she shook her head in denial.

"What good are they? What good are you to me when you were the one hurting me"

"Everyone has a story, even ones that they are not proud of. I understand where you are coming from..."

"Stop just please stop"

"You’re everything I never knew I always wanted and that's the truth"

Ava sadly looked down.

"It's just a little too late"

She said walking back towards Matt who was laughing at Yugi.

"Now why don't you beat it and get out of here, wimp"

He said with a smirk. Yugi angrily looked to Matt.

"That's enough coward, I challenge you to a duel, winner takes Ava"

He announced. Ava gasp in surprise as Matt simply scoffs.

"You seriously think I'm gonna duel you when I can just beat you with my fists instead"

He said with a grin.

"Come on Ava, let's get going"

He said as she grabbed their shopping bags in hand. Yugi stood standing in place as he watched Ava leave with Matt hand in hand.

'I'm too late'

He thought sadly.

*Motou's Home*

Atemu knocked on Yugi's door with a smile.


"Come in"

Said a quiet voice causing Yami to frown as he open the door to reveal Yugi sitting on the bed with his back against the wall.

"Are you okay?"

"I was too late"

He said quietly. Atemu made his way in front of Yugi.

"What do you mean?"

"Ava got back with her ex"


Atemu asked in surprise.

"How can that be?"

"She said that the only reason I was with her is because I felt sorry for her. That wasn't true"

He said sadly. Atemu frown in thought but Yugi cut of his train of thoughts.

"Matt's abusing her again and this time I think it's gotten worse. She could end up dead and she doesn't care anymore"

He said looking up Atemu with tears.

"What do I do? I tried speaking to her but she seems convinced that she's all alone"

Atemu sat down on the edge of the bed with his back to Yugi.

"Then we will both have to talk to her"

"What if she doesn't listen?"

"What if she does? You have to think positive, she's still your fan and maybe she will still listen to her idol"

He said hoping to cheer Yugi up. Yugi smiled as he nodded.

"Yeah, maybe"

*Three Days Later at Ava's Home*

Atemu knocked on the door since Yugi was holding a gift for Ava. The door open to reveal Ava's mom in tears. Yugi felt his heart drop as he saw her. Atemu was surprise to see her crying.

"Now is not a good time, she just got out of the hospital"

She said tearfully.

"The hospital?"

Yugi said in shock.

"We came to speak to Ava"

Atemu said sincerely.

"Let them in dear, maybe they can speak to her"

Said a male voice who belong to Ava's father. Atemu and Yugi stepped in to see Ava sitting on the couch with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Ava your friends are here to speak to you"

The mom said sadly. Yugi and Atemu got closer to Ava as she stood up bruised from her arms and legs, cut on her lips and black eyes. Ava smiled at the two Motou's.

"Hi you guys"

She said cheerfully.

A/N Ouchie

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