Who Are You?

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"I never felt so alive!"

Ava yelled in joy before running back to Yugi's side.

"What's the plan for today?"

Ava happily asked to her boyfriend. Yugi smiled at her as he swinged his hand with hers as they were making their way to Burger World.

"Well a friend of mine is coming back today, he's more like a brother to me"

"Oh really? Coming from where?"


"Awesome. So that means your gonna be busy right?"

"I would like for him to meet you, after all you are a very important person to me"

"Awww Yugi"

She said as Yugi open the door for her as they entered the fast food place. They put their order in as they continue to talk.

"So that friend of yours, what was the reason he went to Egypt? Business? Vacation? Exploration?"

"Just for old time sake"

"Oh so he's from there"

"Yeah he was born and raised"

"That's gotta be cool. How did you meet him?"

Yugi nervously laugh.

"My grandpa actually, he was exploring over there and found him"

Before Ava had a chance to ask the waitress came with their food.

"This looks delicious"

Ava said looking down at her plate.

"Good. I would hate to disappoint you"

"Not at all"

She said with a wave of her hand. After they were done eating, they walked towards the heart of Domino City just talking and sightseeing. They headed to a nearby park and sat on the bench.

"Yugi, can you tell me why you love me?"

"You know I love you"

Yugi looked to her in surprise.

"I know but like why me? What about me was special to you?"

She asked curiously. Yugi frown in thought as he tried to gather his thoughts.


She said slightly nudging him. Yugi cleared up his throat as he looked to Ava as he grabbed her hand in his.

"Let me ask you this, do you believe in soulmates?"

Ava tilted her head with a grin.

"I like the idea that someone somewhere is made for you, forever."

"That's exactly how I felt when I first met you. The things that matter in life actually comes unexpectedly"

Ava smiled slightly as she looked to the ground as in she wasn't satisfied with that answer. Yugi looked to her in slight concern.

"Is everything alright Ava?"

He asked.

"It's just you don't tell me things Yugi. I'm an open book. I tell you everything"

Yugi slightly chuckled as he gently pushed a few strands behind her ear.

"Ava, constantly talking isn't necessarily communicating"

"But won't you get bored of me?"

"Of course not, everyday with you is like an adventure"


She asked with a bright smile.


He said as he leaned towards her to give her a kiss on the lips. The sound of a beep caused them to break apart as Yugi gasp.

"Oh man, I'm gonna be late"

Yugi said as he stood up.

"Sorry babe, I have to go. Will you meet me at my house later?"

"Sure but where are you going?"

"To pick up my friend. I promise to meet up with them as they arrive"

"Oh. Okay, be safe"


He said giving her a brief kiss before running off.

'Hmmm maybe I should buy this Atemu guy a gift as in a welcome back to japan'

She thought happily before leaving the park to find a perfect gift.

*Yugi's Home*


Ava said as she peek her head into the door with a gift box in her hands before closing the door behind her. She heard laughing and talking coming from the living room. She smiled as she put the gift down on the nearby lamp and smiled as she saw Yugi's back to her. She happily jumped on him catching him by surprise as she wrap her arms around his neck.

"I missed you"

She said nuzzling the back of his neck.

"Well hello there"

Said a baritone voice causing Ava to freeze as she pulled away and was surprise to see a man standing there looking just like her boyfriend.

"Who are you? You're not Yugi"


Joey said as he stood up.

"This here is Atemu. He just got back from Egypt"

He announced. Ava took a step back in surprise and saw her boyfriend coming out of the kitchen with a smile.


She asked in confusion as he gently laughs as he rub the back of his head.

"I should have given you a warning that we look slightly similar."

He said sheepishly.

"And who might this be?"

Atemu asked to his friends as he motion to Ava.

"Oh, Atemu this is Ava my girlfriend. Ava this here is Atemu"

Ava looked between Atem and Yugi.

"It's like a doppelganger right before my eyes"

She said in amazement. She quickly soon remember that she got a gift. As she turn around, Joey motion for Atemu and Yugi to switch spots to see if Ava can tell them apart. As Ava turn she looked back at Atemu and Yugi in confusion.

"So Ava? Which is who?"

Tristan asked. Ava looked between the duo before walking up to Atem and handing him the gift and went to Yugi giving him a kiss on the lips.

"This is my Yugi"

She said confidently. Yugi laughs as he wrap his arm around her waist. Atem looked at the gift.

"You didn't have to get me anything"

He said as he open the gift the reveal a lava lamp and a few duel monster cards.

"I know but think of it as a welcome back gift"

She said with a smile. Everyone soon sat around on the couch and began talking. Joey gently nudge Ava.

"How did you figured out who is who?"

He asked curiously. Ava looked to him with a smirk.

"I didn't but I know for a fact I left Yugi a hickie on the side of his neck and his chocker wasn't really covering it up much"

She said with a giggle causing Joey to laugh with her. As the friends got to know each other minus Tea who was running late, Joey confess to Yugi and Ava what happened at the arcade.

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