3; Too Tired For This

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Chapter 3; Too Tired For This
[Edited as of 12/27/15]

"Wake up, Greenie."

I felt a hand shake my arm, the breath of the Glader who was waking me up tickling my cheek. I opened my eyes lightly, my hair covering half of my face as I looked up to see the culprit.

Newt stood above me with a smile, his eyes shining with joy as he motioned me to get up. "C'mon Greenie, I'm giving you the tour." he beamed, his hands across his chest as he looked down at me. I yawned in return and propped myself up with my elbow, brushing the loose strands of hair behind my ear. "Tour?" I muttered tiredly, swiping hair out of my face.

"Yeah, your, don't you want to learn more about this bloody place?" he asked me before pulling me up with my arm.

I yawned again, feeling warmth spread through my once again at his touch. "Okay, but I get to shower after." I reasoned, and he rolled his eyes.

"Deal, now let's go." he encouraged, dragging me out of bed finally with one last tug. I trudged behind him after I was up and slightly decent, my shoes already on my feet since I forgot to take them off last night. "So where to first?" I asked as we exited Homestead, already walking towards the East Wall as soon as we got out. "Well I'm just going to explain everything first."

I yawned even more when he cleared his throat, preparing to speak of course, "Okay, shoot." I said, signaling a green light for him to start rambling.

We walked around for a good thirty minutes, Newt explaining everything about the Glade, including every single death and detail that has happened here. He didn't sugar code it at all, seeing as though I felt like throwing up half way through and gagged when he talked about guys being cut in half. Fantastic.

"Well that's a lot to take it." I chuckled bitterly, sitting on a bench and pressing a hand to my forehead and rubbing circles as a new headache appeared.

"I get what you mean, but you'll get used to it after awhile." He said while sitting to me. "There going to be a Gathering later on for all of this business about you coming up the box."

I sighed, "I didn't know I was that important."

He leaned back against the bench, quirking a brow at me as I rubbed my forehead. "Well, you are the first girl to arrive, that and you came up the box with two words that have been seen everywhere. I think a Gathering is just what we need." he chuckles, running a hand through his hair after a breeze makes a few blonde locks fly all over the place.

"True." I muttered while slightly closing my eyes as the pain increased in my head and tiredness seemed to take over once again.

"Why are you so tired today?" Newt asked, eyeing me curiously as I hummed in return.

"I don't know, I just feel like I didn't sleep at all last night when in reality I did." I confessed, then right after feeling a hand grab my arm and stand me up and then throw me over their shoulder in a flash. I shrieked in shock at the sudden motion, almost banging my head on his back as he heaved me up. "You need sleep, Greenie. I'll wake you up when the Gathering starts." he said, and I laughed, a small smile making its way to my face when he started walking back to Homestead.

I left my eyes closed as Newt carried me to the Med-Jacks room, whistles following us the entire way. Lets just say I had no problem with any of this.

I felt Newt trudge up the stairs, soon setting me down on one of beds after kicking open the door. I felt him throw a blanket over me right away, the fabric warm as I hugged it closer to my body, digging myself into the small bed as Newt covered me more. "Thank you." I said groggily, flashing him a thumbs up which made him laugh.

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