Thank You: Summary

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Thank You: Summary


In case most of you were wondering, when Isabella went to check the message in the Maze, she became trapped by Grievers and was forced to fall off the edge of the cliff.

She tumbled through the Griever Hole unexpectedly where she was then grabbed by WICKED guards and taken to Chancellor Ava Paige.

There she received her memories, remembering her task as a subject when she was sent into the Maze. She was supposed to make life easier for them and help them prepare for Thomas to enter the Maze, but instead she became powerful to the point where they could figure out how to escape the Maze without Thomas

Which is the main reason they extracted her

Now they will be sending Wendy in to correct Isabella's mess


Thank you to everyone who has read this story! It has been a great journey to write and I can't wait for all of you read the sequel that is already out!

Until Violation, I hope you enjoyed!

~ Celeste xx

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