Who? continued

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I was running till I saw Daisy and some guy he looked familiar. So I got closer and saw that it was Steven with Daisy. Me and Steven don't get along well. So I ran up to Daisy and grabbed her by her arm and pulled her away from him. She tried to pull back and said let go. I said why are you trying to stay here. She said Because he's my friend and he's hurt. I said no he's not he's faking like he always does. She said Juan why the fuck are you acting like this. I said If you don't like the way I'm acting than good bye and I walked away as fast as I could. She kept yelling my name but I just started to run home.
End of POV
Steven told me don't worry about Juan. I told Steven I'll take you to my house because of your ankle. He said thanks Daisy. I helped him to walk to my house. When we got their I opened the door and sat him on the couch. Karma yelled Daisy are you home I said yea. She came  down stair and saw Steven and hugged him. Karma  said whose hungry me and Steven looked at each other and yelled out food!!Than I said where's Alexis Karma said he left. She said what happened to Steven I said he hurt his ankle than my phone went off and their was a pic of me on IG that said...

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