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September 10, 2018
12:15 p.m.

"You okay bebecita?" Lee asked sitting next to me, immediately rubbing my back.

"No, I feel really nauseated," I said turning my head slowly.

"Come on let's take you to the nurse," he said reaching for my arm. "Have you been drinking water?"

"Is she alright?" Alejandro asked setting his food tray down.

"I don't know," Lee replied helping me up. I felt my heart beating fast and it was leaving me breathless.

"Vale-" I interrupted throwing up all over the floor.

My stomach felt like it was doing flips and tricks. I hated it.


The nurse made me eat some fruit and drink some water then she asked that I laid down for a little.

"Did you eat this morning?" Lee asked and I shook my head making him frown. "Valentina, what the fuck?"

"That's probably why you over there sick as fuck," Alejandro chimed in.

"Stop cussing. She's gonna kick y'all out," I hissed and Lee rolled his eyes. "I'm fine now."

Spooky szn 🥰
You okay girasol?

I sucked my teeth looking at the message. Of course, they told him.

"Leebrian, why would you tell him? I'm fine, I just didn't eat and I was dehydrated." I huffed crossing my arms.

"I didn't know that. For all I know you could be pregnant." He sassed making me laugh. The school nurse glanced over with disbelief. "Had to make sure your future daddy knew."

"You're dumb," I replied laughing harder. "I'm not pregnant."

"Good, I don't want mini Oscars around. I have enough with him." Alejandro said and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, you okay?" Cesar walked in with Monse and all of them.

"Are you sick?" Jamal asked frowning. "Is it the flu? 'Cause you know around this time people tend to get the flu. Did you get your flu shot?" I saw Monse rolled her eyes at his antics.

"You're rambling, stop." Ruby interjected cutting him off. "You okay princesa?"

"I'm fine guys," I reassured. "I'm not pregnant. Is not the flu. I just didn't eat this morning and haven't been hydrating myself."

"I got an extra water bottle right here," Jamal pulled a water bottle and gave it to me. "Take it."

"Thank you," I smiled opening the water bottle. "Guys, I'm fine is not a big deal. Please go."

"Fine," they replied in unison making me giggle.

"All together now," I snickered and Cesar rolled his eyes playfully. "See y'all later."

5:30 p.m.

"Hey mi solecito," Oscar greeted wrapping his arms around my waist scaring the shit out of me.

"Stop doing that," I frowned turning around to face him. "You scared me."

"Who else is it gonna be?" He raised his eyebrows and I squinted my eyes. "The little bell rang."

"It could be anyone trying to rob me or something," I scoffed crossing my arms. "I didn't hear the stupid bell."

"Are you okay?" He asked caressing my cheeks. "You sound irritated."

"I'm tired, and I have a headache. I'm sorry, didn't mean to sound rude." Oscar pecked my lips and gave me a soft smile.

"It's okay. You're never mean I wanted to make sure you're okay."

"Thank you," I smiled and kept stocking up the fridge.

"You close today?" He asked holding the door open for me.

"Yes," I replied as I struggled to open a box. "Come on!"

"Beach after?" He asked bending down to open the box for me.

"Of course!" I exclaimed with excitement. "Can't wait."

10:34 p.m.
We were laying down looking at the stars and talking nonsense. I sat down to look at him.

"I have a joke," I sang smiling hard. "Wanna hear it?"

"Of course," he suppressed a smile. I couldn't help but giggle already.

"Why do mushrooms get invited to all the parties?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "Because they're such fungis! Get it? Fun guys"

He stayed quiet for a second then he sucked his teeth. I started laughing and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"You're done," he chuckled pulling me to his chest. He pressed a kiss against my lips which made me kiss him back. "I love you."

I smiled looking at him admiring his features, "I love you too."


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