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July 18, 2018
12:34 p.m.

"Valentina!" I heard Vanessa yelling and I groaned putting down my journal.

"I'm coming!" I yelled walking to the door. "What's up?"

"What do you mean 'what's up?' you said you were going to coming over to help me pick my outfit for tonight!" She said and I frowned.

"I did?" I asked confused scratching the back of my head.

"Yeah!" She said and I sighed rubbing my temples.

"I don't- I don't remember but give me a second let me get my phone," I said and she nodded.

"Hi Vanessa!" My mom greeted as I walked back to my room.

"Oh shit, I did said that." I muttered to myself as I grabbed my phone.


"Tell Oscar to suck my dick and stop texting you!" Vanessa exclaimed and I laughed locking my phone.

"My bad, alright pick the red one!" I said for the fifth time.

"You sure?" She asked and I nodded. "If he don't like me this will be in your conscience forever."

"He will. Why are you overthinking this shit? Y'all been together since forever." I said laying back on her bed.

"It's our anniversary," she whispered blushing and I snickered.

"Look at you blushing and shit," I laughed and she sucked her teeth.

"Okay pero you like Oscar and you don't see me saying shit," she said and I laughed harder.

"That has nothing to do with the topic, Vanessa. I don't like him. I just think he's handsome," I shrugged my shoulders and Vanessa rolled her eyes.

"He thinks the same thing," she scoffed and I snickered.

"He thinks I'm handsome?" I joked and she smacked my thigh hard. "That hurt!"

"That's what you get for being a pendeja. He thinks you're he said and I quote so fucking beautiful." She said and I hummed holding back a smile.

"How you know?" I asked and she laid next to me.

"He asked me a lot of questions the other day about you then he said that," she said and I hummed.

Spooky Szn 👻
are you done?

"Please tell me that I'm reading it wrong and that's not his contact name," she said grabbing my phone.

"I came up with it the other day," I chuckled grabbing back my phone.

"You're so lame," she snickered as she pushed me.

"Nah I'm funny as fuck," I said and she hummed. "Dude, I'm a whole joke."

"Not funny. Let's not do those 'jokes'," she said and I rolled my eyes.


Spooky Szn 👻
what are you
going to do?


i'm going back home
and finish what i was
doing why?

Spooky Szn 👻
i'm tryna see you

nooo i don't want
to see your face rn

"You're so mean Vale," she snickered and I laughed.

"I'm not. I'm just kidding!" I said and she shook her head.

Spooky Szn 👻
wow okay rude as fuck

i'm kidding...for a gang
leader you sure have a
fuck lot of free time

Spooky Szn 👻
you know what bye
you don't appreciate
me enough for me to
put up with your shit

i'm kidding papito
don't goooooo

Spooky Szn 👻
i knew you were going
to beg for me mamita
i wasn't expecting it to
be this quick tho

goodbye. i'm going
to sleep. goodnight

Spooky Szn 👻
it's 2 p.m. 😂😂

i said goodnight

Spooky Szn
i feel like eating Chinese
wanna come with??

i wasn't THAT tired.
i'm paying tho

Spooky Szn 👻
i'll pick you up

I love shitty chapters

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