
828 18 0

September 14, 2018
5:30 p.m.

I haven't seen or heard from Oscar since he dropped me off four days ago and I'm worried. No messages. No calls. He's not at his house. No one is telling me shit.

"Come on Cesar," I pulled on his arm "tell me where is your brother."

"Valentina," he mocked my voice. "I don't know."

"You suck at lying," I scoffed and started to walk away quickly.

"I'm not! Valentina, don't be mad." He begged walking behind me.

"Cesar," I squinted my eyes turning around. "Shut the fuck up. I am mad, no one tells me anything. He hasn't texted me. I wouldn't be worried if he just replied back. That's it. That's all I want, a text back that says he's okay. What the fuck could he possibly be doing? Freeridge is but so big!"

"I'm sorry," he sighed hugging me. I started crying out of nowhere. "Why are you crying?"

"My period is coming, and your brother makes me mad," I replied cleaning my face separating from him.

"Aw poor baby, wanna come to the bodega with me?" He asked and I nodded.

"If I can get cheetos then yeah," I suggested and he rolled his eyes.

"Come on," he grabbed my wrist and started dragging me towards the store.


"Can I get an Arizona too?" I asked grabbing a can of Arizona.

"You already have it on your hand," he pointed out and I put it in the basket. "You're spoiled. I'm not my brother."

"I know, but I'm mad with you too." I shrugged my shoulders and kept walking. I heard him scoff making me giggle quietly.

I was spoiled.

"Hey," Cesar grabbed my arm making me turn around. "I need advice. I like this girl-"

"Monse, you like Monse." I corrected and he blushed rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah, anyways do you think I should ask her to the dance?" He asked and I smiled clapping my hands together.

"Aww baby," I pinched his cheeks making him blush harder. "Isn't homecoming in next month?"

"Yes, but I just wanted to know if it was a good idea or not," he said making me smile harder. "You know what never mind this was dumb. Let's go pay and take you home."

"I think you should, are y'all together officially?" I asked and he shook his head. "Why not?"

"It would break up the crew," he said shrugging his shoulders and I curled my lip.

"How? That doesn't make sense. Haven't you guys been friends forever?" I asked and he nodded paying for our stuff. "Okay, so what the hell? I'm sorry but that sounds dumb."

"Didn't you and Benito hid that y'all were related from everyone?" He asked ironically, and I rolled my eyes.

"That is different, Benito did it because he didn't want people to associate me with the Santos in any type of way especially by blood. Then your brother had to look the way he does and be obsessed with me and shit," I explained crossing my arms. "It's different with y'all. Y'all been around each other forever and everyone knows who's your brother."

"He is obsessed, huh?" He snickered making me laugh with him.

"Back to my point, is dumb and you should ask her out. That's just my opinion, I don't know though." I said shrugging my shoulders while I started walking ahead of him.

Spooky szn 💕
where are u?

who is this?

Spooky szn 💕
really Valentina?

i think you got
the wrong number

Spooky szn 💕
i was busy and it completely
slipped my mind to let you
know i was gonna be out of town.
baby i'm so sorry.

so, what you're saying is
that i'm not important enough.

Spooky szn 💕
what? solecito i didn't mean it like that

nah, it's cool.

Spooky szn 💕 wants to FaceTime

"Go to hell," I whispered hurt declining the call. "Thank you for walking me home, Cesar."

"You're welcome," he said giving me my bag of snacks.

"Thank you for the snacks too," I replied lifting the bag and he smiled nodding.

"Of course," he replied and waved me goodbye as I crossed into my street. He stood there watching me until I went inside.


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