Newborn Bella

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Anna's POV

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Anna's POV

We got back after the birth and confronted the wolves. Then Jacob appeared and we discovered he's imprinted on my niece. So the pack couldn't touch her. It's their most absolute law not to hurt another's imprint. So they left us be and we renewed the treaty with them. Jake even made a treaty of his own, so that his pack could return to their familys in the reserve. Embry and Quill joined Jake's pack. They apologized to me for trying to kill my niece and sister.

Speaking of Bella it's her nineteenth birthday and she should be waking up today. I wanted to be there with Jasper, Carlisle and Edward. But Renesmee wanted time with Aunt Anna. By the way her name is Renesmee Carlie Cullen. "I love you my little angel" I tell her.

She gurgles happily placing her hand on my check. I see a flash of Bella and Edward, sensing her confusion. I kiss her hand. "Your daddy is with your mother, she is waking up today. You meet her soon" I tell her. As I hear Bella leave with Edward. She claps and I giggle.

"My turn" Rosalie says.

"No my turn" Jacob says.

"Enough you two" Esme tells them.

"Who do you want to go to my angel?" I ask Renesmee. She looks at everyone. Then makes grabby hands at Rosalie. "She has spoken" I say handing her to Rosalie. Jacob pouts and we all chuckle.

"Don't forget your training session later" Jasper tells me.

"I haven't forgotten, I enjoy kicking Emmet's butt" I say smugly.

"Not for much longer" he tells me.

"We shall see" I tell him.

"Guys the argument is pointless, I'm the strongest here" Jake reminds us.

"Want a bet?" I say and put him in a head lock. We mock wrestle.

"Enough you two, no fighting in the house" Esme tells us.

"Sorry Mrs Cullen/Esme" we say together. Since Renesme has been born. Jacob and I have repaired our relationship. We're back to being siblings from other families. We hear Bella return with Edward.

"Race you outside" I tell him and run outside. I rush over to Bella giving her a hug. "Bella, you look amazing" I tell her.

"Thanks, your eyes are amber now" she says.

"Yep, and soon yours will be too" I tell her.

"You're still here" she says surprised looking at Jacob.

"So are you. I didn't expect you to seem" he tells her. As Edward hugs her from behind and she smiles. "Aside from the creepy eyes" he states and we all chuckle. He goes to step closer.

"I would...I would keep my distance, for now" she tells him.

"It's safer for the baby to see how you deal with me first" he tells her.

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