One Cullen Missing

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Anna's POV

"Relax Bella, he probably just has the flu" I tell her as we head to lunch. Edward Cullen wasn't in Biology today and Bella was worried. "I'll see you in class" I tell her when we reach the cafeteria. I wasn't hungry so decided to go to the library instead. I was relaxing reading Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban when a shadow appeared over me.

"Can I help you?" I ask them not looking up from my book. I had just reached the scene where the golden trio went to the magical pet shop.

"Are you Anna Swan?" a girls voice asks and I finally look up. To see the dark pixie haired Cullen looking at me with her gold eyes. 

"Yes, how may I help you?" I ask her closing the book I was reading after mesmerizing the page number.

"Just wanted to talk, you look lonely" she says sitting next to me.

"I'm not lonely" I tell her.

"Really? Then why do you continue to sit alone even though your sister is back?" she asks me.

"I'm just use to being alone, I guess" I tell her.

"Want to know what I think?" she asks.

"Pray tell" I tell her.

"Since your sister stopped coming every summer five years ago you've closed yourself off from the world. But now that's she's back, you don't know how to be your old cheerful self again. You want to be the girl you used to be, but can only be around Bella and you dad alone. Not in front of her friends" she explains.

"You got that all pretty much right, but what if I enjoy being alone?" I ask her.

"No one enjoys being alone" she states. "Tell you want, hangout with my family and I at lunch tomorrow. We're a small group of people and spend our time away from others. You'd have no pressure of conversation and can get used to being cheerful again" she suggests.

"It does sound nice, but what about the others? Would they be ok with me sitting with you? It is your family table" I remind her.

"They'll be fine with it" she assures me.

"Where's the other Cullen, the one that isn't here today?" I ask her.

"Oh he wasn't feeling well, he will be back in a few days" she states.

"Told Bella he was probably sick" I mumble to myself. "So tomorrow at lunch?" I ask her smiling already feeling happy at the prospect of new friends. But I'd make them on my own without Bella for a change. I was usually only friends with people, because they are friends with Bella.

"Yes, I look forward to seeing you then" she says before leaving. I see the blonde haired male Cullen greet her at the entrance. She waves goodbye and they leave. The bell goes and I head to English. I sit by Bella and take notes while she just listens to the teacher.

(Next day at lunch)

I sit beside the blonde haired male Cullen and the pixie haired girl smiles at me. "So you all know my name?" I ask and they nod their heads. "I'm sorry, I don't know yours" I tell them and the dark haired one chuckles.

"You're the first person not to know our names" he tells me.

"Be nice" the pixie haired one scolds him before smiling at me. "I am Alice and this is my boyfriend Jasper" she introduces herself and blonde haired boy.

"I'm Rosalie" the blonde girl tells me.

"You have a beautiful name" I tell her and she smiles gently.

"My name is Emmett" the dark haired said holding out a hand. I smile shaking it.

"You have a strong grip Emmett" I tell him and he chuckles.

"You have admirers" Jasper says looking around the cafeteria.

"They just not used to anyone else sitting with us" Alice tells him. "But there is a certain someone who keeps looking over" she says looking at one table. I follow her gaze to see Bella looking at us and I give her a smile. She smiles back before turning back to her friends.

"She's my older sister, she is just making sure I'm ok" I tell them.

"What is Bella like?" Emmett asks and Rosalie elbows him.

"Well I haven't seen her in five years" I tell him. "She is really clumsy though and will trip over anything in sight. Just the other day she slipped on the ice" I explain and the all laugh quietly. "My dad treats her like a fragile piece of glass, even though she has never seriously hurt herself before" I add. "Is it true you moved here from Alaska?" I ask them.

"Yes, it was colder up there" Alice says and the other three laugh. "Though it was beautiful at night, especially with the northern lights" she states.

"I wish I could see them one day, they always look so beautiful on the internet. I would love to see if they are as beautiful in person" I tell her.

"Maybe you can go with us one a trip sometime" Emmet suggests making Rosalie elbow him again.

"That would be wonderful, but wouldn't you have to ask Doctor Cullen and his wife" I remind him.

"Very true and it's usually a family trip" Rosalie states. Just then the bell goes and I say goodbye to them. Before meeting Bella and we walk to the gym together. She asks why I was sitting with the Cullens and if I knew why Edward (the other Cullen) wasn't here.

"I told you before he is sick, that's what Alice told me" I tell her. "Besides they were being friendly" I add. We reached the gym and changed clothes in the girls change room. Today we were doing badminton in pairs. Luckily I wasn't paired with Bella, but a girl named Chloe Rustic and she is awesome at badminton.


Picture above of the Cullen table without Edward and picture on the external link of Anna's outfit.

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