Bella and Edward's Wedding

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Anna's POV

It's the day of Bella and Edward's wedding. They'd leave for their honeymoon tonight after the reception. I'll be turned into a vampire while they are on their honeymoon. I will be going to Alaska to stay with the Denali coven until Bella and Edward return. At which time Bella will be turned and they'll join us with the rest of the Cullens. But right now Alice and I are helping Bella get ready.

I am doing her nails as Alice does her make-up. "What did I tell you about beauty sleep?" Alice asks Bella in a scolding tone.

"Sorry. Bad dream. Maybe it's wedding jitters" Bella says sheepishly. Just then Rosalie enters the room.

"Do you both need some help? I could do her hair" Rosalie suggests.

"Really?" Bella asks her surprised. Rosalie smiles and goes behind her grabbing a brush.

"Please. I'm not offended by your choice of groom" Rosalie tells her as she starts to brush her hair.

"Just my blatant lack of respect for mortality" Bella says.

"Essentially" Rosalie says with a smile. I smile at them.

"Weddings! They bring everyone together" Alice says smiling as she hugs Rosalie and I. We go back to helping Bella get ready. I finish her nails and pass Rosalie pins for her hand.

"Bella, Anna?!" mum calls as Rosalie finishes Bella hair and Alice finishes her make-up.

"In here mum" I say and she appears in the door way.

"Awe you both look beautiful" she says tearing up. "Crap my mascara" she says and Alice gives her a tissue. "Charlie get in here!" she calls and dad enters the room.

"I know, I look awful" he says.

"No, you look very dashing dad" I assure him with a smile. "Did you guys bring it?" I ask them smiling. They'd told me about the hair comb and I suggested them putting sapphires in it.

"We thought you needed something blue" mum tells Bella with a smile as she hands her a box.

"And something old, besides your mother" dad adds jokingly as Bella opens the box. To reveal the jeweled hair comb inside.

"It was grandma Swan's" I tell Bella with a smile.

"But we added the sapphires" mum adds.

"It's beautiful you guys" Bella says as she lets Rosalie put it into her hair. "Thank you so much" she says smiling.

"It's your first family heirloom. Pass it on to your sister, and your daughters" mum says tearing up.

"Um...I love it" Bella says and goes to hug mum. But Alice stops her.

"No smudging my masterpiece" she tells her.

"Oh, she's right" mum agrees.

"Time for your dress" I tell Bella smiling and dad leaves. Mum helps us finish getting Bella ready. Then Alice, Rosalie and I get ready. We go downstairs as dad reenters the room. He will be giving Bella away. I go to the garden and spot the Denali's. I rush over and hug them tightly. "So glad you guys could make it" I tell them.

"We wouldn't miss this for the world" Carmen tells me with a smile.

"Are you ready to leave tomorrow?" Eleazar asks me.

"Yes, all packed" I assure him. Everyone starts to take their seats. "I'll talk to you guys later" I tell them and get into position. As Bella Maid of Honour I have to stand by her as Carlisle stands by Edward as best man. Soon dad walks Bella down the aisle and passes her to Edward.


The party is in full swing and I rejoin the Denali's after the speeches. As Edward and Bella share their first dance as a married couple to A Thousand Years. "Mum, dad come over here!" I call waving them over. "Mum, dad this is Carmen and Eleazar from Denali Alaska. They are the Cullen's cousins and were also my hosts when I was in Alaska" I tell them.

"Pleasure to meet you" dad says shaking Eleazar's hand.

"Thank you for taking care of Anna" mum says.

"Oh she was wonderful company and she welcome always" Carmen tells them.

"Are you sure you have to leave tomorrow Anna? Phil and I planned on staying until tomorrow night. So that we could catch up" mum tells me.

"I know, but if we don't leave tomorrow. We'll have to wait a week for the next flight" I tell her sheepishly. "Besides I promise to call every other day" I add.

"You had better" dad tells me. They leave us and mum goes to dance with Phil. Just then Bella and Edward stop dancing.

"Come on, I want to introduce you to my sister" I tell them smiling. Tanya and Kate join us. We walk over to Bella and Edward. "Congratulations Bella and Edward, I am so happy for you both" I tell them as I hug Bella. "Anyway Bella, I have some people I want you to meet" I say with a smile. "The Cullens cousins from Denali" I state.

Carmen kisses both of her cheeks. "We've heard so much about you" she says with a smile.

"Welcome to the family" Eleazar adds.

"Thank you and thank you for taking such good care of Anna when she was in Alaska" Bella tells them.

"It was our pleasure" Tanya assures her.

"Irina, come meet Bella" Kate says. I look to see Irina looking at Seth. She turns away and walks over to us.

"I can't do this" Irina tells her sister.

"You promised" Tanya reminds her.

"They invited one" Irina says.

"Irina, he's our friend" Edward tells her.

"They killed Laurent" Irina tells him.

"He tried to kill Bella" he states.

"I don't believe that" she tells him. " He wanted to be like us. To live in peace with humans, with me" she states.

"I'm sorry" Edward says and she leaves. Tanya and Kate go after her.

" Um...let's not monopolize the bride. Congratulations" Eleazar says.

"Thank you" Bella says.

"Sorry Bella" I say as Carmen and Eleazar leave us.

"Well, what's a wedding without some family drama?" Edward says.

"Yeah" Bella says in agreement.

"Well I am going to go dance with Charlie, you both have fun" I tell them. I go find dad and pull him onto the dance floor. We dance to one song before Sue takes over.


Picture above of Anna at the wedding and on the external link of Anna's view of the wedding. Video above of the song A Thousand Years.

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