Happy Birthday

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Anna's POV

"Happy Birthday Bella!" I cheer jumping on her bed. It's been just over six months since James was killed. So we are both out of our casts and it's Bella's 18th birthday.

"Can't you act your age?" she grumbles.

"Nope and here you go" I say handing her a present as I sit down beside her.

"I thought we agreed no presents" she says.

"No you said no presents and I ignored you" I state. She opens to reveal a black jacket. Just then dad enters the room. Holding two presents, one wrapped and one with a bow.

"I thought we agreed, no presents?" Bella asks him.

"The one from me isn't wrapped, so it doesn't count" he tells her. "The other is from your mum, we coordinated. Well she coordinated me" he states. Her gifts were a camera and empty photo album.

"Dad take a picture of us" I say tossing him the camera. I then sling my arm around Bella and we smile as he takes the photo. "Awesome, be sure to print two of those Bella" I tell her.

"Senior year! How'd you get so old so fast?" dad asks her.

"You are an adult now Bella, while I'm still a teenager" I state.

"I didn't! It's not that old and you won't be a teenager forever" Bella tells us.

"Well I don't know. Is that a grey hair?" dad asks and I try not to laugh at my sister's reaction.

"No, no way" she says and runs over to the mirror. She checks her hair where dad had pointed. While I start to laugh saying 'good one dad'.

"Happy Birthday" dad says before leaving.

"Yeah that's real funny Anna" Bella grumbles.

"Oh stop pouting and get dressed, Edward will be here soon to pick you up" I state.

"How are you getting to school?" she asks me and there was a beep outside.

"That's my ride" I say leaving the room. "Bye dad, have a good day at work!" I shout as I leave the house. I run over to Rose's car and hop into the back seat in between Jasper and Emmett. "Lets go" I tell them and Rose drives us to school.

"The party is all set for tonight" Alice tells me. "Did you give her the jacket?" she asks.

"Of course" I tell her smiling. "Emmet did you get her the same sound system as mine?" I ask him.

"Only the best for family" he states. We arrived at school and Rose parked in her parking spot. Before we all got out and Rose left with Emmett. While Jasper, Alice and I roam the halls waiting with Bella to arrive with Edward. Alice spots them first when they enter the school.

"Bella" she says and walks over to them. "Happy birthday" she says smiling. Bella hugs her telling her to be quite.

"I thought I said no presents" Bella repeats and I roll my eyes.

"I thought I said no presents" I mimic and she rolls her eyes.

"I've already seen you open it, and guess what? You love it! You're gonna wear it tonight with the jacket Anna gave you. Our place" Alice tells her confidently. Bella looks reluctant to agree and I nudge Jasper slightly. He lowers his head and looks intently at Bella."Come on, please? It'll be fun" she assures her.

"Okay, all right" Bella agrees making Alice and I squeal happily.

"Great! Okay, I'll see you at seven" Alice says and walks back over to Jasper as I walk over to Bella.

"Jasper! No fair with the mood control thing" Bella says and I smirk.

"Sorry, Bella. Happy..." he starts to say and she gives him a look. "Never mind" he says and leaves with Alice.

"You can't trust vampires. Trust me" Edward tells her.

"Or little sisters" she adds looking at me while I smile innocently. The three of us head to our literature class. Today we are doing Romeo and Juliet.

(That night, Cullens house)

I stand with the others around Bella as Alice gave her presents and I took photos with Bella's new camera. Emmett had already installed the new sound system into Bella trunk while she was upstairs with Edward. Bella had already gotten a necklace from Rose. Now Alice gave her the present from Esme and Carlisle. Esme said it was something to brighten  her day as she has been looking pale recently.

But as Bella goes to open it she gets a paper cut. Which sets Jasper off. Edward pushes Bella away while Esme gets in front of me protectively with Rose. Emmet Restrains Jasper with Carlisle's help. Before taking him out of the room with Alice, Edward and Rose in tow. While I go upstairs with Carlisle and Bella to patch her up.

"Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us" Carlisle says as he removes glass from Bella's arm.

"How do you do it?" Bella asks him.

"Year and years of practice" he says smiling as he cleans the wound.

"Have you ever thought of doing it the easy way?" Bella asks him and I glare at her.

"No, I knew who I wanted to be. I wanted to help people. Brings me happiness. Even if I'm damned about this" he states.

"Damned? Like...like hell? Carlisle, you can't be damned" I tell him.

"She's right, it's impossible" Bella adds as he stitches up her arm.

"Thank you, Anna, Bella. You always been very gracious about us" Carlisle says smiling.

"So, that's it? That's why he won't change me?" she asks him.

"Imagine the situation in reverse. If you believed as Edward does, would you take away his soul?" Carlisle asks her. I wrap her arm and he burns the bloody clothes. Edward then takes Bella home while I spend the night. That was the original plan and I didn't want it to change because of what happened. Jasper, Alice, Rose and Emmet were out hunting. So I helped Esme tidy up the party decorations before going to my room and going to bed.


Picture above of the party room and picture on the external link of Anna in her party outfit.

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