Hospital and Prom

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Anna's POV

"Bella? Anna?" I hear mum ask. I wake up in a hospital room in a bed next to Bella's. To see her awake also and mum standing in between our two beds.

"Mum" I say siting up and hugging her.

"Mom?" Bella says confused.

"Hey" mum says smiling as she pulls away.

"Where is he? Where's Edward?" Bella asks looking around for him.

"He's right over there, relax Bella" I tell her pointing to the couch next to the window.

"He's asleep. He never leaves. And your dad is down in the cafeteria" mum explains. I smile, happy dad was here also.

"What happened?" Bella asks mum.

"Well, when you fell you broke your leg. And you lost a lot of blood. Anna broke her fore arm. You don't remember any of this, do you?" mum asks us.

"Only a little" I lie as Bella says 'no'. In fact I remember everything.

"Edward came down with his dad to try to convince Bella to come back to Forks. You both went over to their hotel. Bella tripped and you fell down two flights of stairs. Went through a window, while Anna only fell down one flight of stairs. Before Carlisle stopped her" mum explains.

"Yeah, that sounds like me" Bella says.

"You're clumsy must be rubbing off on me" I tell her and we giggle. Mum smiles at us and her phone buzzes. She takes it out and begins to text.

"It's Phil. He's so worried about you" she states.

"You're texting?" Bella and I ask her shocked.

"Finally, yeah. I told him to stay down in Florida. Oh Bella you are going to love Jacksonville. It's sunny every day and we found the cutest little house and you have your own bathroom" mum tells her.

"Mum, I still wanna live in Forks with Anna and dad" Bella tells her.

"What?" mum asks her surprised.

"I wanna live in Forks" Bella repeats.

"Well, okay but we'll talk about it" mum says before going to get a drink. Edward rushes over to Bella and they begin to talk. I lay down and decide to rest. As I am still tired and fall sleep.

(Back in Forks)

We're back in Forks I have a black cast for my arm and Bella has one for her leg. Edward invited her to prom and she's dragging me along. Alice got us both dresses to wear. Bella helped me dress and I did our make-up. She then did our hair, keeping it simple.

Then we walked downstairs where Edward was waiting with dad. Edward gives Bella a corsage. We say goodbye dad and then get into Edward's silver Volvo. "So how's your arm Anna?" Edward asks.

"Fine, I still need to wear it for an other five weeks though" I state. We reach the school and Edward drops Bella & I off at the door. Before going to find a parking spot. Bella and I were sitting on a bench when Jacob appeared.

"Bella! Anna!" he calls and walks over.

"Jacob? Hey" we say smiling.

"Nice" he says gesturing to our dresses.

"You too, are you crashing the prom or something? Did you come with a date?" Bella asks him.

"No. My dad paid me to come talk to you both. 20 bucks" he states.

"Well, let's hear it" I tell him.

"Just don't get mad, okay? He wants Bella to break up with her boyfriend. It's just, he said quote 'we'll be watching you both'" he explains.

"Okay, well tell him thanks. And to pay up" Bella tells him. Jacob then helps us stand when Edward appears with our coats. We say goodbye and leave to go inside.

"I leave you alone for two minutes and the wolves descend" he tells us. Making me giggle. As we enter the gym our picture is taken. "Anna, I going to take Bella to the gazebo. Will you be ok?" he asks me.

"I will be fine, have fun" I tell him. "I'll be at the poker tables" I add as they leave. I head over to the first poker table, which Tyler is running. "Deal me in" I tell him as I sit down.

"Sheriffs daughter gambling, that is a surprise" he says dealing me in. I win the first game thanks to my amazing poker face. "Is it true you can imitate anyone?" Tyler asks.

"Pretty much" I say shrugging.

"Do Bella" he says and I roll my eyes.

"At least give me a challenge" I tell him smirking. "Just to be polite" I say and he laughs.

"Do Jessica" he states.

"That's Edward Cullen, totally gorgeous oblivious. But apparently no one here is good enough for him. Like I care" I say throwing a poker chip down.

"How did you even know she said that?" he asks laughing.

"Bella told me" I say shrugging. We continue to play poker and I end up winning 120 bucks. Before Bella and Edward came to find me. Saying it was time to leave.  Edward takes us home and Bella helps me change. Before going to her room and I brush my teeth. Before crawling into bed and fell into a peaceful sleep.

The End of Twilight, but not the story. See you in New Moon in the next chapter.


Picture above of Anna's fore arm cast and picture on the external link of her prom outfit.

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