Their Diet

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Anna's POV

I am driving Bella to school and then we'd split up to talk to our 'vampire' friends. "Are you sure you'll be ok?" she asks me.

"Of course, but you be careful in them woods" I tell her. "You don't know them as well as I do" I remind her. Bella was going to lead Edward into the woods to ask him about being a vampire. While I faced the other Cullens alone.

"I will and you be careful too" she says as I pull into the school parking lot.

"Good luck" I tell her as we spot Edward and she smiles lightly. Before walking to wards him and into the forest with him following her. I spot Alice and go over to her. "We need to talk, is there somewhere private where we can?" I ask and she nods her head.

"I'll drive" she says and I give her my car keys. "Please hold your questions until we arrive" she tells me and I nod my head. No way I was going to argue with a vampire even Alice, who is like a sister to me. We soon arrive at a gorgeous three story house with many windows.

"What is this place?" I ask as she turns off the engine.

"Our house, the one place we don't have to hide" she states. "Come, the others are waiting inside" she tells me. We get out of the car and I follow her into the house. Where she leads me to a kitchen. Five people (vampires) were in there waiting for us.

"Nice to see you Doctor Cullen" I say nodding my head.

"Anna, allow me to introduce you to Esme my wife" he says smiling.

"Pleasure to meet you Mrs Cullen" I say smiling.

"Please call me Esme" she tells me as Alice walks over to Jasper.

"So you know what we are?" Emmet asks and I nod my head.

"Yes, what do you eat?" I ask them.

"Animal blood, that is why we have golden eyes" Carlisle explains.

"Jasper's aren't completely gold" I state.

"He's our newest vegetarian it is a little difficult for him" Carlisle explains.

"Sorry about a few days ago then, that must of been torture for you" I say guiltily.

"You did not know, besides I just focused on your emotions" he tells me.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Jasper cam feel and manipulate emotions of others, as Edward can read minds" Esme explains.

"So that's why I was less moody around you" I say and we all chuckle. "Does anyone else have an ability?" I ask.

"I can see peoples current future and if they change their path so does their future. I see that" Alice explains.

"So you saw Bella and I figuring your secret out & our plan?" I ask and she nods her head. "Ok, so are any of the myths true? Like you burning in sunlight?" I ask.

"None are true, we don't burn in sunlight we sparkle" Rose states.

"Sounds beautiful, I'm sorry if I get you guys into trouble with knowing your secret" I tell them.

"As long as others don't find out, it'll be fine" Carlisle assures me.  "Way don't you come with me to my study" he suggests. I agree and the others return to their normal lives while I follow him upstairs to his study.

"I respect you Carlisle" I tell him as we sit down.

"Why?" he asks.

"You're a vampire but you became a doctor and are surrounded by blood on a daily basis. I respect you for your control over your natural instincts to drink human blood. If mustn't of been easy learning that much control" I tell him.

"It took many years of practice" he tells me. "I also like your ability to imitate others, it is quite amusing" he says chuckling.

"I mainly did to get on peoples nerves, especially Bella's" I tell him. Then notice a painting on his wall and go over to it. "Who are they?" I ask pointing to the three men on the balcony. (Picture of the three men:

"The Volturi, they enforce our laws the main one is to keep our secret from humans" Carlisle says appearing at my side. "Caius is the blonde on the left and that's Marcus on the right. The man in between the two is Aro" he explains.

"Is that you in the shadows?" I ask pointing.

"Yes, I stayed with them for awhile" he states. "Until I found Esme and turned her along with Edward. I left the Volturi after that" he explains.

"You and Esme seem to be very much in love" I tell him smiling. "I wish to have that one day" I add.

"I'm sure you well" he says placing a hand on my shoulder. "Remember tell no one of what we are or reveal to other vampires that you know the truth" he tells me.

"What would happen if other vampires found out? If the Volturi found out?" I ask him.

"You'd be killed or turned into a vampire" he states. "Also if the Volturi we knew you knew of our kind and did nothing. We'd be punished" he tells me.

"I won't let that happen Carlisle, your family is amazing and I won't let anyone destroy that" I tell him. "I have to go find Bella, don't worry you're secret is safe with us" I assure him. We go back downstairs where Esme gave me a sandwich and I smile eating it. "Thanks Esme, I hope to see you all again soon" I tell them before leaving. Glad Alice had return my keys to me.

I find Bella was already waiting for me along with Edward. "Thanks for looking after her Edward, see you tomorrow at school" I tell him smiling. Bella says goodbye to him and gets into the car. I drive us home as we compare our findings together. But I kept the part about the Volturi to myself not wanting to scare my older sister.


Picture above of the Cullens house and picture on the external link of Anna's outfit. Picture of Carlisle and Esme:

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