Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Gray's soul had indeed tethered to his new body, but Igneel had attached his soul to it as well. This would allow him to cast the spell that would transfer his remaining life energy to Gray while he and Atlas raced to Natsu's aid.

Or that had been the plan, anyway. Despite all of their considerable planning and research, there was one thing that apparently neither dragon had ever considered.

It was going to take some time for Gray to get used to having an actual dragon body.

While his first emotions and thoughts had been those of a dragon whose mate was in mortal peril, his first attempts at movement had been more akin to a baby fawn taking its first steps. As if that wasn't bad enough, it had also dismayed him to realize that his newly heightened senses proved difficult for him to adjust to.

They wouldn't be racing anywhere.

With no time for him to get his feet under him, there was no other choice than to have Igneel take control of the body's movements while Gray focused on figuring out his magic.

As humiliating as it was to be a passenger inside his own body, Gray was actually grateful to have one thing less to worry about. It ensured they would get to Natsu sooner, and that was the most important thing to him.

He focused on the soul bond he shared with Natsu, delighted to discover their connection felt even stronger than before. It didn't take him long to feel his mate's location and lead Atlas and Igneel there.

They landed a short distance away from the battle and, though Gray itched to go help Natsu, Igneel kept his feet planted firmly on the ground, determined to use the element of surprise to their advantage.

Gray struggled to remain silent as Igneel and Atlas discussed the locations of the different combatants and drafted a battle plan. One that depended on his magic actually having the counter spelling effect they'd observed in the astral realm when Igneel had attempted to breathe fire on it during their experimentation.

He felt Atlas stiffen next to him as Acnologia began to cast a spell on a defeated looking Natsu and Gray felt his rage mount. His magic screamed to be let out and just as he was about to comply, he heard a dispirited Natsu in his head.

Please hurry, I don't think I'm going to make it this time...

Not even Igneel could stop him from replying to that. He communicated all of his love, rage and determination through the bond, hoping to boost his mate's fighting spirit.

Don't you dare give up, Flame-Brain! Help is on the way...

Gray collected as much magic as he felt he could control, letting it out through his mouth in one large burst and watching as the strange mist crept towards Natsu and Acnologia.

"Those markings are back," Atlas said. "That mist is definitely connected to them somehow."

Gray glanced down to see that black inky substance work its way up his right foreleg, leaving a trail of strange markings in its wake.

Sure, why not?!

He was about to take part in a battle unlike any he'd ever experienced before, in a body he couldn't control, using a magic he didn't fully understand. To say he was terrified would be an understatement, but he hadn't changed everything he was to let this asshole take his happy ending away from him now.

Igneel spoke up then. I know you're scared. This is your first time using this magic and you're not convinced it will do much, but I have faith in you- in your courage and determination to do what's needed.

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