Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Igneel had been prepared for many things as he flew toward the meeting. But he'd never once considered Deliora would betray them all just for the sake of revenge.

What did he possibly think he would gain from this treachery? Any truce he might have negotiated with Acnologia was obviously doomed to fail. The renegade dragon slayer had lost his mind a long time ago, but the one thing he'd always been clear on was his hatred of all dragons.

Acnologia wouldn't be satisfied until there were no more dragons left on Earthland. He'd said so many times. If he killed them, Igneel knew Acnologia would turn on Deliora. There was no other outcome.

Then again, Deliora had always been incredibly short-sighted. Like most hellfire dragons, he'd always let his emotions control him. They fed his flames and his magic, but kept him from being able to devise elaborate plans.

Atlas had been the exception. His interest in magic from an early age had forced him to gain control of his emotions, allowing him to cast ever more complicated spells.

Atlas' eyes widened in what Igneel easily recognized as horror before propelling himself towards Acnologia with almost deranged determination. And suddenly, it was as if everything were moving in slow motion.

Atlas' hellfire blazed with his fury, his snout distorted with a hatred that seemed wholly out of character for him. He roared at the renegade dragon slayer that had been responsible for so many dragon deaths, and for once, those feelings resounded deeply inside of Igneel.

Ever since Porlyusica had died, Igneel had felt detached from the world. He went through the motions as best he could, trying to fulfill his duties. But outside of the longing for someone that was just outside of his reach, Igneel could only seem to muster feelings for Atlas and Natsu.

Even though he'd defeated Deliora all those years ago, his efforts had been halfhearted at best. He should have killed Deliora then, as Dragon Law demanded, but he'd been merciful instead, hoping that Deliora would come to see the error of his ways.

He hadn't stopped to consider the consequences of that action, and that one choice had led them here. Now, as he watched Deliora let their greatest enemy attack his brother, the dragon he'd once considered his best friend, it was more than Igneel could stand.

He thought back to the reports they'd received of the large numbers of dragons killed by the renegades of late, and he knew without a doubt that had been Deliora's doing. He'd willingly sacrificed his own brethren to further his lust for power, and that was something Igneel could never forgive.

The Fire Dragon King was suddenly filled with intense rage. It brought him back as nothing else before had done. He hadn't been exaggerating when he'd told Natsu he'd been a great fighter a few hundred years ago. And now, as he felt that familiar battle lust claim him, he could once again see clearly.

Everything around him seemed sharper, brighter, full of vibrant colors that had been absent for far too long, and he welcomed them. The sights, the smells, the clarity. Igneel knew what he had to do.

He covered himself in his flames and prepared to join his brother, ignoring Deliora for the moment. It had been a while since he and Atlas had fought together, but the rhythm was not something easily forgotten. This would end today.

Acnologia must be destroyed at all costs.

Igneel crouched, his wings flaring slightly, his tail whipping in agitation as he watched Atlas leap back and up, out of the reach of Acnologia's maw. As the slayer rose to his hind legs, unfurling his wings to take to the air after Atlas, Igneel suddenly launched forward. His massive form was a blur as he closed the 100 meters in the blink of an eye.

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