Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Looks like we won't have time to spar today after all," Sting grinned in anticipation as he looked at the two recruits.

Natsu barely heard him, too preoccupied with Gray to pay attention to anything else.

"Fresh meat," Sting commented, giving Gray an appreciative once-over.

Natsu growled in response, low in his throat, but no less threatening.

Sting glanced at him in surprise, smirking as he immediately caught on and jumping on the opportunity to tease his best friend. "Oh, I see. Interested already, are we?"

Natsu did not respond as he trained his attention on the pale blue-haired boy standing next to Gray. He looked very comfortable there, and Natsu couldn't help but dislike him immensely on sight.

He had a million questions he wanted to ask. What had happened after they parted ways? How did Gray learn magic? Had he missed him?

But Natsu knew he'd have to wait until he was at the field to get his answers, so instead, he tested to see how much of their time together Gray actually remembered.

"So, how does it feel to have magic?" Natsu asked, watching Gray's face and waiting to see a spark of recollection.

Gray gave Natsu a small smile and answered, "Cold? At first, at least."

Natsu's heart fluttered, remembering the answer he had given when asked the same question all those years ago. He felt this ridiculous happiness at seeing Gray again after they had left things so badly.

His arrival signaled the beginning of everything that Igneel had worked so hard to put in place for Natsu. To give them a chance at a happy life, even within all the chaos of the Dragon War. But in all honesty, to see Gray in Talos, and know that he was okay, that already made him feel happier than he'd been in a long time.

"Are you ladies done chatting?" Gajeel interrupted, "I thought they were here to join the guard."

"Sorry." Gray bowed his head in apology, "My name is Gray Fullbuster, and this is Lyon Vastia. And yes, we are interested in joining your guard."

Erza observed Natsu's interactions with Gray with great interest. They knew nothing about Natsu's life before he came down from his cave in the mountains to attend school with the rest of them. He never talked about it, but there had always been rumors around the village.

People said that Natsu was the son of the village's previous healer, a woman named Porlyusica, and a strange man that had appeared in the village one day. She had died giving birth to Natsu, and the man had taken him and moved to the mountains, never to be seen again.

Anna was the only one that had remained in contact with him, helping to take care of Natsu in what must have been inhospitable conditions. But she'd refused to discuss it, no matter how many times Erza had asked.

Now here was this boy, who seemed like he might know Natsu from before. Erza's curiosity was bursting, but she could be patient. She moved forward to introduce herself.

"My name is Erza Scarlet, I'm the Captain of the Guard." Erza began her speech with zeal, and all the dragon slayers immediately looked bored. It wasn't unusual for wizards to come looking to join, but very few of them ever passed the tests.

"Before we can take you on, you will need to pass two tests. The first is a purely physical test. You will spar against one of our guards to showcase your fighting ability. Although we usually use our magic, there are often times when it's not the best course of action. For the second test, you will fight a guard while using your magic."

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