Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

They were soon joined by Gajeel, Erza, and the guard healer. Erza gasped, covering her mouth when she saw the burns on Natsu's back, knowing Wendy had already attempted to heal them. The healer examined Natsu's injuries and showed Wendy how to dress the burns properly until they healed.

Gray moved Natsu to his bedroom so he could be more comfortable and so Wendy could examine him more privately.

Wendy's next healing attempt had much more satisfying results. The swelling went down, and Wendy examined what looked to be puncture wounds while Gray held Natsu up.

She healed those before redressing the burns under the healer's supervision, determined to keep them as clean as possible. Natsu continued to sleep, his natural regeneration also working away at his injuries, albeit slower than usual.

Once the healers had finished, Gray settled in the room to wait for Natsu to wake up. It felt like he was always waiting for Natsu these days. To come to work, to wake up, to ask for help, and to realize his feelings for him.

It was exhausting.

The second he'd entered the room, the whelp had scurried away, leaving Gray to stare after him with grudging curiosity.

Where did he find Natsu? Did he see anything?

Gray wished he could ask. He still didn't like the dragon, but he'd brought Natsu to them, so he couldn't hate him either. He remembered what Erza had said about the red dragons and tried to think about it objectively, but he could feel the familiar rage trying to rise to the surface.

"How's he doing?"

Erza had entered the ample room, walking over to where Natsu was resting to get a better look.

"About the same," Gray said, "He stopped moaning as much, I guess that means he's more comfortable."

"You know it's funny, I've known these guys for so many years, and this is the first time I've been here."

She looked around the room with interest, taking in the sparse furniture. There was a large wooden wardrobe up against the wall and a dresser with a mirror hanging over it. All beautiful in workmanship, but unlike anything she'd seen at any of the village stores.

Natsu didn't seem to have any personal objects outside of the scarf that he always wore. Although she saw what appeared to be a hamper full of dirty clothes tucked away in a dark recess of the room.

"It shouldn't surprise me, I know, but it's so hot in here. I'm surprised you're this comfortable."

"I'm not, I just don't want to leave until I know he's alright." Gray had been sweating profusely since he'd entered the cave.

At first, he'd tried to use his magic to keep himself comfortable, but he'd soon realized it was pointless. The amounts of energy he would have had to spend were humongous, and he'd have run out eventually anyway, so he'd just borne it as best he could.

Erza nodded in understanding. "Considering how badly the two of you started off, I'm glad to see your friendship has improved."

She looked down at Natsu sleeping peacefully; her face showing nothing but fondness.

"He's such a pain in the ass, but he gets under your skin, doesn't he?"

Gray snorted, thinking that summed up their friendship as well.

"Well then, let's let him rest." Erza moved to leave the room but stopped when she realized Gray wasn't following. She turned to him, the fondness shifting to irritation.

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