Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

It was Lyon who had finally gotten Gray to leave the field. Wisely avoiding the Guard headquarters, he'd led them to their shared apartment. Gray had collapsed on their sofa, crying more than he could ever remember doing since his parents' death.

The fear that this was it, the moment where he finally lost everything created a weight on his chest so massive, it felt like it would crush him.

Lyon did his best to soothe him, to let him know that they were brothers and he was still there for him. That he would lend him his strength until Gray felt up to standing on his own once more. But it all sounded so distant. The image of Natsu and the others flying away on that beast wasn't something he could let go of yet.

And just as Lyon had predicted, Gray was horrified by how he'd acted.

He'd been so caught up in his feelings that he'd refused to acknowledge the fear that had been written all over Natsu's face. Or his plea for Gray to forgive him, to understand he couldn't stay. Even worse, he'd ignored Natsu's feelings, which had been quite clearly broadcast to him through their shared bond.

Natsu had needed to be held, to be comforted, to feel loved by Gray, but that wasn't what he'd given him at all, and that knowledge was eating away at him. Even now, he was wearing Natsu's most prized possession around his neck, his smell providing Gray some level of comfort. What did Natsu get from him?

Gray had yelled at him, pushed him away, and refused to listen to anything he had to say. He'd berated him, even questioned his love. Gods, what had he —

"Natsu's going to be fine, Gray. They're all going to be fine," Lyon interrupted his thoughts, continuing to murmur his encouragement, not knowing what else to do for the boy he'd accepted as a brother so many years before.

Gray nodded listlessly, tensing up as he heard loud knocking and Erza yelling at their front door. Lyon left him on the sofa to go deal with her. Gray listened as Lyon tried to stop Erza from coming inside, but the sound of her steps growing closer was testament enough to his failure. He heard the door close softly, and the familiar sound of Lyon's footsteps returning.

"Where is everyone? Why aren't you at your posts? Just because Natsu left doesn't give everyone the right to take off. I have dozens of recruits waiting and no one to train them." Erza stormed into their living room, coming face to face with the sorry state Gray was in.

Seeing that Gray was in no condition to give her any of the information she needed, she looked back at Lyon, who had just walked into the room, "What's the matter with him?"

Lyon grabbed the blanket they usually hung over the back of their couch and draped it over Gray, pushing him down slightly to get him to rest. The lack of resistance didn't really surprise him. Once he'd settled his brother down, he grabbed his keys and motioned for Erza to follow. "Let's talk outside."

Lyon closed the door quietly behind him and began to walk back to the Village Guard headquarters. "It wasn't just Natsu that left, although that is what has Gray so upset. They all did, Erza. Sting, Rogue, Gajeel, and Wendy, they left too. They all climbed atop a flaming dragon and took off."

"I should have realized," Erza muttered, visibly deflating at his words before peering at him. Her eyes widening slowly as she processed the rest of his words.

"Gray saw Natsu's dragon?" Erza covered her mouth with her hand, but Lyon could still see the distress reflected in her eyes.

"It was a little more than that, I think. By the time Natsu and I got there, the dragon slayers had subdued him but... Yeah, he's had a rough day," Lyon sighed, running his fingers through his hair as he tried to think of how to explain.

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