Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Natsu had lost track of the passing of time. He just knew that it had been well over a year since the dragons had left. His days passed in a high-speed blur, but he kept up with his duties as best he could. He spent his days with Gray, patrolling the village or training, while spending his nights in his dragon form, seeking out any threat to the village.

He was always exhausted. There was just no way around it. It wasn't uncommon to find him sleeping in the field, too exhausted to make the trek up the mountain before first taking a nap. He'd wake to find Gray sitting beside him often, almost like he was watching over him.

Natsu had asked him several times why he did that, and the best answer he'd gotten was that Erza had sent him to make sure Natsu was safe while he slept. He wasn't sure he believed that, though. The way Gray looked away when he answered made Natsu think there was more to it than that.

Natsu had begun to wonder whether he had less control over their bond in his sleep. Could he be calling Gray to him?

He wished Igneel was around so that he could ask him if that was possible, but they had received no word from their parents since they'd left. This in itself was not unusual, but their previous trips had only lasted for a couple of months at a time, and Natsu couldn't help but worry.

Any news they received came from people visiting the village, and they were usually grim.

Times were getting desperate. Just the previous week they'd heard of a large group of bandits that had been stealing from travelers near Talos. Erza had sent him, Gray, and Rogue to take care of it, while she and Lyon detoured the travelers through safer, lesser-known routes. The bandits hadn't put up much of a fight, and with their combined force, they had subdued them easily.

There had been no additional dragon sightings since the incident that had caused them to be teamed up by Erza. However, it wasn't unusual to see groups of people fleeing to any village that would take them after having theirs destroyed by a dragon attack. Plenty of these refugees had now made their way to Talos.

Natsu hated to see these most of all. He could almost touch the anger trickling out of Gray as he watched the survivors set up ragtag camps wherever they were allowed. It was a harsh reminder of what he had endured, and it reinforced every one of his negative feelings, making Natsu feel like screaming at the unfairness of it all.

So far they had been lucky. The village elders had not had to send anyone away. Talos was prosperous enough that it could support more people than currently lived there. Anna set about reopening the orphanage and school for the children that had settled into the village, many of whom had lost their parents. Wendy and Gray helped her in their free time, while the other dragon slayers assisted with the building maintenance whenever they could.

With more people to protect, the responsibility of the night patrols weighed even more heavily on an already burdened Natsu. He'd begun staying out later as he patrolled further, trying to identify threats before they became a problem.

It had taken several months, but Natsu had gotten stronger and more comfortable in his dragon form, flying for extended periods as his wings grew more powerful with daily use. He'd begun practicing lessons learned long ago from both his father and uncle as a way of preparing for the day when the war reached Talos. He refused to let another dragon hurt Gray or anyone else under his protection.


Gray had gotten to know Wendy better since they'd both started helping Anna at the orphanage. He'd found he really liked the youngest dragon slayer. She was sweet, kind and funny, and her cheerful attitude was contagious. The kids liked her too, rushing to her side the moment she arrived.

Usually, when they helped Anna, Wendy and Gray played with the kids or read them stories while Anna busied herself with the many tasks that always required her attention.

Today, however, they were changing bedsheets in the large bedroom all the children shared. Gray tried very hard not to count how many of the beds were being used, knowing this was the life that would have awaited him if Ur hadn't taken him in.

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