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Titans Season 3 episode 3 spoilers!
Sorry for any typos :)

"So you're telling me you swore that Jason was dead?" Arwen asked for what seemed to be the millionth time since the interaction. "Fucks sake, Arwen, yes! Bruce even saw his body at the morgue with Barbara!" Dick snapped, wiping the sweat off of his forehead as he had been digging up Jason's supposed grave.


"Shit." Grayson muttered as he shined a flashlight in the empty coffin, Arwen helping him out of the hole. "How'd he get out?" Arwen thought out loud as they went back inside.

"What were you two doing out there?" Hank asked seeing Grayson drenched in sweat and Arwen with a confused expression. "Digging up Jason's coffin." Arwen blurted out.

"What the fuck?!" Lily gasped as she walked in the living room with Conner. "No! Not like that! He wasn't in there. He's alive." Grayson butted in with a sigh.

"We don't know how. But we know he's for sure living still. But Bruce said he saw the body, Jason's body, with his own eyes."

"Maybe he was confused?" Hank guessed, sipping his drink. "Bruce doesn't do confused." Dawn cut off.

"I don't wanna say it-"

"It was Jason." Arwen repeated, seeming to know what Kory was going to say. "We saw him." She added with crossed arms.

"How'd he do it?" Dawn thought out loud, glancing at Dick. "Somebody do some kind of voodoo act and raise him from the dead?" Hank said with sarcasm. Arwen took in a deep breath and tried relaxing so she wouldn't snap at the fact no one was believing her or Grayson.

"Bruce knows people." Kory shrugged. "Bruce doesn't know anything about this. He never would have killed the Joker if Jason was alive." Grayson defended with crossed arms. "Then Ra's al Ghul?" Dawn thought trying to make the claims make sense. "Unlikely. He's in Kadeem."

"If someone's bringing people back to life, maybe they could bring Donna back." Kory assumed causing the room to go silent for a moment. "Well, it's a little early for Easter, but someone resurrected the little assbite." Hank sighed, breaking the tension but causing Arwen to snap her head in his direction.

"Or he faked his death well enough to fool even Bruce." Arwen theorized trying not to raise her voice. "Either way, he sure as shit didn't do it on his own." Hank shrugged looking at her. "Whatever's happened, he's changed." She sighed, the memories of almost a year ago flashing in her mind.

"The kid always had issues, but he was not a full on psychopath." Lily chimed in. "He could be using." Grayson shrugged. "Using? What makes you think that?" Arwen asked looking up at him. "When I got to Gotham, I found a place where he was cooking. Tested a few samples in the Bat Computer. No hits."

"Doesn't mean he's using. Just cooking it."

"For fucks sake. Enough with the paralysis by analysis!" Hank scoffed, running a hand through his hair. "Everyone is just trying to figure out what the hell happened, Hank." Dawn mumbled, sitting up. "He's right. We figure out the how and why later. Jason's out there and we need to stop him." Grayson admitted.

"You guys do what you want, but if it ends up him versus me, kid's goin' down." Hank said, heading towards the kitchen. "You are not going to kill him, Hank." Arwen snapped, facing him. "He wrote his own ticket."

"He starts taking people out, game's over."

"Look, we find him first. Start in the place he was cooking." Grayson said, putting a hand on Arwen's shoulder as she watched Hank walk off. Arwen stayed quiet and walked off into a the room she was staying in.

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