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Titans Season 3 Episode 7 spoilers!!

"Fuck Crane. Come on." Jason said taking Arwen's hand in his and leading her down the dark Gotham street. "Didn't exactly plan my night to go this way." Arwen joked as she watched Jason crack a genuine smile for the first time in awhile. "You're the one who followed me." Jason shot back looking down at her.

"You wanted me to follow you."

"Did I?"

"If you didn't, you would've told me off. Yet, here you are smiling and holding my hand, leading me somewhere." Arwen explained holding up their hands. "Fair point. We have to make a pit stop if you don't mind." Jason said turning a corner. "I don't mind at all."


"This is quite the pit stop." Arwen yawned as she followed Jason. "Just checking in." He smiled leading her into a trailer of sorts.

"What the fuck is that...?" Jason asked as he peered over Jonathan's shoulder to see a computerized version of Barbara's face on a screen. "Did you switch from weed to acid?" He pressed on when Jonathan didn't reply.

"I hope you're watching the news. Looks like Gotham had a real party tonight."

"I was wrong about you, Jason. I underestimated you." Crane chuckled as he turned to face Jason. "I seem to have underestimated you as well, firecracker." He said, eyes lighting up at the sight of Arwen. "You're not mad I stole your stash?" Jason asked before Arwen could speak.

"Nah, it's all good, man. With this new machine, I got plenty."

"Thought you might be pissed."

"Anger's just fear in a little black dress. You, my dude, can just relax. I'm not the Batman. Damn, those attacks tonight were awesome." Jonathan rambled, smiling at the two.

"Our partners don't think so." Jason continued, Arwen leaning against the table and observing the tubes full of the toxin. "Oh, really?" Jonathan asked with a quirked brow.

"Yea. The heads of the five families called an emergency meeting, said they wanna speak to Red Hood. That's why I stopped by, gotta fuel up." Jason smirked, Arwen snapping her eyes at Jason. "Don't worry, I'll show them who's boss."

Arwen watched in annoyance as he inhaled the toxin, coughing a bit. "What'd you put in that?" He wheezed, continuing to cough and choke. "This doesn't seem right. Jason?" Arwen panicked as she tried holding his up as he stumbled. "Crane, what the fuck?!" She shouted as Jason collapsed. "Like I said, I'm not the Batman." He smirked before raising his arm and Arwen dropping to the ground.


"You can sit back and watch the Titans destroy themselves." A grim voice echoed followed by footsteps and a door closing. Arwen slowly opened her eyes, looking down and away from the dim light that seemed blinding.

Arwen tried getting up but failed, her wrists and ankles had been taped to the chair. "Arwen? You awake?" Jason asked, voice shaky. "Yea..are you ok?" She mumbled, looking over to see Jason looking at her with teary eyes. "I'm fine. Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" He asked, observing her. "If causing a major headache counts..." she said trying to laugh.

Soon, Jonathan came back with a smile plastered on his face when he saw Arwen awake. He tapped away on the screen in front of him and live feed of Barbara appeared. She looked afraid as she looked dead at the camera. "Goddamn. Gordon's pretty when she's scared." He chuckled, looking back at the pair.

"She knows we're in there." Jason mumbled, looking at Crane. "Well, duh. It's not what they know, it's what the do. How predictable are the righteous."

Barbara could be heard through the screen, 'Oracle, how do I destroy you?'

"Check and mate. Even the Batman needed Oracle to defeat me. They had one weapon and now..."

"You made them destroy it..." Arwen chimed in.

"Bingo. Your girl is a fast learner, Jason." Jonathan smirked.


"When are you gonna let us go?" Arwen groaned, throwing her head back as Crane came back after disappearing for hours. "Keeping you here is important." He replied, bending down to Jason's eye level. "That doesn't answer the question." She scoffed as Jonathan woke Jason. "You both are about to see what winning feels like." He chuckled before walking to the big window in front of him.

"We can't see anything if we are tied to stupid chairs." Arwen complained, wiggling her arms. Suddenly, she snapped her head up, "He's here."

"What?" Jonathan asked. Gunfire went off all around them, Jason glancing at Arwen. "No. No!" Crane complained as he observed the scene below.

A loud explosion shook the building, Arwen trying to see what was happening but failed. "No,no,no! This is all wrong!"

"I think it's over, Johnny." Arwen sighed looking at him. "Not yet." He scoffed, storming towards the two with a switchblade to cut them loose. "Lighten up on the grip, would you?" Arwen hissed, snatching her wrist away as Crane dragged them outside and into a van. "Don't worry. I'll get them back. I always get them back." He rambled to himself as he sped away.


"Two chairs." Lily mumbled. "Jason and Arwen." Gar added with a sigh. "I tried to warn her but no." Lily sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "We'll find them." Grayson reassured with a smile. "Sure.."

A/n: short chapter I know. Apologies! I might do a filler chapter but I'm not 100% sure. Ty sm for 1k on this book already I appreciate it a bunch and ty for 11k on the first! Hope you enjoyed as always, feel free to share your thoughts and see you next week <3

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