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Titans Season 3 Episode 6 Spoilers

"Don't worry, I would never burn down your home. It's so quaint." A woman's voice spoke as it traveled into the living room. "Who's this?" Arwen asked, walking down the steps with Conner. "Kory's sister." Lily sighed crossing her arms. "Kory's homicidal sister. In our house." Gar added in.

"Koriand'r, I see you've prepared a welcome gift. Have him washed immediately and returned to my chamber." Her sister smirked as she faced Conner who shared a confused look with everyone. "Tamaran is very a different planet." Kory scoffed. "Clearly the strapping one is my man servant, here to attend to my needs."

Arwen stared at Blackfire bewildered. "Sure I can attend to your needs." Conner shrugged, clearly not understanding what exactly she meant. "That's not what she's talking about...I think?" Lily whispered. "No,no,no. We don't do that here. Conner is not your chew toy. He's one of us. A titan." Kory explained. "But is the green one not yours?" Her sister asked with a quirked brow causing Gar to let out an uncomfortable laugh.

"I'll need someone to draw me a bath, where would that be?" Blackfire asked with a smile. "No one is gonna draw you a bath? Do it yourself. Upstairs, take all the time you need." Arwen scoffed before walking out.


"Jesus, what the hell happened to you?" Lily asked as she entered the Bat Cave to see the bullet hole in Grayson's chest/shoulder. "Barbara's snipers." He shrugged as Kory patched it up. "Five inches over and we would've been burying another body." She scoffed. "That was way too close, dude." Lily sighed. "I almost had him." Grayson said referring to Jason.

"You're not listening, Dick! You scared us. Both of you! Going out on your own, getting shot. It's not ok!" Kory complained to him and Arwen. "I didn't want to put you guys at risk." He sighed. "Oh, bullshit! You took Arwen with you for Christ sake!" Lily shouted. "Actually he didn't want me to I forced him to take me..." Arwen chimed in. "Dude, Hank blew up! Dawn left us forever and Jason went dark! This family is dying and you go out with Arwen and get yourself shot?!" Gar ranted, eyes burning green and his skin changing color.

"Gar! Calm down!" Lily interrupted, standing in front of him and resting her hands on his shoulders. He let out an aggravated sigh and stormed off.

"Thanks." Grayson mumbled, grabbing his shirt. "Where are you going?" Kory asked. "I'm gonna go find them." He answered as Lily and Arwen made their way out.

"You're all going insane." Lily mumbled.


"You heard me. Gar's right. What on earth were you thinking following Dick? You could've gotten shot too, you know? Or Crane and Jason could've taken your ass hostage and put a bomb in you like they did Hank!" Lily hissed, pointing at Arwen's chest. "But that didn't happen now did it? I doubt that'd even happen anyways." Arwen scoffed, swatting her hand away. "How would you know? I doubt Jason would think twice."

"Judgmental much?"

"Am I really wrong? I bet Crane has manipulated him so much he's forgotten your name by now."

"Fuck you."


"Fuck you."


"Where are you three off to?" Arwen asked. "Checking out a lead, why?" Kory asked. "May I-" "Absolutely not."

"Why not?" Arwen groaned. "Grownups only." Blackfire smiled before walking off, Kory rolling her eyes and following with Conner.

Arwen sighed and wandered into the Bat Cave where Gar was. "Hey.." he muttered. "She tell you?" Arwen asked by the awkward tension rising. "Yea."

"Of course she did. Whatever. Do me a favor?" She asked, pulling up a chair. "Uh, sure? What is it?" He hesitated before facing her. "Could you try to see if Crane's producing anywhere? Maybe even street talk of a drug like his old stuff?"


"I have a hunch."

Gar began typing on the computer, glancing at Arwen who watched. "There doesn't seem to be any street talk of any kind..." Gar said as he clicked through things. "What about reports about placing cooking? Lots of workers? Anything like that?" Arwen listed as Gar sighed and typed away once again.

"Nothing" Gar said after a minute or two. "Damn. Thanks anyways." Arwen shrugged. "You're welcome."

Arwen stood up and left. If that wouldn't give her answers, she'd look for them herself. She walked up to her room, grabbed her phone and jacket before setting off. Where she was going? She had no idea nor a plan.

Arwen walked the cold streets of Gotham for quite some time, ignoring the calls from Gar, Lily and Dick. She stumbled across a dark street and hid in the darkest spot when she saw figures coming that way.

"Trust me, this'll be the greatest high you've ever had." A voice said, she guessed it was Jason and confirmed her assumption when the only street light lit his figure. "No fear, no limits." He explained as he placed a bag on top of a trash bin. "Fuck you, Crane." He mumbled as the three people around him took the items and walked off.

"Drug dealing now?" Arwen spoke, watching Jason look back not being able to spot her. "Creeping up on people now? Dick teach you that?" He smirked, eyes scanning the dark street. "No. Self taught actually." She said standing behind him. Jason quickly faced her and watched as a smile appeared on her face.

"Impressive." He complimented looking down at her. "Why the sudden Jonathan hatred?" She asked, tilting her head as she spoke.

"First name basis?"

"Answer the question."

"Why? So you could run back and tell Dick? I don't think so." Jason chuckled. "He doesn't even know where I am. No one does. Plus it just so happened you we're walking over here while I was here." Arwen shrugged. "And you hid in the perfect spot? How convenient."

"Convenient is right. You don't have to believe me, Jason. If anything I'm only asking because I'm worried about you. I could care less about your Red Hood getup. It worries me that you're working with Crane and drug dealing." Arwen admitted with a sigh. He stood there in silence for a moment before walking off.

"Ignoring what I said?" Arwen called after him, following. He didn't answer and simply followed the sound of gunshots. "Really?" She mumbled to herself as he stopped in front of a small restaurant where the shots were fired. "Your little drug drives people to shoot up food joints?" Arwen asked watching the culprits leave.

The only sounds heard were distant sirens, screams from inside and Jason inhaling. "Seriously? You take the drug?" Arwen scoffed, seeing the same inhaler in Jason's hand. "Takes fear away." He simply said. "Bullshit." Arwen sighed slightly shoving past him. "Don't go."


"Don't leave. Don't go back there." Jason said walking over to her. "I have no where else and I'm not rolling around with you and Crane."

Jason quickly planted a kiss on Arwen's lips, "Fuck Crane. Come on."

A/n: oh? Arwen has run off now, oh no :) hope you all enjoyed as always and apologies for any spelling errors as I did not go back and check. See you all next week <3

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