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Titans Season 3 Episode 11 spoilers!!
As always ••• will mean a pov change between Arwen and Lily

Arwen paced the small office for hours. It was the next day and she heard faint shouts. Soon after, the sound of the doorknob rattling gently caught her attention. "Oh, now you decide to free me?" She scoffed seeing Jason in the doorway. "He told me not to." He defended. "That's not the point, Jason."

"Wait, where are you going?" He called after her, trailing behind. "Leaving." She said bluntly, grabbing her jacket. "With how dangerous it is?" He asked. "I can handle myself, thank you. Last time I checked, the danger is because of what your puppet master did. Now if you don't mind I have my friends to search for." Arwen spat, slamming the mansion door behind her.


Arwen had been walking the trashed streets for some time. She always glanced over her shoulder from time to time with the feeling of being watched which didn't surprise her given the city's circumstance. She heard a slight yelp come from the roof of a building. She sighed and decided to follow it.

"They just let you out of the hospital?" A faint, yet very familiar, voice asked. "I let myself out." Another voice answered. Arwen peeked around the concrete wall to see two familiar faces.

"Donna?" Arwen gasped seeing the woman turn. "Holy...it's really you!" Arwen laughed, rushing over and embracing Donna who chuckled. "It's really me. Hey, what are you doing out here on the streets?" She asked pulling away, holding her shoulders. "I could ask you the same thing. Hey, I know you." Arwen mumbled, snapping her fingers trying to remember where she last saw the boys face.

"You were there when I got shot...you were with Robin. Tim." He smiled, holding out his hand. "Arwen." She smiled back, shaking his hand. "What are you two doing out here? Why are you back in Gotham of all places?" Arwen asked facing Donna. "I could ask you the same thing." Donna mocked with a short smile. "I'm trying to look for everyone." Arwen answered. "So am I. How come you're separated?" She asked with a quirked brow.

"It's a long story..." Arwen sighed. "Well I have a lead that says they might be holed up in Chinatown." Donna said looking off to the street below. "Chinatown? That's where I live." Tim piped up. "Classic Gotham bullshit. Let's get going." Donna smiled, Arwen following with a chuckle.


"Any plans on how we're gonna find Dick and Kory?" Rachel asked as they waited for Gar to get dressed. After they got attacked at the GCPD, Lily ran with Gar to a beat up building and woke up to see Rachel walking in.

"No. And maybe it's for the best." Gar huffed, walking over to the pair. "Why would you say that?" Rachel asked, looking over Lily's shoulder. "We might all be safer on our own." Gar explained, receiving a confused and worried expression from Rachel.

"Rach, things got really bad...the entire city is in shambles and think it's the Titans' fault. They think we poisoned the water. There's people who want us dead. Even the cops apparently." Lily explained with a heavy sigh. "I should never have left you guys." Rachel mumbled to herself, looking down.

"Don't say that. You did what you had to do."

"Nothing to show for it. But I'm here now and I want to help."

"Good. Because I might have something." Gar smiled, holding up a can of cheese whiz. "It's been bugging me that Jason just miraculously returned from the dead, and no one seems to know how. So, I did some digging." He explained, walking over to a wall; Rachel and Lily sharing a glance. "I found some of Bruce Wayne's old journals, and I found this symbol." He continued, using the canned cheese to draw on the wall. "Bruce wrote that it's related to a place of rebirth. The Lazarus pit. I might be crazy, but I keep thinking, like, this might be the key to everything." He concluded with a nervous chuckle.

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