Chapter 13

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Badgerpaw sniffed the air, there seems to be no sign of any introducers. "Let's go back to camp." Turtlepelt said, Badgerpaw didn't hesitate and hurried after the other warriors. Shiningpaw was here as well, Badgerpaw was trying his best to not talk to her or stare at her, but it was difficult. There's still slight hope in his chest that she might love him, and he's planning to confess to her tonight. Before they come apprentices which is at the next moon. Badgerpaw padded into the camp, but something made him stop in his tracks. He looked at the medicine cats den, there was Flamestreak with Berryflight. Come to think of it, Flamestreak has been rather off lately. She's more sleepy than usual, and she seems tired at the point where she can't even catch a mouse. Not to mention she eats more than she did before.

Getting curious, Badgerpaw pushed through the medicine cats den and greeted the both she-cats. "Hello. How's Flamestreak?" Badgerpaw asked as he nervously sat down, a little further away from them. "Badgerpaw, you can't be here if you're not injured." Berryflight said, her whiskers twitched with annoyance. Badgerpaw looked away nervously. "A-ah, I know but I was a little worried for Flamestreak..." Badgerpaw said. He knows it was wrong to be here but he was curious to know if her Clanmate was okay. "Well, I'm happy to announce that it's nothing too serious." Berryflight said with a purr before she looked at Flamestreak. "You're going to have kits, Flamestreak!" Berryflight announced. Flamestreak pricked her ears in surprise as if she couldn't believe what she heard. Badgerpaw was surprised himself, that's great news. The dad must be Sharpclaw, they became mates but the kits came in a little earlier than he expected. They were barely mates for a moon.

Flamestreak started to purr happily. "That's great news! I have to tell Sharpclaw as soon as possible!" Flamestreak didn't hesitate, she got up on her paws and happily walked away with her tail high. Badgerpaw stared after her, he could see Flamestreak walk over to Sharpclaw, Badgerpaw couldn't hear what they were talking even if he pricked his ears in their direction, it was too far away, but he could see Sharpclaw's face lit up and they nuzzled each other. Suddenly, Badgerpaw heard Berryflight clear her throat, getting nervous he turned his head to look at her. Berryflight raised her eyebrow, looking skeptical. "Now that you're here, why don't you look for some borage? You know how it looks like, right?" Berryflight asked. This must be his punishment due walking in the medicine cats den for no reason at all. He was just worried about Flamestreak, that doesn't mean anything bad. But Badgerpaw knew better than to argue. "Yes..." Badgerpaw sighed. "Off you go then." Berryflight said, she walked back to the herbs and started mixing something. Badgerpaw isn't a medicine cat so he isn't sure what she's trying to make.

But that's unimportant. Badgerpaw walked away from the camp and started heading out to the forest. There were a lot of pine trees surrounding him, but he knew exactly where to go to find borage. Badgerpaw turned to the left and continued walking forward. He tasted the air, but he couldn't smell anything except a squirrel. Now isn't time for hunting however, he's looking for herbs, not for prey. Badgerpaw continued walking along, he jumped across small river that was flowing through, it wasn't big and it could be jumped over. Badgerpaw continued walking, jumping over the small rivers he passed until he spotted borage. He jumped over one last flowing river and sniffed at the borage. He could tell by the smell and look, it's what he was looking for. The sooner this is done the better, he didn't plan anything special to confess to Shiningpaw either, he needs to think of something or she might reject him. He'll think about that when he comes back. Badgerpaw began to pick up borage in his jaws, he picked as many as he could carry before ducking his head away and walking back to the camp. He couldn't see clearly because borage was blocking his view, but he could see enough to jump across perfectly.

Badgerpaw crossed the river with ease, the river wasn't small but it wasn't big either. Badgerpaw began to walk back to the camp, padding through the silent forest. The leaves were falling to the ground, they were once green and full of life but now orange and rotting slowly. Leaf-fall is already here, and next is Leaf-bare. Badgerpaw entered the camp, but he didn't expect what to see next. There were a lot of cats outside, arguing and shouting, Badgerpaw couldn't make out what they were saying. Badgerpaw entered the medicine cats den and put the borage down in front of Berryflight. Berryflight's red eyes looked worried. "What's going on?" Badgerpaw asked. Berryflight didn't reply for a second, she took the borage in her jaws and put them in her storage. "Go out and see for yourself." Berryflight said. Badgerpaw didn't needed to be told twice, he hurried out of the medicine cats den and looked around the clearing which was full of cats, arguing and shouting. Badgerpaw took a seat beside his mentor Flinchpelt.

Out of all people arguing, Flinchpelt stood silent with a worried expression. "What's going on?" Badgerpaw whispered. Flinchpelt snapped away from his thoughts and looked at Badgerpaw, his eyes darkening sadly. "It's DawnClan... We found dead prey on our border, it had a scent of a DawnClan cat." Flinchpelt whispered, Badgerpaw widened his eyes in surprise. DawnClan trespassed? Badgerpaw felt a growl rumbling in his throat, he dig his nails to the ground to stop himself from his pelt prickling. What are DawnClan doing, trespassing on their territory? "SILENCE!" Owlstar yowled so loudly that the whole clearing grew silent. Owlstar lost his temper, his tail lashed from side to side. "I know you're all concerned about this, but I'm sure that it was a misunderstanding." Owlstar said, but before he could continue Deerspirit spoke up. "It was no mistake! Me and Turtlepelt could smell DawnClan." Deerspirit said, Turtlepelt dipped her head in response, her eyes remained wary and serious. Shiningpaw was close by Echokit, her eyes clouded with anger while Echokit looked confused more than anything.

"We should attack them!" Deerspirit yowled and the others yowled after him, agreeing. Owlstar lost his temper and at last he snapped. "Are you crazy!? We have less warriors, after what happened--" Owlstar stopped in his tracks, Badgerpaw grew confused and he looked around the clearing. The older warriors looked concerned and sad, avoiding glances while some looked still mad, yet there was pain in their eyes. On the other hand, Skypaw, Shiningpaw, Echokit and Badgerpaw were the only confused ones. What's going on? Owlstar sighed and sat down on the rock. "We're not starting another battle and that's final. Out Clan is weak, what it needs now is more warriors and same counts for DawnClan. We can't waste our time fighting each other to death." Owlstar said, his eyes landed on every cat, and this time no one seemed to complain but Turtlepelt looked very mad and annoyed, her tail lashing from side to side yet she stood silent. "The meeting is over." Owlstar got up on his paws and went inside his den, disappearing once again. The Clan broke into talking, they quietly whispered to one another. Skypaw walked over to Badgerpaw and took a seat beside him. "What was that about?" Skypaw asked.

Badgerpaw couldn't find the answer, all the older warriors were the only to know. Were they keeping something from them? "Flinchpelt?" Badgerpaw asked. Flinchpelt hesitated, he gaze Badgerpaw a glance before looking away. "It's... Nothing. Don't worry." Without waiting for an answer, Flinchpelt got up on his paws and walked away with his tail dragging behind him. Badgerpaw turned to look at Skypaw who gave an innocent shrug. What in the name of StarClan is going on...?

Badgerpaw nudged Shiningpaw with his paw gently. Shiningpaw jolted before she opened her eyes lazily. "Badgerpaw?" Shiningpaw whispered. Badgerpaw gave her a 'shh', making her silent before he continued to speak. "I have to tell you something. Follow me." Badgerpaw said, he heard Shiningpaw groan as he left the apprentices den. He waited for her outside of the clearing, what felt like forever, she emerged at last. Her yellow pelt was easily spotted in the dark. "Come." Badgerpaw said, he trotted away from the camp, noticing Shiningpaw was following he hurried and started to run. After a bit of running, Badgerpaw stopped at his place, from here you can see the gathering from afar, but you can also look up at the shining stars. "What is it?" Shiningpaw asked, she sat down beside him tiredly and Badgerpaw sat down as well. "Aren't the stars beautiful tonight?" Badgerpaw asked, Shiningpaw tilted her head up to look at the stars who were high above the sky.

"Badgerpaw, if you just came here to stargaze then I'm going." Shiningpaw said, but before she could get up on her paws, Badgerpaw interrupted her. "No-no, not at all! I-It's actually more than that..." Badgerpaw murmured shyly, Shiningpaw relaxed her muscles again and blinked at Badgerpaw softly making his heart speed up. "I'm listening." Shiningpaw pricked her ears. Badgerpaw took a deep breath. This is it! "Shiningpaw, I actually liked you for a while now..." Badgerpaw started, Shiningpaw pricked her ears even more in surprise, her face showing slight shock but she continued to listen. "I was hoping that when we're made warriors, we could be mates... I love you, Shiningpaw. I want you to be with me." Badgerpaw said hopefully. Shiningpaw stood in place, not saying anything before she shook her head and getting up on her feet, she took a step forward. Her face showed awkwardness, she seemed uneasy. Badgerpaw's heart shattered at that instant, knowing what was coming. "I-I didn't know you felt this way towards me Badgerpaw..." Shiningpaw spoke up, still seeming awkward.

"But I don't feel the same way. Sorry. I-I need to go back, okay?" Without waiting for a response, Shiningpaw dashed away. Badgerpaw got up on his feet desperately to run after her, but he froze in his place. What could he do? She doesn't like him, and there's nothing he can do about it. Badgerpaw sat down and stared at the grass, rethinking what Shiningpaw said to him and how she acted before he felt tears streaming down his cheek. He closed his eyes in pain, and just stood there for a long time.

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