Chapter 2

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Whitepaw opened her eyes and blinked a few times, raising up her head she realized that it's still night but the sun was going up slowly. Whitepaw couldn't get herself to sleep, getting up on her feet she looked at her Denmate's that were asleep, Darkpaw, Frostpaw and her sister Brightpaw. Whitepaw wanted to be with her sister and talk to her, but she had to be focused on her training and prepare for what's coming. Whitepaw knew it was bad to eavesdrop, but she couldn't help it. She listened to Flowerstar's, Fluffytail's, Blazeheart's and Leafpaw's conversation, that's when she heard the prophecy. Whatever is coming doesn't sound good and Whitepaw doesn't want to waste her time talking to Brightpaw, or anyone at all.

But she still is interested in meeting her friend, Sky. He's a kittypet but he is very kind to her, he's the only one that understands her. Walking out of the den, Whitepaw started to walk out of the camp totally forgetting that Foxtail is guarding the camp, but when she realized Whitepaw was about to back away but it was too late, Foxtail spotted her. "What are you doing Whitepaw? It's not daytime yet." Foxtail meowed, he twitched his ear as he stared at Whitepaw. Apprentice's aren't allowed to leave the camp without permission or without their mentors going with them. "I couldn't sleep so I wanted to go get some fresh air... I'll be quick, I promise!" Whitepaw said, she gazed at Foxtail and hoped that he will allow her to go. Foxtail stared in Whitepaw's green eyes before he gave up with a nod.

"Don't take too long." Foxtail said, Whitepaw gave him a nod and she started to pad over to the forest, she headed away towards twolegs place. She didn't see her friend Sky for few days now, she wonders how he's doing. It didn't take her long to reach the twolegs place, looking around she hoped to see any sign of Sky but he wasn't anywhere near. Frowning, Whitepaw looked at the fence in front of her. She jumped swiftly on top of it and looked around, all she could see were twoleg dens, no sign of a cat with blue pelt. "Sky... Where are you..." Whitepaw mumbled to herself, she sniffed the air and she could easily pick up Sky's scent, but it was stale. Whitepaw grew sad and disappointed, looks like Sky isn't here. "Whitepaw?" Whitepaw jumped at the sound of her name being called, she however regained balance and luckily didn't fall off the fence.

Turning her head around, she looked down to see her friend Sky who was staring up at her, his yellow eyes pricked with surprise. "What are you doing here Whitepaw?" Sky asked as he watched Whitepaw leap down from the fence and land beside him. Whitepaw looked at Sky with a shy smile as she settled herself to sit beside him. "I came to see you. We didn't see each other much these days." Whitepaw pointed out, Sky stared at her without saying anything, he looked away and Whitepaw stood silent with shock. Wasn't he excited to see her as much as Whitepaw was to see him? Suddenly, Sky's eyes lit up and shined with excitement, he turned around and looked at Whitepaw. "I almost forgot! I want to show you something, follow me!" Sky meowed with excitement, and without waiting for a response he darted away, jumping on the fence and over it, escaping from Whitepaw's sight.

"Sky wait..." Whitepaw mumbled to herself, sighing she jumped on the fence and looked around to see Sky who was already walking away without waiting for her. "Hey- Wait!" Whitepaw yowled but Sky didn't listen, getting annoyed Whitepaw jumped down and rushed over to him, until she finally reached him and walked beside him. "What's up with you? What's this thing you wanna show me?" Whitepaw asked, her eyes wide with surprise. Whatever it is, Sky seems very excited and happy about it, it makes Whitepaw also feel excited, wondering what's on his mind. "It's a surprise." Sky purred and winked at her making Whitepaw smile, Sky always likes surprising her and Whitepaw doesn't mind it. Sky hurried a little, his walking turned into running and Whitepaw followed after him, curiosity pricking her pelt.

Sky pushed through a bush and Whitepaw followed by, slowing down her pace. As she pushed through the other side, she blinked a few times before her eyes widened with surprise at the view in front of her. There was a small lake in the middle, and a big tree with pink leaves on it. Whitepaw never saw something like that, Sky was already walking slowly towards the tree. Whitepaw rushed after him and fell in beside him, their pelts slightly brushing against each other. "Wow!" Whitepaw gasped with amazement, Sky purred in reply. "Isn't it beautiful?" Sky asked as he stared at Whitepaw, Whitepaw looked at him and gave him a soft smile. "It really is. How did you find it?" Whitepaw asked. Sky leaded her towards the pink tree, when they reached it Sky stopped and faced her.

"I found it by accident, but I'm glad I did. I like to be here, I come here every time I'm bored." Sky meowed, Whitepaw pricked her ears with interest. That explains why she couldn't find Sky and why his scent was stale - he was being here the whole time! Whitepaw looked up at the big tree in front of her, it wasn't big but it was thick and wide. "It's a lucky find." Whitepaw meowed, Sky jumped on the tree, his claws dug in deep as he started to climb up and up, Whitepaw stared at him in amazement, she never knew a kittypet could climb like this! Sky was skillfully and swiftly climbing on the tree until he reached a branch that was big enough for any cat to stand on without worrying to fall down. Sky looked down and he purred with laughter, noticing Whitepaw's face. "I may be a kittypet, but I still got some tricks that can surprise you." Sky said.

"Come on, join me!" Sky called, Whitepaw hesitated, her paws stuck on the ground and she stared at the tree with wide fearful eyes. What if she falls? What if she gets injured? Her mind raced with questions but she pushed them away, she can't give up now. Pushing her fears away, Whitepaw jumped on the tree and dug her claws on the wood like her life depended on it, she began to climb slowly and carefully, until she finally reached Sky and sat down beside him. Her heart was pounding loudly and she was out of breath, Sky leaned closer to her and their pelts brushed against each other, it calmed Whitepaw a little and her muscles relaxed. "It wasn't so hard, was it?" Sky asked with a smile, Whitepaw smiled shyly back. "I suppose not." Whitepaw admitted, Sky pulled away from her and laid down on the branch, making himself comfortable.

"You go here all the time?" Whitepaw asked with surprise, she didn't even know that this place existed and it looks very beautiful. "Only when I'm bored or have nothing to do." Sky answered, he twitched his tail-tip as he stared down at the beautiful water in front of them. "I can see both of us in the reflection of the water!" Whitepaw meowed with amazement as she stared at the small river in front of them, she could see her white and ginger pelt, and Sky's blue pelt. "Yes, amazing isn't it?" Sky purred with amusement, Whitepaw purred back. She looked at Sky and stared at him for a couple of seconds before she spoke up. "How are you? I didn't see you for awhile now, I want to hear everything." Whitepaw said, she rested her head on her paws, getting comfortable and ready to listen to Sky's story.

"Nothing important happened, but one day I wandered away to explore a little farther and found three cats living in the barn. They were Sunny, Shark and Mist. They are nice cats, I'm glad I met them. But besides that, nothing else happened. How about you?" Sky asked, his yellow eyes met Whitepaw's as he waited patiently for her answer. Whitepaw shrugged in response, she didn't have nothing important to share. "Not that I can think of. I'm just patrolling and practicing with my mentor." Whitepaw answered, Sky gave her a nod and he shifted in his spot, trying to get comfortable. Whitepaw looked up at the sky, noticing that the sun was up she began to worry. Her Clanmates will wonder where she went if she never comes back.

"Sky, I have to go." Whitepaw said, she felt immediately guilty and sad when she saw Sky looked disappointed and hurt, even tho he tried not to show it. "Already?" Sky meowed sadly, Whitepaw gave him a sad nod. "My Clanmates will wonder where I went. I'll come back later, okay?" Whitepaw asked, Sky still looked sad but he nodded either way. Whitepaw got on her paws and rested her muzzle on his head, silently saying sorry to him. Backing away, Whitepaw jumped down from the tree and stared to go back to the forest, giving Sky one last glance. He was staring at her and watching her go, Whitepaw wanted to run back to him and be close to him again but she has to go. Shaking her head, she turned around and padded away into the forest, catching a vole on the way so she doesn't come back to camp empty pawed.

Whitepaw pushed through the entrance of the camp and in it she could see that every cat was awake, Fluffytail was ordering who to choose to patrol, she spotted her mentor Redberry who hurried over to Whitepaw. "There you are! Where were you!?" Redberry asked, his eyes flashed with alarm and worry. Whitepaw sat down and put the vole on the ground so she can speak as she faced her mentor. "Relax, I was out hunting. I woke up earlier and wanted to stretch my legs." Whitepaw answered, but Redberry wasn't pleased by her answer at all. Redberry lashed his tail in anger. "Apprentice's don't go out without their mentors permission. Just don't do it next time, alright?" Redberry asked and Whitepaw gave a nod in response, lowering her head in shame.

"Go put that vole on fresh-kill pile and come back to me, were going to practice battle moves." At Redberry's moves, Whitepaw's eyes shined with excitement, she picked up the vole and with her head high she confidently walked over to the fresh-kill pile. She can't wait to start learning battle moves!

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