Chapter 8

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Badgerpaw looked up as the sun began to fall down, his pelt prickled with excitement. Tonight will be full moon, which means there will be gathering! Flinchpelt told Badgerpaw how the gathering looks like, it was a wide moor with two huge rocks that the two leaders would sit on, their deputies beside the rock, facing their Clanmates while warriors, apprentices and elders would be on the grass, looking up at their leaders. But that's not the only reason Badgerpaw wants to go, he also wants to see Brightpaw. The last time he saw her, she was devastated because of something, but Badgerpaw couldn't guess what. "But mom I want to go!" Badgerpaw angled his ears towards the sound, he looked around to see Echokit who was complaining. Badgerpaw's pelt prickled along his spine uneasily. Cherrypool padded after Echokit and licked his ears confidently. "When you're an apprentice, you will go. But that's not for another two moons, because you snuck out of camp." Cherrypol said, giving her son a disappointed look.

Echokit frowned and he stared down at his paws. Echokit should be apprenticed in a moon, but since he snuck out of camp, he has to wait another moon now. "Don't worry, I'll tell you everything when I come back!" Shiningpaw said, she crouched down in front of Echokit and smiled at him. "Everything?" Echokit meowed. "Everything." Shiningpaw promised with a smile, she touched noses with the young kit, Echokit let out a purr. Badgerpaw looked away from them, he couldn't bear to look at the two of them any longer. His jealousy was taking the best of him and he has to control it. Flinchpelt walked over to Badgerpaw and stopped beside him. "Are you ready to go? We will go any second now..." Flinchpelt said, he looked up at the moon that was high in the sky. Badgerpaw followed his gaze, taking a deep breath he closed his eyes. 'I have to be the best warrior I can be. I can't keep having these feelings, I must do my best to ignore them.' Badgerpaw opened his eyes and gave his mentor a nod. "I'm ready."

"Great." Flinchpelt gave his apprentice a nod before he padded away towards Shadeclaw, starting a conversation with him. Badgerpaw looked around the clearing, Flamestreak was eating alone while Deerspirit and Turtlepelt were sharing tongues. Owlstar padded out of his den and signaled for cats to follow him. Mostly everyone was going, but Deerspirit and Turtlepelt stayed behind to protect the camp in case anything happened. There weren't much cats in MoonClan, but nor are in DawnClan. They're balanced perfectly, their Clan is growing and there will be more of them one day. Badgerpaw padded after his mentor, staying close to his side. Somewhere in front, he could see Shiningpaw beside Owlstar, she was bouncing excitedly. Owlstar is Shiningpaw's mentor, after all... He must wish he didn't pick such a enthusiastic apprentice right now. Badgerpaw looked up at Flinchpelt, but Flinchpelt was staring ahead, not seeming to notice Badgerpaw.

Badgerpaw looked straight forward again, he could see the gathering from afar. He spotted the two big rocks from distance and the wide moor, there were four trees surrounding the clearing. Everyone spoke to each other, excited about the gathering that's coming in shortly. Badgerpaw glanced around his Clanmates, they all looked happy and cheerful. Badgerpaw could feel himself getting excited as well, he will get to see Brightpaw. He really wanted to ask her why she looked so devastated that day, he felt bad and wondered what's the cause of her action. Badgerpaw could remember the soft smile on her face, her laugh, her scent... Badgerpaw drifted away, remembering all his memories with her. "You seem excited about something!" Flinchpelt said, giving Badgerpaw a teasing smile. Badgerpaw's ears filled hot with embarrassment as he looked away. "Even if Shiningpaw is spending her time with Echokit doesn't mean that she doesn't like you." Flinchpelt said. Badgerpaw frowned at his mentor.

"I know that but... Shiningpaw doesn't really spend as much time with me as before. It's like I don't even exist." Badgerpaw said, he stared down at his paws in shame. He remembered the time he scared Echokit by accident, he didn't intend to but ... He was just too jealous. He shouldn't ever let jealousy take the best of him ever again. "Why not try talking with her? That's a start. All you do is stare at her all day." Flinchpelt said. Badgerpaw stared at his mentor with surprise. He really does that? Badgerpaw thought no one saw him stare at Shiningpaw, he looks at her when no one's looking. He doesn't want others to find out he likes her. "There's time to confess your love in the future, what you should be focusing on now is to become a great warrior." His mentor said. Badgerpaw had to admit that his mentor was right, but it's impossible to just push these feelings aside when they're so deep in his heart. "I'll try, Flinchpelt." Badgerpaw said. By the time, they were already at the gathering.

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