Chapter 5: The Dinner

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 Nialls small tan car pulled up to a small little roadside resturaunt. I was suprised that he didnt have a huge expensive car like Harry, but i wasnt complaining. He got out first and opened my door. "Thank you" i blushed. We walked up a few little stairs and he opened the resturaunt door for me. We walked in and the hostess imeadietly smiled at us. "Welcome to Ocean View! Im Demi and ill be your waitress tonight!" She grabbed two menus and we followed her to a small booth in the corner of the resturaunt.

"Alright ill be over in a few minutes to take your order, but feel free to take your time!" Before walking away she tucked a piece of her short wavy brown hair behind her ear, but it wouldnt give in, and it fell back in front of her bright green eyes. She smiled, revealing shiny silver braces, and sashaed away to the kitchen. I looked out the window and saw the ocean shore, the waves crashing up against the shore. I see why its called Ocean View! i thought.

"Im sorry about the papratzi today. I hope it didnt ruin your day!" Niall said smiling. I laughed "No, but i thought it was a little strange they followed me to me house...." i shrugged "Oh well. i dont really mind." i giggled. "So Abby, ive got a question for you." Niall asked. My stomach tightened. "um yeah sure, go aheead." oh god. "Would you say we are... dating?" he asked getting a little red. "Um, well maybe... i mean like honestly i actually like you..." i said. He smiled. "Well then i guess we are!" he laughed. The waitress came back to us.

"Can i take your drink order?" She said smiling. "Ill have a ice water, no lemon please." i said. "Alright and for you sir?" she asked Niall. "Coke please." he replied. "Alright, ill be right back!" she said, and she left.

"My friend, Maggie, is a huge fan of you guys." i blurted. Niall smirked "Really? Have you told her you know us?" i looked down at my lap. "Nooo....." i said. "She would kill me for Harry." i said looking up at Niall. he was laughing! "What?" i asked. "Its just that, i would think you would tell you friends your dating a member of one direction." he smiled. "Well dont be so cocky mister." i teased. We looked over the menu quickly and chose our dinners. Demi came back with our drinks.

"Okay what can i get you two for dinner?" she asked. "Um ill have the new york sirloin please with a side of fries." i said. And ill have the same." Niall said and he winked at me. "Alrighty itll be out in about 20 minutes!" She exclaimed at went into the kitchen.

"Honestly i dont know how to tell Maggie. But seeing as she has a subsrcription to about every gossip mag, shell find out soon enough, and my head will be served on a silver platter." i sighed. I propped my elbows up on my table and rested my chin in my hands. "Well, i can see that. I mean maybe you just need to tell her the truth. Maybe tomorrow morning, ill come over if you need me." He said. How is he so sweet. i smiled at him. "Yeah, i could use some assistance. Shes a little wacked." he chuckled at me.

There was a large crash in the kitchen and we could hear some muffled shouts. "What the...?" Niall said. We watched the kitchen doors and we saw Demi speed walk out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. "Should i do something?" i whispered and Niall nodded.

I got up and went into the bathroom. As i opened the door i saw her at the sink, her eyes puffy red. "Are you okay?" i asked softly. She looked up at me suprised, "Oh," she wiped her eyes and weakly smiled, but tears brimmed to her eyes, and she started crying again, and ran into my arms. "Oh....its okay." i tried to comfort her, but it was hard seeing as i didnt know her. She pulled back and sniffled. "My boss, the head chef, blamed me for him messing up an order, for the 12th, time today. Hes threatning to fire me. This is the only job that barely lets me keep my small apartment." she sniffled and wiped her eyes with her shirt sleeve.

"You should quit." i said. She looked at me strangely. "Are you ubsurd!" she asked in a forced whisper. "Well what do you like to do?" i asked. "Well, i love makeup and fashion..." she said. i smiled "Be right back, stay here!" i ran out of the bathroom to the table. i scooched in next to Niall.

"Okay, it turns out she loves makeup and fashion. I know you have a makeup artist, Lou right? Well i was thinking she could be Lou's assistant...?" Niall looked at me funny for a second,but then he smiled. "Sounds like a plan, but you need to explain more while we eat" he gestured to the two plates that were on the table. "oh..... be right back." i weakly smiled and darted to the bathroom.

"Demi! I think ive got you a job!" i exclaimed. She smiled from ear to ear "Really? Then ive been waiting to do this" She walked out of the bathroom, and  followed her. i walked to my table when i heard:

"Hey boss! Guess what? I QUIT!" Demi shouted and she walked out of the kitchen with a smug smile. I smiled at her. "Care to join us?" i asked. I noticed her apron was gone, and now she was just wearing a white blouse and some black jeans.

"Niall, Demi is going to join us for dinner if you dont mind." i said sitting next to him while Demi sat across from us. I pulled my plate over to my spot and started eating my steak that was luckily still warm.

"So Demi how long have you worked here?" Niall asked. "3 years. I started when i was 16." she said.

We all chatted for a while until we finished our food. "You guys dont need to pay." Demi said. She walked over to a waiter and whispered something, and he laughed, hugged her, and left. She came back over to us.

"My friend Jake's gonna distract the boss while we leave, so lets go!" She said hastily. We got up and hurried out.

"Demi, would you like me to take you home?" Niall asked. Demi shook her head, "No, its okay i live right down there." She pointed to a street a little ways down the road across the main road. "Alright, I'll text you tomorrow about the job!" i said and she smiled real big. "Okay! Bye!" And she walked away.

Niall and i got in the car and we headed back to my place.


"Alright call me tomorrow about your friend. Ill come over." He said. I nodded. "Yeah, sounds great." i smiled. We walked to my door.

"Thank you so so much for tonight, I really enjoyed it!" i said. "Me too." Niall said. We stood there for a while, until i pulled out my keys "See you tomorrow." I said, but before i could walk in Niall quickly grabbed my waist and kissed me.

His lips were soft and warm, but the kiss only lasted about 5 seconds. He pulled away. "Um...sorry. I'll see you tomorrow." He was super red. I smiled at him, "Bye, Niall." I giggled stupidly. He smiled and left.

I walked and sat on my plum colored sofa and got my mac book pro out. I went on twitter and i had at least 3,000 mentions. I looked at all of the comments. Most of them were hate. From Niall girls. There still were some nice ones, but not nearly as much as the mean comments. I closed my laptop quickly. Honestly, i didnt care about the hate. But if they found out then..... Ring, ring ring. Call from Maggie. Oh Crap. I ignored it and quickly got into my penguin footy pjs. I fell asleep almost imeadietly. I'd just have to tell Maggie tomorrow.

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